Game changer

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Posts posted by Game changer

  1. The real secessionists are puntland not somaliland.  Puntland is the only state that  is always against every step Somalia takes towards progress .  The republic never involved Somalia affairs.  We never used Those Isq MPs in Mogadishu.  How ever this time we will use them  to defend our interests.  And they must block any so called SSC project.  They should also vote against the CBBs  and majidho when the time comes. 

    We can destroy our opponents in Mogadishu more than we can do sool.   Let's see who wins the battle of politics in Mogadishu. 


  2. 39 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    This secessionist troll's obsession with 'laan' is on next level. What an incel oo ku waashay laan, laan, laan. Soco gabar raadso, not that you will find one.

    Also reminded me what a Reer Xamar lady in berisamaadkii said to a new neighbour who moved to her xaafad. Waqooyiga ka timid oo ku waalatay 'laandheere, laandheere.'

    Maalintii dambe loogu jawaabay, "Ninkaaga ku dhib qabo laankaaga dheer."

    From that day, ma dambe laandheerenimo lagama maqlin.

    Excuse me  English is not my first language ,but I really don't understand the first part of your paragraph.     I only understand the second part which is quite funny .

    I didn't  mention somaliland , and I didn't ask you to hook me up.     I think cillado aad leedahay uunbad noo sheegtay.😄



  3. 6 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    It seems you are not attuned to Southern politics The opposition to HSM will start in Mogadishu, by HSM's clan no less.


    HSM has no serious political rivals. He will finish  this term without quarrel ,  he is more likely to come back again if he defeats alshabaab .   I think he already did good job against alshabaab  his peaple are generally happy with his performance.   They feel more secure now compare to when the con artist laangaabs  daddy was in  office. I would advise him to keep his prime minister Hamza and ignore  the desert dwellers.   Peaple from the desert talk too much and they offer too little.

  4. 2 hours ago, Illyria said:

    And you said you were a warmongering  jaahil. See, yours is a better analyses than those of Galbeedi & Maakhiri combined, for theirs are the stuff of dreamers whilst yours, in this instance, is grounded on actualities.

    I am jaahil  but I am not entirely bilaa caqli.  The problem with the minorities is most of them are blindly ambitious. peaple like maakhiri, galbeedi or those who are from beledwayne or sool dislike their big brothers Whether we like to admit or not .  When it comes to national issues  Maakhiri Is working against the MJs  while galbeedi Is holding me by the balls.  

    I don't trust the CBB  raising  laangaabs  at all.   They are more destructive.   I would rather deal with the devil himself .   Minorities rarely thinks about the consequences of their actions.  


  5. While the minority communities are expecting miracles.  The major players don't trust each other.   The Eastern kingdom will refuse any thing  proposed by the unaka leh Kingdom.  Their rivalry is an opportunity for others .  A good example is Hamza.   No one  expected  his nomination.  the northerners will also increase their efforts to take Their fair share of the pie.  

     Somalia waa mashruuc jaalayal.  the 1m 1v  scheme  is pushed by the westerners.   Somalis are generally happy with the current 4.5 system.     And those who are unhappy are either too gullible or too greedy.   For example elections are bad for woman.    No faarax would vote for Naag.  If you see Naag advocating for  elections , she doesn't know her interests.   

  6. 5 hours ago, Illyria said:

    You mean, this. Waar bal harjadkaa iyo naf la caarigaa eega. Adduunyada nin noolow, maxaa aragti kuu laaban!


    Look after yourself, and do not forget to take your meds.


    Waxaa aad u jeedo ee aad isleedahay malaa maangal naaha  baa reality ah , kaaga darane waa state sponsored   .   Muuse biixi , aniga iyo xasan sheekh isku afkaar baanu Ka aaminsanahay puntland.  Waxay idin odhan waayaan uunbay anaga iyo islaamahaas usoo dhiibaan.   

    Sida sanyare yagu shaashadaha islama soo istaagan gabdhaha reer Hebel baa kuwa reer Hebel Ka lebis fiican because of reerkoda dawlada xukuma.  Taasi xitaa qabyaalad maahee waa munaafaqad.  Anaguna munaafaqadi waa baranay , oo waxaanu leenahay waar Ali saleeban iyo reer maakhiraw  sidaas bay M saleebaan Ku idiin arkaan.

    Aduunka wax lakala Barto qabyaalad baa ugu fudud. Caano Ka dhan baanu Ku leenahay  dagaal na waxba kamaad tarin oo weli maraagii baanu fadhina, caqlina kuguma dhaano keliya inaanu kaa xoogweynahay baan ogahay, laakiin hadaan is xilqaamo I think gaalo ina kala saarta baynu u baahanahay waxeenu intii muslimku fahmayey way dhaaftee 😄


  7. We are all juhula fii sabiililah , you can only deal with galbeedi  in terms of knowledge based negotiations ,  we durriyadu have decided war .   Xitaa galbeedi laftiisanaan nabad gelinayn  haduu keeni waayo wax dadkayaga u cuntama 

     Isku soo xooriyoo adeer dir Waqooyi must be an independent somaliland republic.  That's the ultimate goal.  Qabyaalada aad la timaaden tu Ka daran  baanu wadana oo ilaa Samaale iyo muqdishu taxan.    







  8. Well I am just jaahil ask that question to our brother galbeeedi , he is the intellectual,   I only now  how to handle the D block .  Nin xoog lihi caqli malaha.   Wixii cilmi Ku salaysan waydiiya dadkayaga cilmiga sheegta.  Laakiin wixii Dil iyo barakicina uunbaan kaaga jawaabi karaa run ahaantii.   Dadku waa kala shaqo.   

  9. 52 minutes ago, Illyria said:

    Adduunyoy xaalkaa ba'a. Bal HJ ha kuu dhaarato, oo Ceerigaabo ha kuugu dhaarato. Adduunya gaddoon iga dheh.

    In wartime what ever HJ says  on behalf of beesha dhexe is the official statement.  I am not exaggerating.   The worst war of it's kind will happen not in laascaanood but ceerigaabo.  And it's not even an actual war ,  it's a simple  deportation  .   The real war will remain in goojacade a place we will never leave until we secure   referendum backed by the UN,    Or take it like we took caynabo .  I have no peace to offer  but war.  


  10. 25 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:



    Any one who expects this war to finish quickly is day dreaming.  Your  folks  will suffer the most . I am suggesting you evacuate your peaple from ceerigaabo while we are busy in laascaanood.  The sooner you leave the better for you .  

  11. 1 hour ago, Aroori said:

    The business community are members of the waddani party according to kulmiye and saleebaan. 

    Haduu si kasta u meeraysto muuse nagama macaashi Karo,  waxwalba haduu diido xoogbaa looga qaadaya.    Dalku laba sareeyye gaas buu leeyahay, nuux iyo daba gale .  Nuux dagaal buu Ku jiraa waana ninweyn.   Dabagalanu leenahay,  cabdifatax siisi waa khayrkaa.    Waad taqaan nin ciidana oo fursad madaxtinimo loo tilmaamay.   Muuse oo liinta cabaya baad arki doonta wax badan buu liin inoo qoree😄

  12. 1 hour ago, Aroori said:

    lol, jinni ninkii keenaa saara. I don't think saleebaan will EVER stand up to muuse biihi. 

    You are right  but the guurti members can be convinced to block the extension.  If we use the businessmen. The business community are very powerful

  13. 1 minute ago, Aroori said:

    In my opinion waddani will accept the ururo election but as Xaaji xunjuf and beesha HA believes; muuse biihi shouldn't hold an election of any type whatsoever.

    Xaashi and gabboose voiced their concerns recently, with gabboose blindly blaming the NEC when in fact they have no power under the current admin. The old guard of kulmiye want another extension for muuse biihi even when the two years given to him by the guurti is up. basically an extension of at least 4 years overall with last year being wasted as preparations for an election thus completing an illegitimate 2nd term. 

    The  more he stay power the more peaple will hate him,  i would never advise himself to seek new extension.   That's stupidness , and it's even madness.  I don't think the cows wants muuse to seek more extention , but muuse himself can do anything,  the guy doesn't give sh*t ,   he is stubborn .   In this case  idinku anaga noo daaya jinni ninkii keenaa bixiyee.  We will use the guurti against the president  for the first time in somaliland history.  😄  

  14. The difference between mooge and cirro is , mooge is populist leader,  the public supports him , the peaple want him .   No body can beat him in a free and fair elections, it's absolutely impossible.  The only card muse can play is to bring mooge. Muse has no bright future as a president, he will be gone.  But he should leave legacy . 

  15. 21 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    for ina xashi to have a chance the party elections need to become the first elections if that happens ,  u will likely see ina biix back again. so ina xashi interest of becoming a party is very much tight to ina biixi

    But either way there wont be elections for the next coming two years at least and if then the party elections  happpen prepare ur self that ina biixi will come back

    The commission said we can do the first election in 9 months.  Wadani will be forced to accept the ururo elections.   If they refuse then muuse Will stay longer .    I suggest cirro to accept the ururo, his chance of winning is very high any way.   


    19 hours ago, Aroori said:


    Muuse biixi must bring  mooge .    He is the only GX person that can bring victory for kumiye and somaliland.   Muse wont be elected again ,  His support base outside his community  are HJ ,   even though we support his military actions , we won't   give him second chance, it's against xeer hoosaadka beesha dhexe , the unity of durriyadu is above the law  we want some one from GX walaw kaana Cirro. 


      I am bit worried Cirro my recall the army ,  but we will discuss that with him ,   HJ won't vote any candidate  who suggests  the army should be relocated back to our deegaan.  We want some one who can keep up the war. Until the enemy meets our terms and conditions.  While mooge himself doesn't like war , he will bring stability and economy success.  The more we grow economically the more we can support our military 

  17. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Good points and i am not of the same opinion as the other gentlemen i dont think anything good will come from putting one clan against the other there is no point this is not the 1991.  Nobody wants an internal conflict in awdal people  betweeen the various clans that live there.


    laakin aduunka waxa ugu liita nin bila tallo ah , that i cant coop with 


    i dont understand  if u cant share a state with ur closest brother and i consider u my brother because our land are the closest to each other then any other clan and i have to believe that we share the longest border. and that is not all also we have been close inside jabuuti.  against jesus folks. Because we both hail from the british Somaliland and the french minimized our clans in jabuuti ,  when he shipped us away back to british somaliland and  he allowed the jessus folks to run back in  and thats how they formed the majority there later on there  before that we were the majority somalis there 


    as for the Somaliland  president he has every  right to endorse some one for the  next elections especially if its from his own party and abdikarim mooge is likely  to succeed the current incumbet president of the holy republic of Somaliland


    and why do u support ciiro because he is a weak leader right thats why u like and u oppose even ali waraabe who loves the republic who kicks the SL enemies in the face , u want the docile  ciiro and we know why galbeedi waalida naga daa





    Nin naagtaada u socda walaashay hoo kuma qanco.  Galbeedi iyo dhawr laangaab oo kale oo dibadaha kunool waxay iska dhaadhiciyen   inay samayn karaan waxaanay karti iyo awood toona u lahayn,   gebigoodaba waxa Ku filan ina badda laga soo xidho.    Markaa sallaan cirka ha dhigtaan Ku xidha walaalahod  siciid rati.    

  18. 1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

    Evidence ? Please 



    The evidence is you can't see one single standing tree in eastern sanaag except  the calmadaw which you could not burn because of the  ISIS presence.   Your whole Clan are famously known as dhuxulaysato.   

  19. 41 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    Waryaa Reer Burco, meeshaada joog, oo dagaalka ummadda ka jooji. Ninkan waalan ee aad ku guuraysaane jooji oo nabada qaado, before it is too late.

    Dagaalka ninka ku jira waxa Ka xun Ka fidnada abuura.  Adigu waxad marwalba Ka shaqaysa fidno Ka dhacda awdal.   Nin durbaan tumay ilaaq dalbay.   Bariga iskadhaafe galbeeed kaanba usoo socona ,  Dhulkan aad sheeganayso , ee lawyocado, saylac iyo lughayana  inta nabad gelyo jirto  baad sheegan karta.  Ee naagaha iyo caruurta  votekoodu power ka leeyahay.  

    Horta borama kuugu Iman mayno ,  ciyaalkayagana waa kala soo baxayna waxan aad jaamacada Ku sheegtan ee naxliga lagu dhigto .   Laakiin Dhulka beesha waraabe  ee aad u ham iyo dig leedahay ,  ha moodin inad sahal Ku qaadan kartid ,  dagaal Ka baa nooga meel yaal arinkaas.   Sooyaalku wuxu na baray inaan laysku kiin halayn Karin sidaa awgeed waxa la gaadhay xiligii  demographics Ka awdal wax laga bedeli lahaa.   Sida ugu fiican ee demographics loo bedelana waa inuu dagaal dhaco. 

  20. 4 minutes ago, Aroori said:

    Is Somaliland a democracy or an ethnocracy? 

    It's Habrocracy+ who ever they indulge with   ,  our politics is mainly based on habro  We have no idiological differences and we have no class,  the rich man lives with his poor tol neighborhood.  When Habar A is in control  habar B is opposition and habar C  keebs the check and balance just like HJ is today.   You can't rule somaliland if you are not  backed by   2 different  habar or more.   Isn't aroori the plains near burco , how come you don't understand  the system.  Ar you teenager .