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Posts posted by lol

  1. None of the above + dahab SA laga keenay.... I believe a real man will never ask his woman what turns her on, rather he will take the initiative to explore her physically and emotionally...And actually for most woman including myself... Are turned off when a man does this kind of inquiry... :D

  2. Jamal: That was so tru especially where it says, "

    there has been a price for the love he has given. His love is

    no longer pure. The memory of every lover shares his bed, and will forever

    more. And so, be careful with your love. Do not give it casually. Take the

    risks you must to find the love you must. But remember that each love is a

    marriage and each will be part of you forever. Each decreases by the

    smallest amount, your capacity to give yourself totally to another, because

    each one fills a small space in your heart that can never be occupied by


    .... Why is it so hard to find love like the first one? It is not fair.. but everytime we meet someone else... we just compare them to the first lover we knew...

  3. ScareFace: You know I love curls and actually I wanna get dreadlocks :D .. but my parents are against it... so brotha... not all sisters use relaxers... when you have curls that bounce, twist and dance, who needs str8 hair that lays dead :confused:

  4. Dawaco: Walaashiis we have been brought up in diverse environments within Somalia. And each village or city has its own traditions if you look at it closely. We vary in many ways although major things such as religion is homogenous.


    As a child we are not thought the importance of culture or how to adhere to one's culture. Honestly speaking none of the Somali parents that I have encountered had emphasized importance of culture in young children. Most of the parents are busy adapting to the environment they livein, and tend to forget the one they left. So what do you expect of the child??


    When we change and become westernized, arab-ized, africanized and oppose our elders'thinking do they realize the depth of our variation. Now who is to blame?


    As for us women, Somali tradition although has its good but mostly it favors men. All over Somalia women are oppressed and dominated by men. Coming to the diaspora has opened our eyes and altered our thinking. Majority of Somali women were brought up to be slave for the men in thierlife till eternity and they have accepted such a role thinking all women are created for this status.


    The encounter of western women have forced their inner voice, which has been silenced by society to rise in rebellition, thus causing the present gender-war.


    Ofcourse like everything else in this world, there are the few that have been blessed all along. These few women who had enjoyed equality even as a child are those that defy the west thinking mentality and respect their men according to ways in which they were brought up...


    So sister, tradition is merely what you can define in your own words. I believe we are whre we are, because of our lack of the light of Islam and the neglegence of our religious leaders' duty in the Ummah!

  5. Darman: Aboowihiis, reality is harsh, but you misunderstood me. For me to speak with someone they don't have to be drop dead gorgeous..rather approachable in terms of their attitude.. as for the person I wanna date than that is completely different... he has to be attractive to me. There should be some kind of attraction force that pulls me towards him... plain n simple... but then like.. sister BEE said.. what is handsome to me, is ugly or plain to the next girl... so it varies hon..


    Baashi: yaacil sikmaayo!

  6. Acuudu Bilaahi... Caramel....intuu ilaaheey badiyey situations... this sista Acuudkee :confused:


    As for the impregnated sister... she should take responsibility for opening her legs and keep n raise the baby. I won't really involve the man if I was in that situation, rather raise the baby on my own.......

  7. Darmaan you are right bro when you say

    if all participants in any given relationship know that they need to impress the other side aren't we dealing with a show,

    I agree with you 110%.. but Somalis say " Qofkii aragtidiisa ku daaqdaa ayaa uuntiisa ku deeqdaa"... Basically it is not fair but what attracts you to someone is their externals not internals. I am not one of the girls that look for mr-all-dat.. I believe when a guy is too cute he gets too pretty for me... in the processing loosing all his manliness in my eyes.. but qof kasta waxa uu raadiyaa someone u jidka la mari karo.. He/she doesn't have to be ms/mr world but atleast be attractive in the other's eyes... it is sad.. but it is the reality.. and we can't ignore it.


    So in short.. Looks do matter!

  8. Proud: Its not a bad idea to be a low profiler sometimes... get my drift :D


    OG: U post interesting stuff we share our thoughts hon... when we have something to say we shall other times... hit the roads c-abuser icon_razz.gif

  9. Sophist: Markaan magacaadii arkay baan is iri talow miyaad u baahan doontaa qaamuuskii mise maanta waa uu kaa farxan oo Soomali buu kuugu warami. Markaan arkay farta wacan ee aad noogu soo werisay, baan cashuucay. Caadiyan waxaan jeclahay in aan sheeka kasta aan aqrinaayo ama buug aan is lee yahay aqri in aan dhamaadka ka bilaabo. Hadii dhamaadka i cajabiyo sheekada oo dhan baan aqriyaa hadii kalana maba isku taxaluujiyo laakiinse sheekadaadan run ahaan aad ayeey ii soo jiidatay inkasta aan ciilooday markii aad tiri

    Waa socotaa



    Hasa ahaatee waxaan sugi doonaa dhameystirkii iyo qeybtii labaad... Sidaasna Soomaaliga noogu wad. Kalmadaha waa weyn ee aad la soo baxday baaba mustacjab igaliyey :D

  10. ProudSista: Just like you were joking with me... I was too hon.. but apparently u missed the humor... sorry sis no offense intended :D


    Sophist: Dhulgaalo kamaan haajirinee, hawa gadis iyo saxankii hooyo aa igu soo hogaamiyey halkan... ee ha haraadinee ina ayeeyo bal horteyda isa soo taag ;)


    Caramel: LOL.... Sophist & Hibo used to know each other b4 SOL.. but somehow.. after he started using SOL.. I have lost the sophist I used to know... so sista after all.. iskuma soconee waa kala soconay :(

  11. Sophist: My dear... when will you understand me and I you?? Waxaan ku dhahay sheekada Soomalia waa qoto dheertahay oo waxay u baahaneysaa in lees hor fadhiisto oo la wada hadlo. Ma aha mid lagu dhameyn karo internet sidaas darteed ayaan kala fogaanteena kaaga cudur daartay. My God.. af Soomaligaada is much better than your English " It is simpler" Alxamdulilaah :D

  12. OG: I was wondering the same myself... but I didn't know many shared this with me. I always thought maybe since I am in rush lately.. and haven't had the time to post or write much... I have lost touch.. but if OG mr-I am-here-always... is complaining then surely something is wrong folks


    By the way OG.. why don't you PM your favorite ppl for a change rather than wait for theirs :confused:

  13. Sophist: How can I indulge thee when thou are so far away?


    Baashi: She has been fishing in the wrong waters hon, that is why she landed where she had. If you are serious about finding a good guy I would seriously propose internet. following are my reasons:


    1. You don't have to quit living your life to accomodate his physical demands (Not sexually but I-wanna-see-you, kind of deal.. missing out on your ladies' night out ;) )


    2. You get to read his mind through his words ( Believe me been waa lug gaaban tahay sooner or later he is gonna contradict himself just record his hadal)


    3. Majority of nice guys don't like clubing or hanging out with boys so their way of socializing is chatting. (They like to stay at home).


    4. Post an ad on Somalinet matrimonial... you surely will find eligible bachelors knocking at your door sooner than you can reread your ad!


    That is my recommendations for the sister. Waxaa caado noo ah bini admi hadaanu nahay in aan nafta ku maaweelino dhalanteed. Ninkasta oo aragtidiisa ama sida uu is lee yahay aad ka heshaba badanaa waa bad influence.


    As for my karti....u know what they say " Gabari waa hooyadeeed".

  14. Baashi: I am glad that you liked my theory :D


    As for how I would advice my sister ProudSista to approach her candidate is through honesty. I believe one should state their mind without reservation of any sort. " Wixii run lagu waayo, been laguma helo" That is what my mother says and I believe it. So just ask the brotha... propose to him... " How would you like to share life with me? " would be a good start don't u think?


    As for the " Next" part.. I believe if one doesn't satisfy you, there is absolutely another in the luuq waiting to see sunshine... just wait a lil ;)


    Sophist: When shall I be able to read your post without dictionary hon?

  15. ProudSista: I guess everyone gave u pretty much the same advice... so why don'I be a lil different and take you for a wild ride??


    Ok this is my suggestion:


    1. Find one that attracts you personalitywise as well as has looks that u will settle for ( Trust me u gotta be able to live with the view everyday)


    2. Do lil background check.


    3. Challenge him .. if he is man enough he will accept it......if not.. who wants a chicken



    Ofcourse all of this steps can be implemented... once he is also attracted to you... if not ... then "NEXT" :D

  16. Can anybody plzz translate this :confused:


    Googlism for: hibo


    hibo is from shiikh

    hibo is a chicken

    hibo is a good writer

    hibo is eerder af te raden

    hibo is wel erkend en geaccrediteerd

    hibo is zelf verantwoordelijk voor zijn eigen

    hibo is uitgesteld tot november of december

    hibo is ingeschreven diegene die het dossier voor

    hibo is geen bediende

    hibo is alles vastgelopen omdat men op sociale zaken principieel verdedigt dat er maar 2 statuten mogelijk zijn ofwel

    hibo is ten zeerste te relativeren

    hibo is afgestudeerd en dus arts

    hibo is geen zelfstandige

    hibo is a potent ampa l

    hibo is ertoe gehouden

  17. Darman: kalam da li sit kul mish sitat bita7na! :D


    Pearl: He didn't say my wife sweetie... it is girlfriend that he is prefering to... so we all know one thing.. Guys are sweet only when they want something... or if he is one in a million type ( which is rare)... Get it;)

  18. 1: Coz I don't find you attractive

    2: Coz I know deep down you are lying

    3: Coz we were thought men don't cry

    4: Coz its my way of saying I appreciate you

    5: Coz I am lost for words.. blame it on instincts

    6: Don't mistake my smile for my laughter, I smile at the ajinabi coz I have to be diplomatic, but with my kings I am just me :D

    7: Coz if I laugh too hard you may assume I have done prostitution and judge me.

    8: Coz it wasn't part of our barbaarin. And you haven't put into it any energy to change that negativism.

    9: Coz you used to call me "Jirooos" I thought it was only fair that I reciprocate the title with a similar one :D

    10: Coz you never did anything without a catch so I am suspicious!


    Because my king you lack that sincere vessel without it... I shall forever doubt You :confused: