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Posts posted by grasshopper

  1. How can you say he's not harming anyone? Look people don't walk around in real life saying these things to each other (for the most part anyway :P)


    I'm tired of ppl thinking they can't be held accountable for what they say on the net. It's a slippery slope we've been on for a long time when people begin to accept this hate as people's "right". It's also my right not to be attacked based on my race..

  2. Oh Black people. You like to complain and criticize. But where is the action, eh?? Why are we not staging sit- ins at our Ghanaian embassies around the world, demanding that OUR president take a firm stance on Kony until he’s captured. Why are Nigerians, Gambians and Kenyan’s not doing the same? Why are we not speaking out until our voices are impossible to ignore? Here’s a better question: Why did an AFRICAN not start the Kony2012 campaign? It’s because you people care, yes, but you don’t care enough


    When the Save Darfur campaign was at its height, who did we see out on the Washington Mall at those rallies? White students! There was a sprinkling of Blacks here and there, but not en masse as it should have been. These are our brothers and sisters after all!


    This blogger took the words right out of my mouth..