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Everything posted by uchi

  1. I was speaking to my dad couple of months ago, who happens to know her father. Aparently the father doesn't speak much anymore. In any case, I wish she would change her name, in respect to her family, considering that she broke all ties to them. Another name is in order -
  2. I am just pissed at the id iot (PL - Vise president ) and his goons for bashing the journalists.
  3. You might find this of use - Good luck http://www.mininova.org/
  4. Its a good source Mohammad...well done
  5. uchi


    It was in my must see list, as soon as Peter took the contract years back. On another note - Idil They made my favourite childhood book into a movie!!! The Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe...can't wait to see it [big Grin] I thought 'The Chronicles of Narnia' was a Christian story book, correct me if I am wrong? I guess, I was just put off when they said the 4 children were the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve... All being Anglo saxon, just didn't do it for me.
  6. uchi

    Family Guy

    I almost got all the episodes now
  7. LANDER, please tell me you don't believe muslims were capable of planting c4's across a number of levels in the towers, in which they detonated consecutively as the towers fell. I'm sure if you watched the first part of the doc, you would have realised that they were in fact emphasizing the role of the new cons were so great in bringing down Bill Clinton and his immoral lifestyle, they went to the extend of creating an illusion, perhapes an invisible enemy etc., to justify thier agenda.
  8. Yeah, i watched both of them, it was a 2 part doc, which continued last night. I will have more info later. They concluded the new cons were behind the September 11th attacks.
  9. Multimedia Designer here - (1 more year of uni to go) + Hopefully i will get into Post Production - Editing position. You may want to check my showreel from last year, that is if you are willing to download 20MB (compressed - Quicktime). http://www.rickwagoner.com/uploads/showreel_pr8.rar
  10. For the Interested individuals - Ex Sandine Navy, Military Experts (Security Personnel), jumped into Top Cat's Boat. http://www.cbffac.org/docs/sva04.pdf
  11. Thank you Muhammad, I really liked that.
  12. My believe is, if possible, send your donations to local Somali Schools to purchase computers and to cover the costs of the Internet. Nothing can be more educational for the youth/children then having access to information.
  13. Did someone Call for Ms. Uranium Belgium? Considering that Belguim once controled the Uranium Market, Genocide in Rwanda, business in Congo...etc Uranium in Somalia http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/country/2000/et00.pdf#search Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, tied back to Belguim Uranium. http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=2487 Who are we kidding here -
  14. uchi


    The Constant Gardener, anyone?
  15. Perhapes, the increase has something to do with the 30% or so educated diasporas?
  16. Yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that. I guess that short french course at Uni would be the next best thing.
  17. I say spit on thier face, and insult them infront of a large crowd... Perhapes on a lighter note, at a friday prayer ask the imam if you could make an announcement and then make a small but brief statement that we are all brothers and we should stop sending money overseas to kill each other - Then you can point fingers at the old bearded dude with the frown on his face, and say...Thats him, yes, one of the misguided muslims.
  18. ^^ Defently. Recently on the BBC - Hardtalk, the role of the ICANN and what reponsibilites they have and the influence of the United States, were being discussed. In any case they concluded, 'if' it come down to which country was causing problems, the US could in fact shut down thier internet.
  19. Claims 5 people every minute, 8,000 lives every day. The virus: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Effect: AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) As a citizen of this planet, give up 10 minutes of your time by educating yourself about this virus, and the people it effects. Get Involved - Wear the ribbon http://www.worldaidsday.org/ http://www.unaids.org
  20. I want to learn French...SeeKer give me her number ... I really need to learn another western language, considering that my Somali is terrible.
  21. After some research I found this - A must read - Topcat Marine Security: A Very Crowded Office Space, a Shell Corporation, or Just a Scam? Could this be another case of Consort & Range resources. Bankruptcies, Criminal record, Fruad, Multiple Company names etc. Hmmm... "Its a rogue state... who cares", as one executive director once put it. PETER CASINI- UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
  22. Could be "Does he have a pen" lol Or "Doesn't go in" Good luck
  23. Wow, i didnt know you were Abdulahi Yusuf's son. You seem to know alot. He holds fast to his principle's. He isn't a political pragmatist and you can't bribe him with money. ^^ Really?? :eek: