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Posts posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. ^^^ Conviction or not. Odayga beat the system fair and square. He gave em a middle finger and bounced, marka orod Puntland aada oo kusoo convict gareeya hadaad rabtaan justice-ka aad raadineysaan. I urge y'all to change this topic, waayo naag xuna oo laga faataxaystay(with mutual consent) baad rabtaan inaad ka dhigtaan gabar yara oo maskiin ah oo la faraxumeeyey-- which isn't the case.


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  2. ^^^ Waryaa Zack-- dadkaan marfish-land kasocda waad ogtahay iney odayga Sangub uu waa hore xaarkooda uu ka booday, marka wakhti ha iskaga luminin inaad anything u justify garaysid.


    Naag xuna oo darbi lagu musbaaray oo dhila ah oo hadana been sheegtay ayee na dhahayaan waa gabar yar oo innocent ah. Bolshiid-- Innocent my A##!


    Y'all can hate all you want but Sangub is safe back home where he is adored by throngs of Somalis. :D


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California



    Waxaa cajiib ah, maanta aniga iyo Zack oo hal meel kasoo jeestay--it must be raining gold outside. :D

  3. Originally posted by Ayatollah Mulugetta:

    Singub should be shamed for siding with his clan during the Somali Civil war, much the same like that Igbo poet subordinated his art to his ancestry. The crimes he is wanted for now are not that big, to be fair to him.


    BTW, he is a close uncle. Very close.

    War odayga ha ceebeysan oo ha areereysan! Sangub waa oday wadani ah, dhulkiisa jecel iyo ummada Soomaliyeed oo dhan, weligiinah qabiil uma soo safan. Dadka necebnah, suugatiisa wadeniga ah ayee necbaysteen oo Sangub dadka secessionist-ka ah kama helo oo wadanimadiisu ku dhintaa.


    Naag buu kufsaday aad leedihiinah, kuwa go'sashada ku hamiyah naag ey lacag siyeen sirqool ey samaysay ayaad ku eedeenaysiin odayga. Laakin waxaad u necebtihiin waanu naqaanaa oo nin kasta oo wadani ah inaad ceeb ku sheegtaan baad jecel shihiin. Laakin runtii waxaa ah, Sangub nin ummada soomaliyeed oo dhan ey jacel shahay weeye, qabiilnah shaqo kuma laha.


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California



    To Nuune:


    Nin caan ah oo ummada somaalida oo dhan meel ey joogtaba laga karaameeyo ayaad i leedahay "maxaa ku baray?": Wixii Aw-kuuku iyo Aw-koombe kubaray ayaa anah Sangub i baray. :D

  4. Originally posted by Ayatollah Mulugetta:

    Even if that is true (which isn't) it does not matter. Obama is the President of the US. Roobow is a Somali as long as he says so. And his actions make him a better somali than Yey and you. That I know.


    By the way, your comments show your segmental mind and that you have not outgrown from the hangover of the era of princes, reer hebel and useless geneology.

    Horta ninyahow taariikhaha ayaa kaa qasan oo wax ma'og baad tahay ee Obama ma Kenya ku dhashay? Waa maya. Waa nin Mareykan ah oo Mareykan ku dhashay ee ma aha nin sidaada iyo Roobow oo kale qaxooti ku yimid Somalia oo xeero koowaad oo kutaalay qoryooley ka giraamo qaadan jiray. Marka adiga iyo asagaba labo qaxooti baad tihiin oo ethiopia kasoo haajiray; hadana wadanka markuu kala dago, wixiinaan qaxootiga ah meeshay ka yimaadeen baan ku celin doonaa, ka bacdinah, haday damcaan inay Somalia soo galaan, VISA ayee kusoo geli doonaan iyagoo baasaboor ethiopian ah sitah. Waa dambenah, ka yeelimeyno qas iyo qalalaasada inay carigeena ka bilaabaan. :D



    By the way, your comments show your segmental mind and that you have not outgrown from the hangover of the era of princes, reer hebel and useless geneology.

    Waryaa i dhagayso! haduu ruux qabiil uuku mudacayo, adaa sheegta dhul dhan oo Soomaali oo dhan kula dagto kusheega waa "habel region"-- oo isticmaarkii wadankeena kala qeybiyey magacyadii guracnaa oo ey u bixiyeen, si ey noo kala qeebiyaan, weli wata. Marka yaad ku leexin qabiil, adaaba dhul dhan oo soomaaliyeed magac qabiil u baxsaday una dagaalamayah qabiil ahaan?


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  5. Originally posted by Ayatollah Mulugetta:


    The admin will do nothing against this delinquent DQ. In many ways, he is the attack dog for someone formidbale enough to protect him.


    He is someone who decided, out of a whore's charity, to pawn goodwill and decency by way of saccharine headlines and comments. What tames him is when you requite the 'favour' in kind!

    To A&T:


    Saaxiib adigu markaad dadka wax ka sheegaysid, ma nimanka meesha leh baad u shaqaysaa? Mar walba oo su'aalahaaga xun jawaab lagaa siiyanah, afkaa qeelo ku shubataa. Somaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa, "ama afeef hore lahow, ama adkaysi dambe lahow!".


    Marka isku xishood ninyahow, ama si fiican dadka ula hadal ama markii qadaadka lagu soo qabto, dhawaaqa iska daa iyo ragaan aad mar walba aad ku eedeeenaysid inay ila safan yihiin. Anigu dhulQarnayn, baa la iyiraahdaa, af-keygaana ku aarsadaa, cidna uma baahni inaan gaashaan buursado. ;)


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California



    To Zack and JB:

    Ninmanyahow horta doodnah weligiin kama qeyb gashaan idinku waxnah iskama celin kartaan; dockayeernimanah weligiin kama weynaataan. Marka hadaad dood qabtaan, bareerihiina soo jeediya oo rag is difaaci kara noqda-- hadii kalana sidii haweenkii oo kale ha gunuunicinee, hoos ka hadalka iska daaya!


    Wabilahi Tawfiiq.

  6. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini:


    Saaxiib, Roobow asalkiisu wuxuu ahaa nin Oromo ah oo shuqul kuma leh Bay iyo Bakool dadka daga. Ninkaan, rag oroma ah oo lasocday oday la oran jiray, oo hada dhintay, Waaqow Guutu oo u halgami jiray Oromada ayuu kasoo jeedaa. Nimankaan Oromada ah muda badan bey Soomaaliya joogen oo wey ku dhaqmeyn, laakin waa nin Oromo ah oo ethiopian ah. Taasna waxaa kuu cadaynaysa, magaciisa Roobow. Somalidu Roobow lama baxdo ee Rooble ayee labaxaan. Marka nin ethiopian ah oo Somaali raba inuu indirectly u baabi'iyo ayaa waxaad rabtaan inaad iigu sheegtaan wa wadaad, ama waa sheikh, ama waa al shabab aad tiraahdeen. Idinku waxaad rabtiin ku sheega, laakin xageyga waa nin ethiopian ah oo somaali doonaya inuu cirib tiro.


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  7. ^^^


    As always Saaxiib, you live in the past! Those men you've mentioned may have brought a lot of pain to Mr Diiriye's folks way back in the PAST--but NOW, it is Roobow Abu Munaafiq who is wreaking havoc upon them and I believe Mr Diiriye has every right to call it as it is.


    Mabda' iyo mabda' la'aan-- Al Shabab are extremist deviants who harm innocent Somalis most of the time.


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  8. ^^^Now that sounds so mighty brave of you. Why don't you go out there saaxiib and round dem suckahs up yourself and bust a cap in dem, huh? :D


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California



    My dear secessionist, y'all are falling victim to Mr Riyale's Shinanigans all over again. You know, he is only stirring up trouble between brotherly communities in that part of the country, just to distract y'all from the realities of his ineffectiveness as ruler of Somaliland. I hope citizens of Somaliland, will someday soon, see through this nonsense about borders and insist on good governance from this guy.

  9. To MARX:


    "Men are your castles, men are your walls. Friendship is your ally, enmity your foe."


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California


    p.s, did you forget about this one? smile.gif


    Law 18-- Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous


    A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it protects you from – it cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate among people find allies, mingle...

  10. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

    It is
    here to stay
    ladies and gentlemen ,,,,, you shouldn't worry about that at all.

    LOL :D ...Who said anything about that sad enclave going anywhere? I personally find your redundant declarations about Marfash-land perfectly harmless. I know, that you believe, you can never go wrong with such lame attempts of secessionist tautology. So keep 'em up, will ya!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  11. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

    sometimes, i wish Somaliand was on a different continent so jb would stop reporting every pin that drops in a dusty village in northern somalia. You can do something productive for that place with the energy you waste on this happan and that will happan in toolo heplayo.

    To Naxar:


    Your pleas should NOT be that they STOP reporting every false trumpery that eminates from Up North-- but rather, your real pleas should be that these obscene and shameless troglodytes remove their blinders and evolve away from such a hopeless and Neanderthaloid ideaology as secessionism is!


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  12. ^^^ Mr Miskiin:


    Tacsida noo taala maalin dhow waanu ka kici doonaa, ee adigu weli miyaad ku fakartay inaad xooga doolar ah ugu sadaqaysid hayadaha samafalka ah-- oo waa dhow-- si aan caadi ahayn, uga shaqa-gali doona Baidoa iyo cariga la siman. Hadaadan wali waxba aadan donate-garayn, bal halkaan riix oo xogaa nimanka u tuur! Lord knows, howl aan caadi ahayn ayaa kusoo fool-leh, ee ina-adeerow haka bakhiilin arintaan! ;)


    Wabilahi Tawfiiq


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  13. Originally posted by Cirdey:


    13 ka tirsan Meydadka Shabaabka ayaa lagu jiid jiiday Guriceel,waxaana laga furtay Gawaari dagaal iyo saanad ay wateen.

    If this is true that we're in for dangerous spate of things, Wallee. It's disappointing that the other type of wadaado would allow a thing such as draging dead bodies behind vehecles. I regret thinking up worst scenarios for when the Ethiopians leave Somalia, but things are hotting up even before an Ethio departure. And it seems the old man resigned from his post to leave the stage for horrid religous wars to come.


    Alloow balaayada na hareer mari. From one bad scenerio to another lagu ma jiro karo Soomaalaay.


    Ha la heshiisiiyo wadaadadan goradda iska laalaada.


    No surprise there - did you expect any better from Bililiqo&Co?


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  14. Somalia’s President Resigns


    NAIROBI, Kenya — Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Somalia’s president who has been widely blamed for his country’s deepening crisis, resigned on Monday, casting Somalia into a deeper political abyss, but, at the same time, possibly creating an opportunity.


    Mr. Yusuf blamed the international community for not doing enough to shore up Somalia’s transitional government, which has steadily lost control of much of the country to Islamist insurgents. “Most of the country was not in our hands and we had nothing to give our soldiers. The international community has also failed to help us,” Mr. Yusuf told legislators in Baidoa, Somalia’s seat of Parliament.


    His exit will most likely kick off an intense, clan-based scramble for his post, which in reality has become increasingly irrelevant as the government has veered toward collapse. Somalia’s transitional government controls only a few city blocks in a country almost as big as Texas and it has been continuously beset by poisonous infighting.


    Earlier this month, Mr. Yusuf, who has been president since 2004, tried to fire Somalia’s prime minister but the Parliament refused. Several of Somalia’s neighbors, including Kenya, then threatened to impose sanctions on Mr. Yusuf and his family, accusing Mr. Yusuf of being an obstacle to peace.


    Mr. Yusuf, a former warlord who claims to be around 74 years old though he is widely believed to be several years older, has constantly rejected efforts to bring moderate Islamist opposition leaders into the government. Now that he is leaving, many Somalis hope there may be a way to rebuild the government and give the Islamists a meaningful role.


    Under Somalia’s transitional charter, the speaker of the Parliament will take over the presidency for one month until the Parliament elects a new president. Several moderate Islamists could be candidates.


    Over the weekend, fighting broke out between moderate and radical factions in the first obvious sign of tensions within Somalia’s Islamist community.


    On Sunday, a powerful, newly militarized Islamist group declared a “holy war” against the more militant Islamist factions, and it seems to have the muscle to back up its threats. The group, the Ahlu-Sunna Wal-Jama, killed more than 10 fighters from a rival Islamist faction that was known as one of Somalia’s toughest in fighting over the weekend.


    The group called on its followers to “prepare themselves for jihad against these heretic groups,” referring to some of the more hard-line factions and “to restore stability and harmony in Somalia and achieve a genuine government of national unity.”


    Many analysts had been predicting that exactly this would happen: that as Somalia’s transitional government disintegrated, the Islamist insurgents of varying agendas would begin to slug it out themselves. This weekend’s violence is a strong sign that the infighting is under way.


    An episode of grave desecration may have been what started it. In early December, fighters from the Shabab, one of Somalia’s most militant Islamist groups, ransacked the graves of moderate Islamist clerics who had been buried in Kismayo, a town the Shabab controls. On Sunday, moderate Islamist leaders brought this up and condemned the Shabab for such un-Islamic behavior.


    “It is a politically motivated act, which can ignite a sectarian war,” warned Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed, one of the moderate Islamists, at a news conference in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital.


    On Saturday and Sunday, gunmen from the Ahlu-Sunna Wal-Jama group took back two towns that the Shabab had controlled, Guri’el and Dhusamareb, and they vowed to roll back recent Shabab gains in other parts of the country. Up until recently, Ahlu-Sunna Wal-Jama was known as a religious brotherhood of moderate Islamists and it did not have a formidable military wing.


    Mr. Yusuf did not say what he will do now but many Somalis expect that he will return to his clan stronghold in northern Somalia. His militia has already fled the capital, with more than 100 soldiers loyal to Mr. Yusuf flying out on Sunday for northern Somalia. Several Somali politicians aligned with Mr. Yusuf also left for northern Somalia on Sunday, implying that Mr. Yusuf’s powerful sub-clan, the *****ten, may be pulling out of the government.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  15. Somali President Ahmed resigns


    BAIDOA, Somalia (AFP) — Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed resigned Monday after a bitter power struggle in the country's embattled transitional government.


    "I had promised to return the power if I could not bring peace, stability and democracy where people can elect their leader," Yusuf told a special meeting of parliament.


    "I have handed over my letter of resignation to the speaker of parliament who will be the president in line with the transitional federal charter. I don't want to violate and never violated the charter," he added.


    Yusuf had been at loggerheads with Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein who he sacked and replaced with a little known lawmaker, who also resigned last week.


    Hussein was appointed in November 2007 after his predecessor, Ali Mohamed Gedi, was also forced to resign over a bruising power struggle with Yusuf.


    Yusuf, 74, was elected president in 2004 after more than two years of negotiations brokered by east African nations.


    His four years as president have however seen a rise in violence in the lawless Horn of African country as well as infighting in the government which had no widespread authority.


    However, his administration was the only one to receive international recognition since 1991 when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled, sparking bloody clan fighting.


    In 2006, his government faced a huge threat from a powerful Islamist movement that had taken control of much of south and central Somalia, prompting Ethiopia to send troops to back the government.


    Parliament speaker Aden Mohamed Nur called for unity after the resignation.


    "I have received and accepted the resignation letter of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed," Nur said. "I congratulate the president for the bold step he has taken in respect pf the transitional federal charter."


    Yusuf was to leave Baidoa for the semi-autonomous region of Puntland for which he was president from 1989 to 2004.


    Conflict in Somalia and power struggles that erupted since 1991 have scuppered numerous initiatives to restore national stability.


    * * * * * * * * *


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  16. Madaxweynihii Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf oo iscasilay


    Madaxweynihii Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta ka hor-sheegay mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka inuu iscasilay, isagoo hadal kooban ka jeediyay fadhigii maanta.


    Yuusuf, wuxuu sheegay inuu xilka ka tagay, isagoo warqadiisii iscasilaada si toos ah ugu wareejiyay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Sheekh Aadan Madoobe oo garabkiisa taagnaa.


    "Sidii aan horay idin kaga balan qaaday, markaad i dooranayseen, howshii waan wadi waayay, idinka ayaana idiin soo celiyay, maadaama aan saas idinka balanqaaday" ayuu yiri C/llaahi Yuusuf oo hadal kooban jeediyay.


    C/llaahi Yuusuf, wuxuu sheegay in go'aanka uu isku casilay uu ahaa mid uu isagu gaaray, kadib markii uu la tashtay mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka iyo la taliyeyaashiisa


    "Waxaana rajeynayaa in xukuumadu ay sii shaqayso, anigana waxaan diyaar u ahay inaan la shaqeeyo qof walba oo aad doorataan, waadna mahadsan tihiin" ayuu u sheegay mudanayaashii kulanka soo xaadiray.


    Mudane C/llaahi Yuusuf oo sheegay inay diyaarad u tagaan tahay garoonka Baydhabo ayaa dhoofay, iyadoo aan la garanayn halka uu rasmi ahaan aaday, balse wararka qaarkood ay sheegayaan inuu aaday u ambabaxay Puntland oo uu kasoo jeedo.


    Amaanka Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxaa si weyn u adkeeyay ciidamo isugu jira Somali iyo Ethiopian, iyadoo xarunta baarlamaanka ee ADC ay ciidamadu isku gadaameen intii ay iscasilaadu socotay, waxaana sii sagootiyay Madaxweynaha mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka.


    Yuusuf ayaa xilka hayay 4-sanadood, tan iyo markii lagu soo doortay dalka Kenya, halkaasoo uu ka dhacay shir socday laba sano oo ay ka qaybgaleen dhamaan qaybaha Somalida.


    Garowe Online, Baydhabo


    * * * * *


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California

  17. Somalia's interim President Yusuf resigns





    BAIDOA, Somalia Dec 29 (Garowe Online) - The interim President of Somalia, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has told the country's federal parliament that he is stepping down as head of state after four years in power, Radio Garowe reports.


    President Yusuf told lawmakers on Monday that his resignation was "a personal decision," but cited consultations with loyal lawmakers in Baidoa, the seat of parliament.



    Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf

    "As I promised before, when you [parliament] elected me, I cannot do the job any longer and so I have returned the duty [back] to you," said Mr. Yusuf, who offered a brief address declaring his resignation.


    He handed his resignation papers over to Adan "Madobe" Mohamed, the Speaker of parliament, who becomes the acting President under the transitional constitution.


    Mr. Yusuf told the MPs that he is "ready to work with" whoever becomes the country's next president.


    Security in Baidoa was extra tight, as Somali and Ethiopian troops roamed the roads, especially around ADC Hall where the parliament meets.


    Yusuf's resignation was expected, after being labeled an obstacle to peace and pressured by the U.S. and regional powers to resign.


    The former Somali leader flew out of Baidoa on a private plane, but there was no information on the plane's destination.


    In November, Mr. Yusuf told reporters in Garowe, capital of his native region of Puntland, that he would be present on January 8, 2009, in Garowe when the Puntland Parliament elects the region's next leader.


    Yusuf's resignation ends a months-long feud with interim Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein, who enjoys the backing of the international community.


    * * * * *


    dhulQarnayn :cool:

    Republic Of California