Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

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Posts posted by Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

  1. Yes we should all condemn it but I just dont understand why we only blame it on the west and not ourselves(Africans), while we participated the trade(at leasst some of our ancestors). We should allocate some of the blames to the africans. In trades, there has to be sellers and buyers or else, it wont take place.

  2. Salaamu calaykum Bro & Sis:

    Dear my Somali people for the last ten and so years I have been bothered with the distraction of our country, nor do I see any prospects coming for the near future. Since we [Diaspora] are the generation X or most of us are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. How can we face or solve this problem? Or have we really erased our memory from this no men land? :(