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Posts posted by Ebyan

  1. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown:

    Vilot,Maybe you can debunk my statement better than Taako.


    For peace,for prosperity,for patriotism,for standing up to world superpowers(using Ethiopia), for ending 16+ years of warlordism?



    Do you have to be a religious person to be against this warlord Gov't?

    For Peace: If the ICU wanted peace they could have reached a settlement with the TFG and we could have avoided this whole war. How can you support peace and at the same time go to war? Makes no sense.


    For Prosperity: Again, how can you go to war and expect to prosper? Infrastructure will get destroyed, people will die...how does this help in prosperity?


    For Patriotism: What patriotism? You mean this whole 'Ethiopia is our traditional enemy' bull?Are you saying one should support the ICU because they're fighting Ethiopia and as Somalis we should hate the Habasha? How can they be our enemy when they housed many of our refugees during the civil war? Being patriotic means wishing the best for your people and the best thing for the Somalis back home wasn't a war. The best thing for them is having a stable government and it just so happens that the TFG is the only government left. Now you have two options, anarchy or supporting the TFG. What would a "patriot" do?


    For standing up to the worlds superpowers: I don't even know how to respond to this. Is it a man thing? You seem to love war. How can we stand up to anyone when our people are dying left, right, and center from diseases and famine? Now you want to add war to the list? Please start thinking with your brain and stop with all the bravado.


    For ending 16+ years of warlordism: I will give credit were credit is due; they pacified Mogadishu and I don't know one person who doesn't applaud this achievement of theirs..but why did they want to destabilize already stable areas(i.e. Puntland and Somaliland)? If the ICU was looking out for the interest of Somalis they should have reached an agreement with the TFG and we could have averted this whole war. War brings nothing but bloodshed.


    Does one need to be religious to support the ICU: I understand how people could have supported the ICU pre-war, but I don't understand how anyone with half a brain could support them now. They're leading an 'insurgency' that fires mortars into crowds killing no one but other Somalis. It's also weird that the 'insurgency' is from one area of Mogadishu that is populated by a particular sub-sub-sub clan that also led the ICU. Thus only two types of people support the ICU now : Qabilists and people who were desperate to see Sharia law in Somalia regardless of who was leading the movement. You can pick which group you fit into. smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

    ^^I don't love them as long as they support Gaalo and wish destructios to all of us!


    There is no way I can love something who hates our existance as true believers. I can only do that if I was a silly Christian, sax?

    I like the little rants you go on, it projects the true image of the ICU. Don't let people discourage you, continue on this path of yours. :D

  3. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

    ^^Then who should stay with politics, only your sick uncle, who hails from the sickest people in Somalia?





    You do more in discrediting the ICU than any TFG supporter here could ever. Thank you. :D

  4. You can tell from the interview K'naan gave to George on The Hour that he either has limited understanding of what's going on in Somalia or he's just a complete liar. What reasons does he have for supporting the ICU? He makes money from a Haraam lifestyle, he doesn't hate Ethiopia because I've seen him sporting their colours one too many times..So what's left? Are you going to tell me he supports them because they pacified Mogadishu? I'm sure the TFG could have done the same had they been given the chance. It was the ICU who were gung-ho on going to war.


    He can go on all the shows he likes and try to feed his lies to westerners who lack knowledge on the events taking place in Somalia, but he can't lie to the rest of us. Its sad to see him heading down the same road as his late aunt...He really should have just stayed out of politics.

  5. Among other things you're a sexist too? Dear god the lists just keeps growing. Cutting me some slack kulaaha..Dude whatever helps you repair your bruised ego. You can dry your eyes now, I won't be responding to you any time soon. smile.gif

  6. Abowe, stop kidding yourself, even if I were to write a 10,000 word essay on my take on Somali politics, you would disregard it as me defending my clan..So tell me, what's the point? You're the only one who seems to be obsessed with clan here..You can't respond to a single post of mine without bringing my clan into it. If you have proof of your allegations please bring it, otherwise stay on topic. Is that hard for you to understand? smile.gif



  7. Originally posted by mystic:



    Dance Puppet Dance!

    You've been reduced to one-liners. Save yourself the embarrassment and just don't respond. That's some sincere advice from your sister . ;)smile.gif

  8. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    Violet, Be comfortable with your choices. I am trying to address your propaganda only. If you make comments like "Somalia" is on the right track, then you must explain which somalia you are talking about. Surely, not the same Somalia I belong to. Somalia is greater than a percieved clan's success or personalities like A/Y. Besides, Why don't you let Duke speak on your behalf? Or Taako-Man?



    Is it that hard for you to stay on topic? If you would like to know my position on certain issues, just ask me, there's no need for you to get personal. What do Taako-man or Duke have to do with this? :confused: Why would they need to speak on my behalf? Have I bruised your male-ego that much?

  9. Originally posted by mystic:



    LOL, aren’t you intellectually deficient. I am not trying to
    you but rather describe your state of mind. It is truly based on your wild clannish statements. You, yourself have admitted that you’re clannish. Just because you assume others are clannish doesn’t mean that you have the right to be one. You don’t have the right to generalize all Somalis, we as humans are all different. You are the only one which is proficient enough to fool yourself.



    The ICU has done more for the people in six months and the TFG has done for the people till this day!


    So go chew on some grass, you are merely a blind-sheep.


    You are dismissed. The next time I will address you will be when you have the capacity to function with a un-clannish mind.


    Mac-Salaam, my fellow sisters

    ^ The fact that you think Mogadishu=The whole of Somalia shows that your nothing but a qabilist. You and Xoogsade are as qabilist as Taako-man and I. If anything, the fact that you label me as a clannish bigot says a lot about the way you see yourself.


    Salaam Aleikum to you too. smile.gif

  10. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    quote:Originally posted by Violet:

    Mystics posts are emotionally charged and I just advised her to post when she's
    . How is that insulting? She backed the ICU, they lost, and she's currently going through a natural process known as grief. Believing the ICU will make a phantom return is a ridiculous as believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth fairy.


    Xoogsade, I'm not suprised you came to her defence, after all she is your clan cousin..oh wait you're above clannish thinking. My bad.

    Humans are by nature emotional creatures. They can not divest themselves completely of their emotions while they are engaged in an argument, and for you or for anyone to expect that is unrealistic. You Violet, Duke, Taako-Man, and all the spokespeople of A/Y and his TFG possibly wake up every morning emotionally tied to the Old man's well being and how he is going to surivive ruling the graveyard called Muqdisho, how the xabashi troops can pacify those who oppose him at any cost. Your replies to me, to mystic and to anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with the way things are going speak about your emotional connection and investment in the TFG. Would you defend it day and night otehrwise? if you were unemotional about what is going on, you wouldn't carry pictures of A/Y, posted propaganda, dismissed the facts on the ground as sham or like Taako-Man, he wouldn't have wished and prayed that Allah may come on the side of Melle Zenawi and grant him total victory over fellow muslim somalis.


    So Violet, you are as emotional as anyone involved in this, try another card please. I am reading
    Do you have anything new to say? You've been repeating the same lines for god knows how long..I'm a qabilist and I love the TFG because the President is from my clan yadda yadda yadda. I don't like going in circles, so please bring something new or let me be. Do you understand what I've typed thus far? smile.gif

  11. Originally posted by mystic:



    A woman whose lips are constantly attached to that old man’s behind is teaching me about civility. Learn to use your own brain and not that of your clan, you have already admitted to been a tribalist. You know nothing about civility only a backward clan mentality. Save yourself from your own mental illness.

    Anyone who supports the TFG is a qabilist, but anyone who supports the ICU does so based on principle and not qabiil. Gimme a break, we're all Somalis here, who do you think you're lying to? I don't like repeating myself, but I'm forced to do so because you seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I really don't care if I'm called a qabilist, it doesn't bother me, what bothers me is this fake holier-than-thou persona ICU supporters put on..like you're all above 'primitive' qabilist thinking. Dude, I ain't buying what you're selling..When you have people like K'naan supporting the ICU you know it's for no other reason than qabiil.


    P.s.- Your insults are lame..try being original next time.

  12. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    ^ Violet, come on, just because you call yourself violet doesn't mean you make flowery comments. Deal with the fair treatment you get from Mystic just as you dish out equally under-belt blows to her

    I'm sorry but my momma raised a lady; I don't resort to petty insults. Mystics posts are emotionally charged and I just advised her to post when she's better . How is that insulting? She backed the ICU, they lost, and she's currently going through a natural process known as grief. Believing the ICU will make a phantom return is a ridiculous as believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth fairy.


    Xoogsade, I'm not suprised you came to her defence, after all she is your clan cousin..oh wait you're above clannish thinking. My bad. smile.gif

  13. Mystic


    You need a lesson in civility. Your second grade insults aren't the least bit humorous. Need I remind you of Sol's Golden Rules?


    7 - Flaming: absolutely no personal attacks (direct or indirect).
    Criticize ideas, not people


  14. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    ^ That sentiment is not shared by somalis who are bloodied by A/Y, the man you admitted you support simply because he is from your clan and whom you carry his picture as a loyal fan of his.




    I thought we settled this already..I'm as qabiilist as you. Now, I would greatly appreciate it if could you respond to the topic without taking shots at me. smile.gif