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Posts posted by WaryaaNo.1

  1. As far as what your background is, surly you will always be of what ever your father was. Everyone should know their background. A good example of not knowing your background is the African-Americans. Most of them don’t know their background and have nothing to be proud of. When they think of their ancestors they think of only slaves. They don’t know who they are from, they don’t know were they are going. An example of a people that know their background are the Israelites, they were also slaves once, but they also know of great people to be proud off in their background like Ibraham. There is no respect in being born without a history. Even in the Quran in 68:13. Knowing your lineage is a very important thing.






  2. All I know is that in the long run, am on my own... being somali or black or arab isn't going to do anything thing for me, or for any else for that matter. Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest...









    So what are the opinions of you guys about if the Palestinians are justified to do suicide bombings?


    I personally think suicide bombing are not justified because it seems when the Palestinians have done it in the past, most of the time it kills non-combatants, and still there is no reason to kill yourself.





