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Posts posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. Originally posted by Guutada 14aad:

    When are you going to resign too DQ? As to the old man, he goes down in history as a traitor. GOOD RIDDANCE.


    Waa mahad alle

    Maanta waa ayaan!!!!

    Saaxiib, xaarkii mo'oryaantu ay horaba ku fadhidey ayee dib ugu laaban doonaan ee ma taas baa mahad alla ah?


    Qofkii aaminsanaa, Cabdulahi inuu wadanka dhib ku hayey waa asaga isaga tagay ee bal mid wax-tarleh soo saarta. Weligiinba wanaag iyo midnimo la idin kama baran ee, hadana umaleynmahayo waxaan qas ahayn inaad soo kordhinaysaanee bal aan aragno meesha ey ku dambeyso!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California



    I will NEVER resign from tormenting caano boorayaal iyo wixii mo'oryaan garleyda taageera oo dhan. :D

  2. LOL@"Kabtaydii yaa arkay baa ka dhacday".


    Waryaa A&T, ma caana boorihii baad sugaysaa? Walee hada sifiican baad qaxooti unoqon doontaa--Al Shababnah waad ogtahay iney qoys qabiil ka kooban yihiin, markii ey kugu dan gaaraanah, xabada ugu horaysaa aday kaa bilaabayan...Kabaha aad ka hadlaysidnah, adee kaa furan doonaan. Iyaguna meel ma gaarayaan oo dhexdooda ayaa isku baabi'i doono, marka bal aan aragno ruuxii reerka u haro? :D


    Wibilahi Tawfiiq!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  3. Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa daqiiqado ka hor ku dhawaaqay inuu is casilay kadib markii uu saakay hor tegay Baarlamaanka Federaaliga KMG ee Soomaaliyeed.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa Khudbad uu u jeediyay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed ku sheegay inuu is casilay isla markaana sababta uu isku casilay ay tahay cadaadis kaga yimid Beesha caalamka.


    Md. Yuusuf ayaa guddoon siiyay warqada is casilaada Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Sheekh Aadan Madoobe, waxaana la filayaa in Madaxweynaha uu isla maanta ka soo duulo magaalada Baydhabo sida uu sheegay Madaxweyne Yuusuf.


    "Waxaan maanta idin sheegayaa inaan dib idinkugu soo celiyay xilkii aad ii doorateen 10-kii Octobar 2004 tii waxaan Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka gacanta u gelinayaa maadama uu yahay Madaxweynaha KMG ah sida uu qabo Dastuurka warqadii is casilaada, waxaan idin leeyahay isku duubanaada oo ka shaqeeya sidii dadka iyo dalka loo badbdaadin lahaa"ayuu yiri C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo sheegay in diyaarad ay u taagan tahay garoonka Baydhabo, isagoo sheegin halka uu ku soo wajahan yahay.


    Khudbada Madaxweynaha oo aheyd mid gaaban ayaa waxaa hadalada Madaxweynaha rajo xumo ka muujiyay Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka qaarkood, kuwaasi oo aaminsan in xaalada ay sidan iska badali doonto.


    * * * * * *


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  4. ^^^

    "the innocent people of Muqdisho" . . . Don't you mean MY mo'oryaan garley? Like it or not, the mo'oryaan garley of Xamar reaped some benefits whilst others sufferered consequences for their actions in some manner for every act of opposition against the TFG government.


    So who got "HUMILIATED" by your definition? :D


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  5. Originally posted by Nephiso:

    Sheekadi Bruce Lee waa la iskaga daba yimid..



    Originally posted by dhulQarnayn:

    He should step aside and let someone more capable take over the reigns. He's old and ailing.


    ^^^LOL@Bruce Lee... :D -- Awalba adiga kaliyah ayaa odayga isku rabay, asagana wuu kugu fahmay wuuna kaa socdaa, marka orod raadso mid kale oo aad ku mucaaradid oo kaa inkaarsada. icon_razz.gif



    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  6. Originally posted by Juje:


    Originally posted by dhulQarnayn:

    ^^^ Shalay waxaad lehaydeen, dhibta taagan oo nabada hor taagan waa Cabdullahi. Peace caravan-kuna, asaga ayuu ka tilaaba qaadi la'yahay, maantana waxaad ku calaacalaysaan haduu C/llahi katago TFG-da, nabad lama helayo oo peace caravan-ku halkaas ayuu ku dhiiqoonayaa-- marka dhankeebaa idiin raacna?

    The question is simple sxb...if you cant answer it calacal iyo baror dhiq hala imaan mesha....and if it will give you any comfort
    Yeey will not resign
    Juje; I'm sure you have some real hard evidence to support your statement that "The President will NOT resign", right? Why don't you share it with us? Or is it merely anecdotal wishful thinking on your part?


    LOL... :D:D


    Cabdullahi xukunkiisa marabtaan, laakin nabadii uu idiin keenay waad ku caana maasheen. Isbaarooyinkii magaala madaxda kala xirxiri jiray ayuu idiin kala furay; Madaxtooyadii 20-ka sano qufulka ku jabsanaydna wuu idiin balaqay; Maamul iyo kala dambeenah wuu idiin dhisay oo Police iyo Military nabada ilaaliya ayuu idiin sameeyey... Hadana waxaad rabtaan dib inaad ugu laabataan xaarkii aad hada ka hor aad ku fadhideen-- Marka, labadaas isku helimaysaanee-- Maad Cabdulahi si fiican u adeecdaan? Ama Mo'oryaan garleyda isbaarooyinka digan jiray u diyaar garoobdaan?


    Cabdullahi, mucaaradnimo wad ka deyn weydeynee, dulqaad u yeesha dawllad la'aanta ee mo'oryaan garleydu keento, markuu TFG-da uu ka fariisto! ;)


    Wabilahi Tawfiiq!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  7. ^^^


    Saaxiib ma ogtahay, dadka dagan gobolada Sanaag, Sool, Cayn, Bari, Nugaal, Mudug iyo Karkaar iney yihiin dad wada isir wadaag ah oo dhalasha ka dhaxayso-- Dhulka ay leeyihiinah waa loo dhashaa ey inta la marqaamo la iskama sheegto. :D Nin cadaan ah baa waa xuduud beeneed ah ii sameeyey, walaal kaa saarimeyso ee runta wa inaad fahantaa oo marqaankaan ku waalay aad marfishkaaga aad kula ekaatid! smile.gif


    Doorashada Puntland, waxaan soomaliweyn-nimada aaminsanayn oo keli-goosad ah looma ogala iney ka qeyb galaan.


    Wibilahi Tawfiiq!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  8. ^^^ Shalay waxaad lehaydeen, dhibta taagan oo nabada hor taagan waa Cabdullahi. Peace caravan-kuna, asaga ayuu ka tilaaba qaadi la'yahay, maantana waxaad ku calaacalaysaan haduu C/llahi katago TFG-da, nabad lama helayo oo peace caravan-ku halkaas ayuu ku dhiiqoonayaa-- marka dhankeebaa idiin raacna?


    Calaaya kulixaal-- Cabdulahi anakaa ubaahan oo dhulkiisi ayuu ku noqonayaa maadaama ey lagaran waayeen wanaagii iyo qaran doonimadii uu u rabay soomaaliya inuu ku mideeyo... Nabad iyo colaad midna ma rabtaanee, waanu arki doona cidii u darsata Cabdullahi--Soomaalidunah waxay ku maahmaahdaa-- war jiraaba cakaaruu iman...waanu arki doonaa mo'oryaan garleyda waxa xal ah oo ey keento oo nabad ah.


    Wibilahi Tawfiiq!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  9. Those Issims have no bussiness meddling in politics. Am glad the other elders have made it clear...


    ************************************************** *****


    Garoowe: Golaha Isimada Puntland oo ka horyimid safar ay shalay ugu ambabaxeen xubno ka tirsan Xukuumadda iyo Isimada

    22. December 2008


    Garoowe(AllPuntland)-Qoraal saakay ay soo saareen Golaha Isimada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa looga horyimid safar ay shalay magaalada Garoowe ugu ambabaxeen xubno isugu jiray Isimo iyo xubno ka socday Golaha Xukuumadda Puntland, kuwaasi oo ku sii jeeday magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya.


    Ku dhawaad Afartan Isim oo ku sugan magaalada Garoowe ayaa bayaan ay soo saareen saakay waxaa ay ku sheegeen ineysan qodobada ka soo baxa kulanka Addis Ababa aysan aqoonsaneyn isla markaana khuseyn Isimada waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeenee, iyadoo saakayna shir ku yeesheen Isimada magaalada Garoowe, waxaana qoraalka ay soo saareen uu u qornaa sidan:


    Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland


    Golaha Issimada Puntland


    Ujeedo: Bayaan.


    Kadib fadhigoodii golaha Issimada ay yeesheen maalintii Isniinta taariikhduna aheyd 22/12/008 iyadoo sida la ogsoon yahay shir uga socday Isimada magaalo madaxda Dowlada Goboleedka Puntland ee Garowe in ka badan 20 cisho, shirkaasi oo loogu gogol xaarayey doorashada la sugayo iney ka dhacdo January 2009.


    Waxaa halkaan ku cadeyneynaa in Issimada laga sheegey warbaahinta iney u ambabaxeen dowladda Itoobiya, ayna ku tagin wax talo ah oo kasoo baxdey golaha Issimada, inkastoo dowlada Itoobiya ay naga dhexeyso darisnimo wadaag. hadana wixii kasoo baxa kulnakaas aanu noqoneyn wax na khuseeya.




    Magacyada Saxiixay Bayaanka saakay ay soo saareen Isimada


    Gobolka Nugaal


    1- Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamad


    2- Suldaan Siciid Maxamad Garaase


    3 Suldaan Maxamad Cabdalle


    Gobolka Sool & Cayn


    1- Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali


    2- Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamad


    3- Garaad Cabdulahi Garaad soofe


    4- Suldaan Siciid Cismaan Cali


    5- Ugaas Cabdulahi Ciise Nuur


    6-Garaad Maxamad Garaad Saleebaan


    7- Garaad Cabdilan Xasan Maxamud


    8- Garaad Maxamud Cismaan [ Mashqare]


    9- Garaad Maxamed Garaad Saleebaan


    10- Garaad Cabdisalaan Xasan Maxamed


    11- Garaad Saleebaan Buraale Aw-Aadan


    12- Ugaas Faarax Maxamuud Cali


    13-Islaan Xuseen X. Cabdisalaan


    14- Ugaas Ibraahim Cali Shibiin


    15- Ugaas Cabdullaahi Ciise Nuur


    Gobolka Mudug


    1- Garaad Maxamed Cilmi Shirwac


    2- Yuusuf Suldaan Xasan Cali Baale


    3- Ugaas Cabdulqaadir Cilmi Filig


    4- Suldaan Cabdullaahi Axmed Nuur


    5- Suldaan Maxamed Jaamac Shire


    Gobolka Bari iyo Karkaar


    1-Beeldaaje Yaasiin Cali Xasan


    2- Suldaan Saciid Maxamed Irbad


    3- Islaan Maxamuud Islaan Yaasiin


    4- Suldaan Ciise Xasan Cumar


    5- Ugaas Jamaal Cabdi Ducaale


    6- Suldaan Saciid Guuleed Sanyare


    7- Garaad CabdullaahiMaxamed Dacar


    8- Suldaan Bashiir Muuse


    10- Suldaan Cabdullaahi Saalax


    11- Suldaan C/qaadir Ciise Axmed


    12- Suldaan Daahir Maxamed Muuse



    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  10. ^^^Maya ma aha...laakin rag badan ayaa markay waayaan wax kale oo ey ku hadlaan, baa odaygaaas dhaha adeer buu iyahay. Marka banooniga ayaan usii salaxayaa B_G... ;)


    :D Adigu Juje, ma waxaad aaminsatahay, Cabdulahi dadka uu waalidka u yahay kaliyah ayaa taageeraan oo ummada kale oo Soomaalida ah isku mabda' Cabdulaahi ma noqon karaan? ii sheeg?



    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  11. ^^^LOL!


    Did you just say -- Abu B_G should imbibe some of my potent caano boore?


    Wow LG, you either hate me with the burning passion of a thousand suns; or Ashton Kutcher is going to come out any minute now and tell me that I’ve been punk’d.


    I swear... if that Al Shabab apologist dares tries to drink my caano boore; I’ll karate-kick that fake-cimaamad off his head.


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  12. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby:

    go and post some qabil topics for your clan idol-qabil boy. Nobody needs your drivel here.

    To B_G:


    Temper, temper-- :D LOL :D ...Saaxiib is-daji! Getting unhinged so easily is music to my sardonic ears. Ha ha ha... if you seriously think you gonna score cheap points by this endless repetition of qabiil jaded phantasmagoria of nothings--you will NOT.


    Retaliatory phrases about me-- which can only be described as childish baiting--will NOT change the fact that, it is you B_G, with your unabashed adoration for Roobow Yaberow Abuu Munaafiq and his minions, that is doing the idol worshipping.


    Marka, barking and hoping that such cheap allegations about me will NOT distract others and help you circumvent the truths about your otiose support of the deviant group, is nothing less than clutching at straws.


    B_G, sorry, life is all about choices. I choose to support the TFG and you on the other hand, choose to mindlessly support a wretched Munaafiq movement that has caused the deaths of many innocent women and children. Marka keep changing avatar names all you like-- but facts will remain facts. Ha ha ha...you even tried to dig up some Koranic verses to justify the deviancy of the Shabab hellhounds, but quickly found out that such justification-- for murdering brutes--does NOT exist in the Holy Qu'ran.


    :D:D Maalin walba cimaamada beenta ah iska dhig ama madaxa saaro--you were and are still wrong for this senseless support you give the Al Shabab munaafiqs. So simply clam down and own up--capice!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  13. To Abu_Diaby a.k.a B_G:


    Quite frankly, it took me a while to figure this out. Saaxiib, B_G, changing avatar names won't change the fact that you are and have been one of the most unreasonable apologists for the Shabab deviants. But now that, Mr Oromo himself, Roobow Yabarow Abu Munaafiq--oops, I meant Abu Mansoor--has started to act like the wretch he has always been, you think you can conveniently abandon the sob. Huh! Good one! :D:D


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  14. Originally posted by Oodweyne:


    Please, ignore this kid name
    . For some are by nature a
    “confused lot”
    when it comes to politics (such the likes of our
    ); but, others, are by legal inclination of the matrimony sort, the sordid product of a
    “dark-alley lustful encounters”
    in the dead-of-night between two complete strangers.


    Hence, since their unforgiving dysfunctional background could account for much that is wrong with them, then, it would be the case, that their
    social outlook
    in general, or come to think of it,
    their manners within society-at-large
    , will be no more refine than what some sad connoisseur of a seedy chat-room could be equal to; if only that is, were he to try to impress his interlocutors at the other end of the line with his

    Oodweyn, sir, ceyda maad joojisid? Honestly; your posts, lately, are quickly becoming the source of all sorts of rudeness, silliness, ignorance, mediocrity, and imbecility. You've trully become, the ONLY secessionist, wholly without an iota of redemptive social grace or value.


    Mr. Oodweyn, sir, your most recent attempt to disrespect my patrimony is incredibly pathetic, to say the least. I mean, what's the point of typing up such monolithic hunks of textual-filth, when you know that it will take more than such rubbish to offend me.


    Saaxiib, even though, you wish to give others the impression that that you're a man in his heyday--waan ogahay oday aad iyo aad u da' weyn inaad tahay oo aan isku xishoon, and this my friend, is an indisputable fact from the language you use on these here threads--"You are an old bore. Even the grave yawns for you".


    Oday ilkihii wey ka dhaceen; timihiina wey kaa carareen; dhiig-karnah waad qabtaa; and no matter how much saliid macsaro, you rub onto that decaying corpse of yours, your biological clock gallops ever closer to mortality's midnight. So, go ahead and chat shit all you want. It won't grant you immortality, or even delay the inevitable. You are a bitter old man, and old people die. Those are the bare facts, and in a few years from now, an unfortunate undertaker will try to manhandle your desiccated body into a cheap piece of cloth, making you look like some sort of a special effect from The Mummy Returns movie.


    You have long since ceased to be of use to anyone, being too old and frail to perform any worthwhile function. You're in what some refer to as "wakh-tigii toobad keenka"-- that terrible dim twilight between youth and death. This interval in your pathetic life has been granted to you, as it is granted to everyone who makes it this far, to repent to Allah(SWT), to fulfil any unfulfilled wishes, any unrealised dreams, before your last breath leaves you and you are thrown into a hole bought for you by long-suffering relatives somewhere in Europe. This is a time to spend with your nearest and dearest before you are parted by Malakul-Mowd, a time to reflect on your life, action by single action, and to say good bye to those around you. This is the time for Alla ka cabsi-- a time to ask for forgiveness, and make ready for the sure judgement that will come.


    And what are you doing with your time instead, Oodweyn?


    Salaatul-layl prayers? Sleep-overs at the local mosque? Recitation of the Holy Qu'ran? Spending time with the grandkids?


    No, of course not.


    You are drivelling aimlessly all over the these threads with a bunch of younger people who think you are a low blackguard. That's the long and short of it saaxiib. Rather than make the most of your precious time, here you are, staggering around this forum like a head trauma victim, screeching at anyone who can be bothered to read your balderdash, that you're really, really good at posting on threads. Well I gotta a bloody newsflash for you-- o ye goatish old ghoulish troglodyte-- you're not.


    Runta aan isku sheegno, Mr. Oodwyen; You are perilously disconnected from reality if you really think you’re going to impress anyone with your senile dementia induced, textual walls of faggotry...which brings me to another point, namely your calaacal, about the Riyaale picture.


    Don't whine at me. Riyaale, cid iga xigta ma laha. It is trully sad to see, that you have so much emotional investment in this secesionist crap, that every off-hand comment tossed at Daahir Riyaale or suggestion made about Somaliland or even secesionism in general, becomes a personal slur to you. Every post directed at one of your co-hearts translates itself, in your broken senile head, to be an insult upon your very progenitors which MUST BE AVENGED, huh?


    You're an emotionally fragile relic, prone to alternate bursts of elation and crushing dysphoria everytime your clan enclave is put on the spotlight. It aint my fault that anytime someone suggests that your clan enclaves's political ideaology is doomed to fail--your puny mind overheats, causing you to whip up a retaliatory novella right out of your bloody keister, still steaming from the heat of your insalubrious innards.


    You and your minions keep pleading with people to stop posting pictures of Riyaale, yet it's all dandy and fine, when contemptuous photos of Cabdulahi Yusuf are posted. And, you don't see us protesting, do you?


    You also seem NOT to have grasped the fact that this is a politics forum, where people are entitled to their opinions. That's something you have in common with quite a few other SOLers in here who don't seem to understand that this whole place is driven by this simple concept- IN POLITICS, TO EACH HIS OWN!


    Marka, Oodweyne, please try to make your posts as succinct as possible and avoid disrespecting people for their opinions. Please stop your tedious, narcolepsy-inducing piles of babbling crap that lack imagination and creativity. Just STOP spluttering about how you are the best and that Somalilanders are the best and every other Somali is shit, ad infinitum!


    It seems, you have no real talent for any sort of constructive debate. And Saaxiib-- nagging and calaacal don't mean debate: Sure, you can nag like an old hag. All old people do nag-- that's like their primary purpose. They think they know it all, and believe they have a right to lecture to others, or just talk down to people for the heck of it. But don't think I'll allow you to disrespect ME, without bloodying your nose in return.


    In conclusion, like I said in the beginning, you should be spending your last few months enjoying what is left of your life by repenting to Allah(SWT), instead of lying broken at my feet, like an obnoxious imbecile, begging me to put an end to your misery. Please do the decent thing for once in your utterly pointless life and evolve into a coherent and God-fearing person!


    In the mean time, get a life and step away from that key board-- you secessionist grave sniffer. :D


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California


    p.s NGONGE,

    Are you sure you're a secessionist? If you are...I will have you know that your intelligence is very surprising to me. Kudos to you, for picking up my intentions for posting that Riyaale picture. ;)