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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^^^ leave the guy alone man - go and pick your own size (read NGONGE)
  2. Sayid don't be so underhanded what? me? underhand? are you sure? Then again there is no such thing as overhand - is there? No wait - i wrote to soon - yes there is, and this is what it means 1: Made with hand raised over shoulder; sports made with the hand coming forward in a semicircular motion from behind and above the shoulder 2. sewn on top of seam; sewn with small vertical stitches passing over the two edges that are being joined together to make a seam Now! which one was i Overhand or Underhand?
  3. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: sayidka, Miyay kugu durduriyeen ??? Jacjacle - that was advice to those(gb & unknown1) that you were about to trample on. Afro-Girl: intee nin ba ka isku dilay? :cool:
  4. Goga? Gello! highest unemployement!!! - every somali i know works - even the "single" mothers' hunsbands. there is this thing called Black Market you know - i know is not the most desired jobs or what not nor is halaal claiming benefits whilst working and all that has an impact on other things so cycle continues. the question for me is "how do we break the cycle" i have always said the first step is realise the reality and dump this "myth of return", then get on with the job of settlement for once - after you settled - you can think about returning. in other words 'GET OUT OF THIS BLOODY LIMBO' first.
  5. rag dumar wado iyo rati barqab wado lama hor staago. why? - weey kugu durdurinayaan!! :cool: watch out! -
  6. ^^^Lol @ volunteered me!! i didn't know such things exist, volunteering someone. my 28 the granfather was an arab and his 28 grandfather was African! Right? Ibti - confused somalis! - my sentiments exactly - i sometimes think, since we didn't write our history down, passing through orally has turned it into chineese whisper down the generation. i.e where it might have started with "An Arab came by the shore yesterday" 100 years later the story changed to "we came from the Arab that landed on that shore 100 years ago" and so on and so forth.
  7. do somalis now have their own monitoring caterogisation now? not nation wide one on every aspect, but london boroughs on the aspect of education. tower hamlets started it on langugage spoken at home bases not on ethnicity, we (lambeth) took it to the next level and are now pushing it forward on national level with support of the refugee council. That woman was a disgrace and the story was true. NO! the programme maker were the disgraced ones - all she was saying was that this benefits were not something to leave by, it was not a life of luxury as they were trying to potray. East African Asian was for Somalis what ever gave you that idea - and on top of that you are doing a research on somalis in the uk. please what ever you do try to minimise the negative impact - Just Don't labels African Arabs next. we have enought problems already. but you are on the right tract to ask for information first - i am sure Ibti will set you up with right path to gaining thos info you seek.
  8. there was this channel four programme recently about 6 or 7 months ago - where this somali woman and one community "leader" from our area was being interviewed. they said the woman recieved over £30k a year from the UK tax payers and then showed clip of her saying "it is not enought". the so called community leader then goes on to say "ah if there was no benefits we would work". i still see the guy.
  9. ^^ still wary of policy institutes eh Ibti - i don't blame you, they probably turn into somalis are here only for benefits and not for security etc blah blah. like the case in sweden. check this one out - they have contacted me before - and i turned them down.
  10. ^^^^^ REGIMENT!!! PRESENT ARMS!!! LATE 15MINS - GIVE ME 150 NOW ON THE DOUBLE - seriously everyone will have fun and no harm will come to you!! Edit - unknown1 popped up from now where - polictics kulaha - war bs ta naga da walaal. Q: Can the 1000 soldiers be mujaahideen is well?
  11. the under-estimation of Somalis in the UK can be attributed to the failure to classify Somalis as a distinct group of migrants; instead Somalis are subsumed within the closest monitoring category – Black African. Not anymore - but don't worry we have many excuses left for being invisible officially, but are seen on the streets.
  12. Sayid 9.45 Maa naaxiid, you do realise it is the end of the earth for some of us that time is intended for late comers not you my dear. you can stroll in at ten. :cool: keep it hush, hush though - i dont' everyone coming late now
  13. I am busy walaal. Plus, I think what I started as a fun is turing into addiction. I could only write bed-side stories these days! Balaaya dhacday. I think I am getting into a quaqmire. I have one about a man called Cabdi-sulub who distinguihses men as either Sheep or Goat when they are in the ring. Shall I post it, waan la xishoonayoo waxaan islahaa it is a bit of X-rate. let rip i say!! - or taste read it first (send it to me via pm) it reminds of incident. i had uncle (may Allah be pleased with him) who could only grow a goaty beard and it was so long that his friends used to call him "orgi (goaty)" and one night whilst i was seating with him; one of his friends came and when he saw us shouted "Ar ma orgi ba?" and my uncled quiped back "ha wa orgigiye away ri'di" to which the guy repsonded quickly by pointing to his other friend saying "waa tan"
  14. LOL@ exchange between JB& Ibti. for the record - I AM Married Alxamdulilaah and i am blessed with two beatiful children. another contamination of the Somali peninsula other then the nuclear waste, is the cultural contamination as evidenced by the jibes of jacjacle and cheerleading ngonge. ^^^ take that old men and smoke it :cool:
  15. @JB = A&T - it is all forgiven and forgotten walaal. welcome to the troll- what happen to you lately man? - we missed your work of fiction - have you busy on the BS (politics) section or busy at home consoling wife saying “NGONGE waa an online avatar for an old man, it is not a real name, his real name is Jamac Qowdhan” Ibti- i left that open to myself!!! :mad: good come back.
  16. ^^^ thanks waiter - now got back to your job and leave us to it EDIT: lol@ Ibti's innuendo - unlike jb & Ng i am not on the lookout for minyaro.
  17. JB- marki horeba kama rabin!!! waan u jeeda inad fal ku akhrineysid markad shubaysid; "Ibti'yeey bunkan cab, bacden minyaradaday noqo" lol@ Ibti's innuendo - unlike jb & Ng i am not on the lookout for minyaro.
  18. ^^why you lot didn't invite me ? :mad: - at least i would have taken you lot into the best coffee house in london and paid for the coffes is well. :cool: talking about coffes, how on earth do you pass to each other this online coffe?
  19. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^Yeah we all had coffee after and talked about it and.... what was the verdict?
  20. Wanagsan walaal or should i say Sabaaxa Nuur. any feedback from yesterday? Edit: Lol @ JB - and how did you about this information?
  21. Subax Wanagsan one and all.
  22. ^^^ LOL - your mum knew this saying, i guess.
  23. ^^and dare i ask - what do you see?
  24. lol @ a fat person with a degree in Nutrition can't dispense advice on eating healthy this reminds me of somali saying that went: before you buy shoes from someone look at their feet.
  25. akh tuf - alxamdullilaah i am muslim Lack of moral guidance = lost (wondering animals)