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Everything posted by PasserBy

  2. jijiga, January 4, 2011 (jijiga) - The ongoing Jijiga town water project launched at a cost of 100 million Birr is well in progress , the State’s Water Resources Development Bureau said. Bureau Deputy Head, Fertun Abdi Mahdi told ENA on Monday the project includes the digging of six sink wells, three reservoirs and distribution stations, among others. She said digging of six sinking wells, construction of two reservoirs and installation of 70-kms of pipe line have already finalized. Up on going fully operational in the coming February, the project is expected to supply water to 70,000 residents of the town for 20 years. She said the regional government covered the construction cost of the water project.
  3. Do you work at the Ethio embassy in Ottawa? Just asking! No, I work at Ethio Embassy in Hargeisa. :D Anyway, forget your silly question and instead enjoy this Hareri song.
  4. Addis Ababa, December 21, 2010 (Addis Ababa) - Former members and supporters of the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) living in South Africa vowed to contribute share towards development of the Somali Regional State, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The Ministry told ENA on Tuesday that they vowed to contribute share towards the same goal at a meeting they held in Pretoria. The former members and supporters of the stated parties said that they had no clear understanding on the real situation in the region due to lack of accurate information, it said. They also said that they have agreed to support the peace and reconciliation process in the region following repeated meetings they held with officials of the Ethiopian embassy and also chairperson of the association of Somali natives in that country, among others. They further said they pursue the path of peace for the development of the region, it said.
  5. The Slander Borat, Xaaji, is not a happy camper.
  6. Somali State raises primary education coverage to 73.5 per cent Tuesday, 23 November 2010 Jijjiga, November 23 (WIC) – The Somali State Education Bureau said that primary education coverage has reached to 73.5 per cent during the past three months. Bureau Head, Ibrahim Ali Musa, told WIC today that the coverage rose to the stated per cent from 63.8 percent last academic year as a result of the campaign carried out by teachers, parents and leaderships to increase primary school enrollment rate. He said 1,746 teachers graduated with certificate from Jijjiga and Gode Teachers Training colleges were deployed to various primary schools so as to alleviate shortage of teachers. He further said that some 1,000 teachers are currently receiving similar training so as to alleviate shortage of teachers. Moreover, school feeding program has been launched in 147 schools and the program will be consolidated in the future in order to alleviate school dropout rate, he said. According to Ibrahim, rigorous efforts would be made to push the primary education coverage in the state to 75 per cent this academic year.
  7. Weirdo Isaias Afewrki, the locust eating Tigre, master of slave Admiral Osman. :D :D
  8. Weirdo Isaias Afewrki, the locust eating Tigre, master of slave Admiral Osman. :D :D
  9. ONLF expresses readiness to contribute share for GTP success Tuesday, 14 December 2010 Addis Ababa, December 13 (WIC) – The ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) has expressed its readiness to contribute share for the success of the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of the government. ONLF Chairman Eng. Salahdin Maow, told WIC today that members of the Front are ready to join hands for the success of GTP and sustainability of ongoing speedy economic growth. He said the Front is currently making utmost efforts to attract investors from abroad through promoting the investment opportunities available in the country for the successfully realization of the plan. He said that Front’s members are prepared to work rigorously in order to produce better development outcomes, bring about good governance and strengthen democracy in the state. Eng. Salahdin further commended government’s commitment to expedite development and change the image of the nation. “There are visible and valued outcomes registered in the infrastructure, good governance, democracy, peace, education, health and potable water sectors across the country,” he noted. Eng. Salahdin said that residents of the Somali State have been benefiting from the development results attained over the past years and they are also happy about the peace deal signed between the government and the Front. He said the Front signed the agreement after realizing the destructive effects of war, fast economic growth registered in the country and readiness of Ethiopian government to work with all groups willing to operate peacefully and abide by the Constitution. “We were tricked by the Asmara regime to destabilize the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia in particular. But now we have come to our sense that war is nothing but destructive,” he said. According to Eng. Salahdin, there are no factions capable of undermining peace in the country. He said Eritrean-backed anti peace elements are currently disappearing. Regarding the 5th International Conference on Federalism (ICF), he said that hosting such kind of international conference would enable to build Ethiopia’s positive image. Human rights are better respected now in Ethiopia than ever before owing to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s outstanding leadership quality. He finally called on natives of Somali State and all Ethiopians to back the five-year GTP and ongoing development activities in the state.
  10. Jac, Where in wikileaks does it say US twisted xabashis arm and forced them to invade Somalia? The author cited wikileaks but didn't provide the exact text. Where is it? The fact that the author is from anti-war crowd makes me question the authenticiy of his claim.
  11. President Ali Abdella Saleh is not getting any break these days. Poor guy.
  12. The Minister refuted Saba’s reporting which was also quoted by other regional and international agencies, not based on facts. He said that Saba used the picture of President Guelleh and the Eritrean president taken at the opening ceremony of the “Gulf Football Cup 20”. The picture gave the impression that Djibouti has normal relations with Eritrea. And contrary to what the Yemeni agency reported, there was never a tripartite summit between Yemen, Eritrea and Djibouti on any subject. Concerning the Eritrean-Djiboutian relations, the minister stated that the task of resolving the border dispute between the two countries is still under the auspices and the mediation of the Emir of Qatar, and expressed his hope that the conflict would be resolved peacefully and in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.
  13. 80 million Impressive. I suggest residents of Garowe cut back on their sleep if they want to catch up to Hargiesa.
  14. It is nice. What is the current population of the city?
  15. Ethiopia is desperately looking to diversify its port source. As I pointed out in another topic, the obvious choices are Berbera and Bosasso. One of the drawbacks to Berbera port is the lack of one good paved road from the port to Jijiga. I don't blame Somalilanders, though, since they haven't received funding from multinationals for the project due to their unresolved status. But still Berbera is in a much better shape than Bosasso is. Hopefully both regions will get the much-needed money to build/upgrade their infrastructure. I would like to see the extention of this yet-to-be built railway line to Berbera, at least.
  16. I am not discounting the progress. I can see it. Paved roads would be welcome addition. They don't necessarily have to be asphalt either.
  17. There is no Eritrean army, it is an Egyptian army, there is no Eritrean leader, he is an Egyptian Spy. How Egypt successfully sabotaged and aborted the Eritrean revolution and became its colonizer . Gidoen Bahtemariam Dec 1, 2010 For the past forty years the Eritrean people labored hard to create a nation and a leader of their own, instead what they ended up is with an Egyptian spy at the helm of power, and with an Egyptian army ready to serve the interest of Egypt. For many political observers, and Ethiopians, this development is not surprising. Egypt has been working hard for many years to try to destabilize Ethiopia, and tear up Ethiopia into pieces. Even though it did not succeed in accomplishing this dream, Egypt was successful in sabotaging the Eritrean revolution, and its people's aspiration of independent nation. Now, the biggest question and puzzle is how did the Eritrean people struggle for forty years to become Egyptian servants, and not be able to really appreciate and enjoy their freedom and independent? This article will try to answer these difficult questions. From my understanding, and historical records, the Eritrean people struggled to create a just, prosperous, democratic, and independent nation. This dream never materialized. The main reason, and the main assassin of this dream is the Egyptian intelligent services. Right at the inception of EPLF, the Egyptian intelligent services was closely working with EPLF leaders molding the leadership that will more likely be a puppet to its interest. After many close psychological evaluation of the EPLF leadership, Egyptian intelligent services, found Isays character, was fit for their purpose. The Egyptian intelligence services, made this decision when EPLF was at its infant stages. That been the case, Egyptian intelligence services became the shadow of Isyas. They cleverly manipulated, and shaped his decision making. They single handed helped him eliminate true Eritrean nationals. After Egyptian intelligent services, secured, Isyas position in EPLF, from that point they were able to influence, EPLF's cultural movement as well. Let me elaborate further on this. EPLF focus was not only indepdence, but also the creation of the culture of hate. Egyptian intelligent services, and the leaders of Egypt targeted the Eritrean culture, because they figured, if Eritrean continued to believe in the brotherly and sisterly relationship with the Ethiopians, then Eritrean Independence was not going to help achieve Egyptian goal. Therefore, it was very crucial for Egypt to control EPLF propaganda department through Isyas. It was for this reason that in the past forty years EPLF propaganda was not only targeting Independence, but also in creating permanent hate between the Eritrean and the Ethiopian people. In its propaganda, EPLF created fictional history based on Egyptian Intelligence creation. According to EPLF propaganda, as of now the root of Eritrean people has not been discovered. But EPLF has clearly articulated, that the Eritrean people do not have any relationship with Ethiopian people. This is the genius design of the Egyptian intelligence services. Egyptian spy master controls Asmera, Eritrean jubilant about freedom, and peace? Eritreans gained their Independence in 1991. The unsuspecting public were elated by the new freedom, peace, and potential for prosperity. The Eritrean people finally proclaimed that they have defeated their enemy? Really? Eritrean parents were happy that they did not have to send their children to war anymore, since Eritrea was independent. This joy and happiness only lasted for seven years. In 1998, the Egyptian intelligent services, cleverly manipulated Isyas to invade Ethiopia, and tear it up into pieces. Isyas rounded up Eritrean youth to fight for his master Egypt, and invaded parts of Ethiopia. I ask readers, will a true Eritrean leader have taken that action? The answer is no. A true Eritrean leader would have told the Egyptians that his people were tired of war, and that this was a time for knowledge, prosperity, and peace. Isays been a true, and a loyal servant, he had to listen to his Shadow, the Egyptians. 1998, Eritrean revolution disolved, and it became naked to the eyes that Isyas is a spy for Egypt not a leader for Eritrea. This war started after the Eritrean people felt that they had achieved their goal. It started when the Eritrean people were trying to enjoy the fruit of a brotherly relationship with Ethiopia, and a peaceful existence in their nation. A war that was started to cut Ethiopia into pieces, ended up cutting Erirea's social fabric, freedom, peace, and prosperity. By 2001 a group that became known as the G-15 finally realized the spy master that was planted in the Eritrean revolution. But, it was too late, the damage was done. Isays was always protected by his shadow the Egyptian intelligent services, nothing happened to him. Instead the true nationalist, faced life sentences in the land that they sacrficed for most of their life. They fought so that they can own a prison that isays could cage them in? 2000-2010 Egyptian Spy oiling the war machinery, Erirean dream wipted out, worst nightmare realized. When Isays failed to accomplish the task of cutting Ethiopia into pieces during the Bademe war, Egyptian intelligent services retreated to plan B, which is to make Eritrea a threat to Ethiopia. To accomplish this dream Egyptian military leaders decided to turn Eritrea into a military boot camp, by closing all the traditional and formal educational institutions in Eritrea. This has never been done in the Eritrea history. Egypt basically made sure that Eritrean children remain its servants, and soldiers until the dream to cut Ethiopia into pieces is realized. This leads to the next topic, A new war in Eritrea, Isays the Egyptian spy, verses Eritrean youth. headline news: (Eritrean soccer team abondons the nation, Eritreans fleeing through Libya , Sudan, Ethiopia, Uk, USA, the list goes on) For those of us who have been observing the Eritrean revolution, one can say that tens of thousands of Eritrean youth proudly served EPLF thinking that they were fighting for nationhood. Post Bademe war brought a new era. The Eritrean youth finally realized that there is no Eritrean leader, there is only Egyptian servant. For that reason Eritrean youth numbering in thousands began to flee Egyptian oppression. Finally Eritrean youth began to realize that Egypt has systematically colonized their country. But instead of trying to free Eritrea from Egyptian colony the Eritrean youth tired of war are fleeing to neighboring countries. Finally, the creation of Egyptian army in Eritrea? As we speak Eritrea no longer has an army to protect her. The current Isays army is an Egyptian army. The world is ignoring the modern slavery that is taking place in Eritrea. while the Europeans colonized Africans in day light, the Egyptians are colonizing Eritrea in the dark. Egyptian intelligent service annulled Eritrean Independence, and they are now playing with the lives of both Eritrean and Ethiopian lives. While Egyptian children enjoy modern education, Eritrean children are herded to Sawa to fight Egyptian war. Reccomandation, for both Eritreans and Ethiopians. As long as Egypt continue colonizing the Eritrean people through Isyas, there will be no peace in the horn. Ethiopia needs to help Eritreans regain their short lived Independence. The Ethiopian policy makers, and the public need to understand the root of Eritrean hatred toward Ethiopia. We need to understand the hate that EPLF spew against Ethiopians was created by the colonizers. Therefore, we have to help the Eritrean people get rid of the colonizers. A war has already erupted between the colonizers, and the natives of Eritrea. Instead of fighting for the colonizer Eritreans are saving their lives and fleeing all over the world. Now the biggest question for Eritreans all over the world is how long can Eritreans continue to flee? And how long could the colonizer subjugate the Eritrean people to internal military service? Is the answer until Ethiopia is cut to pieces? Of course this is the goal of the colonizer, but is this realistic? Could Egypt accomplish its goal by using the the native fighters? Eritrean on the other hand need to be realistic about the tragedy that is taking place in Eritrea. On the map Eritrea is independent, but physically Eritrea at this point is been colonized by Egypt. The struggle of forty or fifty years has ended in Egypt colonizing Eritrea. Before it is too late, Eritreans need to wake up and reclaim their nation. If Eritreans want to reclaim their nation, they must work hard like they did before. In the final analysis all this clever design by Egypt is to preserve and ensure a successful future for its golden race, by destroying two brotherly neighbors. The question is will we both Ethiopians and Eritreans allow Egypt to execute her plan? The answer is found within every Eritrean and Ethiopian person.
  18. President Isaias holds talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek in Cairo Asmara, 2 December 2010 – President Isaias Afwerki today held talks with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in Cairo. The two leaders conducted extensive discussion on developing bilateral relations and cooperation, as well as regional and international issues of interest to both countries. Following participation in the 3rd AU-EU Summit in Tripoli, Libya, from November 29 to 30, President Isaias arrived in Cairo in the morning hours today.
  19. “The result would be the creation of a non-viable state that could threaten Egypt's access to the Nile waters,” says an Egyptian foreign ministry official quoted in the cable. The official suggested that the 2011 referendum be postponed for four to six years until the "capacity for statehood in South Sudan can be developed.” More recent statements last month show some divergences between US and Egyptian visions for Sudan. State Department spokesperson Philip Crowley said in November that the United States had rejected a suggestion by Egypt for a "confederation" between North and South Sudan. Crowley asserted it was up to the people of South Sudan to determine their own fate. In the cable, Egyptian officials are also expected to propose more cooperation with USAID in the Horn of Africa to promote Egypt’s regional interests. “The GoE [Government of Egypt] will likely encourage the USG [united States Government] to take the "public" lead on some issues, reflecting Egypt's aversion to risk and fear of the consequences if these initiatives fail,” says a US Embassy official. cable
  20. Why is muriidi ashamed of translating his national lingo? Maybe he is Amharic dyslexic.
  21. In fact what the Ethiopian Prime Minister said is stronger than that I translated. It was a matter of fact statement. what he said is Ethiopia WILL maintain its good relationship with Somaliland.. Meaning, regardless of who is in power in Somaliland, Ethiopia will continue to forge excellent relationship with the people and government of Somaliland.