Game changer

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Posts posted by Game changer

  1. That's  not enough what the hell is koore  and others are doing in our capital. As a HJ our goal is all about the land not the peaple we never cared about dhulos, somaliland forced us to accept them  .  I recommend all isqs to expand their tribal boundaries.   Goojacade is ours , HY should completely remove maakhiri community from the ceeri   district.   

    The jesus community should also be notified that they are free to play their own game in the West .    Adeer dawlad fashilanta dunida ugumaanu horayn tii nebi maxamed Ka tagaa duntay , Roman empire iyo Persia kama duwanin kuwaasiba way suulen .   Laakiin haduu halaag u bilaabmay dad badan. Waa balan   Gurigoodanu ugu geynayna dagaal dhaba.  

    For those of you  who are not from somaliland who thinks like Reer waqooyigu haysku jabaan ,  we are coming after  you as a Irir      not just in the Somali peninsula but in America  and Europe as well .   Let the war begin.    Never  think we forget about you. 



  2. Culusaw  has done a lot  for the  peaple  Even when he was not president.     One of his biggest achievements is that Somalia is now member of the east African community  this is a huge opportunity for all Somalis . The East African community is huge economy powerhouse.  He also  winning against the terrorists  in central Somalia.  And now he is doing the 1m 1 v. I think  He ticked all the boxes.     Hadal yar hawl badan 

    I don't think he is leaving any time before 2030.   he is even getting More popular    among his his tol . Only oday xaad community are little bit unhappy for not getting the mayorship.      Culusaw eliminated too many evil forces all at once.   Wax qabad kiisa waxa kamida inuu CBB   iyo the 400K community  labadaba  uu  ummada Ka qabtay.      

  3. Maxaan Ku noqda Dee naagta ina kaahin baa u awoowa,  isagaana xidhay una malayn maayo inuu beryaha soo daynayo hadaan ururadu haweenku u kicin.  Imika ragiinan waaweyn ma bushaarad nefis siyaasaded Ka dayeysaan. Kkkkkkkk   Kaa xunee dhloos  isaga waan u garaabaya oo culays HJ baa saaran.   Ilaahay wuxu Ka barya , ilaahaw HJ muuse biixi Ku kacda. Xitaa hadaanu muuse Ku kacno ma kul baanu Ku daynayna.   Warya ilaahay wax nafleh waydiiso 😄



    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

  4. Somaliland is like a western government trying to protect the minorities. Majority of isq peaple tolerated this scheme.  How ever there are fast growing number of  isqs who can't take this shit anymore.    Even here in Europe or America    the right wing groups are rising up. Because the integration policy is failing.   And it never worked.  

    Heavy and deadly conflicts is   coming soon. Both at home and abroad  .  Dhulos is like an underwear .  An underwear does hold  some shit ,  but it Contributes nothing to your overall looks.   Isq are well prepared for war. And it has nothing to do a war for isku haynta dadka.  It's a dhul boob one.  Anaga waxayagu waa clear.  Hadaanu Ku dhahno waa Ku dilayna we mean it.  Waxaan dhul boob ahayn oo noo qorshaysan ma jiraan. Waxan kaloo dhan waa riwaayad dadkuna way metelayan. 

  5. She is the same raas of the interior minister maxamed kaahin, and we hail from the same subclan.  Her family are among the rich families of burco and They were part of SNM .  She did nothing very serious.  How ever I think she will receive some jail time ,  dawladu rag kale bay ula booca ugu kutubaysa.  Markad doonayso inaad mas disho  mulac baa la jiidjiida.    

  6. 7 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Marna sodon sano calaacala, waa nala xasuuqay ku haaya, lafa qarniyo ka hor la duugay soo faag faaga. Marna saan u hadla.

    Koley beentii iyo baroortii wey soo dhamaatay. Soomaali beentiina dambe dhageysaneysa ma jirto.

    Adigu dadkaagii if iyo aakhiro toona kuma ogid.   Waxna meelahaas bay dawarsadaan , waxna dagaalo aanay magac iyo manfac toona ugu jirin bay Ku dhamaaden.  Waxba kaama gelin isq iyo dhulos  is haysta  10 qarni baanu  is dilaynay weligoodna waa Ka adkayn .   Orod taada meel saar inan gumeed yahaw la yasaa.


  7. This soldier is spitting the truth while he is comfortably   enjoying his khat session in goojacade    " you can't take any thing from us ,  even if you cry bloody tears . Whats hrti ?  we are bringing our own isq  families here In goojacade.   Until  the UN is getting confused  about who is the real owner of this  place "    legend 😎





  8. Dbayacoy meesha taydha Ka daaya,    waad aragtan anaga shacabkayaga weliba degmooyinka ugu yaryar baa kumaanaan xoolo ah siiyanaya ciidankayaga.   Markaasad la shir imanaysa  somaliland baa waxay cunto wayday.   3 qodob oo xaqiiqaan kuu sheegaya.   Kaw Horta dadkayagu kuwiina Ka hodansan kana tiro iyo tayaba badan.   Labo dawladayadu tiina Ka dhaqaale badan  kana nidaam wanaagsan.   

    3 ciidankayagu kuwiina kana tiro badan kana qalab fiican.    Markaa beenta iyo propaganda waxa idiinku wacan waa itaal darrida.   Itaal xumadiinuna waa hereditary , awaawgay awaawga waa Ka adkaa , aabahayna aabaha waa Ka adkaa.   Aniguna saacadan aynu joogno adiga iyo ilmaaderaaba idinka adki.  Meesha aanu Ka dagaalamayna waa badhtamha dhulkiina.   Muddo 6 bilooda hal maxbuus baad iga haysa  hada waa hal oo wallahiya .  

  9. 7 hours ago, Illyria said:

    It gets worse. Here are the latest Sr secessionist officers killed.

    Waa Labadii Sarkaal ee u danbeeyay ee Beesha Arab uuga dhintay duulaankii u danbeeyay ee 18/5/2023.  Labada Sarkaal midkood ayaa maanta dhaawac ahaan ugu dhintay Hargeysa.
    SNM way qarinayaan saraakiisha ku halaagsanta Laascaanood, Balse cadowga guddaha ayaa iyagu ku foogan in ay soo bandhigaan xaqiiqda



    You can't kill a rat,  Waar ninkan aad leedahay 18 may baanu dilnay,  shalaytadan qoyan buu  kumanan  neef oo geel iyo adhiya  oo ciidanka qaranka lasiiyey Ka gudoomayey dadka reer gebiley .   Waan fahmi karaa in guuldarradu idinka tiro badatay oo ay xoogaa niyad dhisa idiin Tahay inaad been isku maaweelisan.     Laakiin been run u yara eeg sheega.  Waakan muuqaalka warkii shalay isagoo xoolo u gudoomaya ciidankayaga sharafta leh.  




  10. Argagixisadu  waa laba nooc , kuwa hubaysan ee dagaalka inagula jira ,  iyo kuwo kale oo aan  yagu dagaalamin laakiin  dhaqaale badan haysta.   Almost every company successful ah wadaad baa leh argagixiso ah.  Qofkuba haduu surwaal gaaban Yahay  naagtiisuna niqaabato , halkaa sujuuduna madawdahay  waa argagixiso, 

    isaga iyo Kuwa is qarxiya isku kutub bay dhigteen.  Waana isku afkaar.   Magaalooyinka burco , boosaaso , iyo laascaanood  waa meelaha ugu badan ee argagixisadu  ugxanta dhigatay.    Markaa awalba way ina haysteen waxa dhibaato Ku haya oo keliya  maraykanka iyo Reer galbeeedka.  

  11.  Ururka argagixisada ugus uunbaa Somali midayn kara.  Sababta oo ah waynu Ka baqna , somaliduna kal xishoota malaha ee kal baqatay leedahay.  Waxa labaad ee soomalida Ka dhigi kara dad haday doonan Kala qabysan laakiin hodan ahi ..

    waa dhaqaale iyo in reer walba dhulkiisa waxa Ku jira lasoo baxo.   Aduunyada laba  wax baa Ka shaqeeya Xoog ama dhaqaale.  Xitaa hadaad cilmi kasta iyo caqli kasta leedahay, waxad u shaqaynaysa nin dhaqaale leh ama mid xoogleh.   

  12. Puntland is just scared of the  rising irrsm  and the empowered OGs .  They know they have no chance   against this evil alliance.    So they are trying to say.  There should be 4 or 5  national political  parties. Not 2.    How ever while this may give them some leverage , it encourages other clans to join the competition which is good  for dr waqooyi. 

    For that reason   I am neutral about this.   Our separatist brothers are very good politicians.  They are always cooking something interesting 😄    idaa kathara dabaakhiin fasada maraq.  Nimankasi markay wax karinayan yaan gacanta lala gelin,  markay miiska soo dhigaan uun  hala qiimeyo waxay soo kariyeen.   Dabeeto Ku raac ama Ku laad.   Simple. Ilaahay hanaga dhigo kuwa markasta Ku laada, saa wuxu mrjen kariyey kolayba sun baa Ku jirtee.   Kkkkk




  13. 5 hours ago, galbeedi said:

    Somali leaders are always one day late and a dollar short.

    The so called dialogue was useful before the bombs fall. now there is no turning back, even a child knows that. The only discussion left is how to separate the forces, especially Somaliland forces from Laascaanood.

    I won't take one step back from goojacade.   It's mine.  And I am native Sool citizen.  If any body is leaving it must be MJrten .  The local militias can normally live in laascaanood if they want ,  I won't hit them until they hit me first.  And sometimes I can hit them for no reason   if the government don't bring me my daily dose of khat.   

     It's up to them if they can live in this kind of unstable situation.   They have no choice.   this war is getting boring it must spread to sanaag.   The maakhiri dhuxulaysato must also pay the price of their treason. And we  don't actually care them as much as we care about the garaads who we are very related to them. Shaydanba isku kaayo diray,  Let's blame the shaydaan as usual.  😄

     What about you , are you ready to play with your big brothers Jesus and isq ? Horta why the West is peaceful , mutul gubtay mutul gubtay kama naxo    you should invite us there one day.  We will be there before you even wake up .    Prove me in aqoontu dhaanto jahliga buugyahaw buuga sitaa.   Kkkk   


  14. Soomaliyey waxan la dagaalamayna waa waxa sidaa u liita walaahi waaniga idiin dhaartee xitaa hooyadisii dhashay hadaan Ku hor siraado igama celin Karo .    Caasimadiisii anigoo HJ ahba xoog Ku haysta waxna igama qaban karo .    


  15. Iskada dhaaf magaalo aad iga xoraysatee xitaa naagtaada iiga kac hadaan Ku idhaahdo in the middle of the night , waad iiga kacaysa  hadaan kaa xishoodo waa hadaanan Ku odhan suuliga biyaha ii dhig.  In kasta oo aad iiba dhigto anoon ku waydiisan.  Kkkkkkk

  16. 7 minutes ago, Illyria said:

    No, I am only indulging you, for I see you as an adrift numpty. On the matter concerning land grabbing, I am intentionally not engaging in that whilst our boys are saddled on your tail; did you hear Yagoori was sacked yesterday? You are so used to sandwiching yourself in tight spots, and are forever concerning yourself whence branch of the family one belongs. Our grandfathers used to say: "Intuu Somalilanders nabad kugu yeelo, dagaal kuma yeelo". How very true.  To you, I am reer Las Anod, and am coming for your cape.

    In that case I only show you nothing but my power.  This is the only language I understand for you.   Weliba waxan aad uga xumahay inan dbayaco Ku moodayey hadaan birta kaa aslaya si toosa.  This is who we are !



  17. Brother you posted a document showing some of the places we conquered from your cousins.   I was expecting you to say  I am gonna regain , but you gave up .  😄 If I can do that to them  centuries ago.  What makes you think I can't  gain more   today when all durriyada are backing me with all their resources.  Yes I can for sure.    

    Regarding The samalism we know This hurts you the most politically  and we are very well involved to expand the anti Dbayaco brotherhood.   I can deal any one against you .   I can even deal with you against my former Freinds.   

    I trust no body except isq.    Bi kulli ixtiraam indr urgufyada haygu soo dhisi .  Miskiinkaa xunee reer waajidka ah  dawarsi baan Ku ogaa.   Horta kuma aqaan laakiin I assumed inad dbayaco tahay if I am not wrong.  


  18. I didn't try but I am considering to do if it's necessary.  You know there is difference between taking over a place and destroying the place.   Taking over is More difficult. Because you have to rebuild that place you took over.  As a HJ we are not interested to take over lascaanod , we are only interested to gain more territory.

    I am not familiar with that document but it shows some places we took over 100 years ago from the garaads.  What's your point ? 

  19. Just now, Illyria said:

    Oh, so you are being gentle, and restrained? How very kind of you, sir. Oi, why are you losing all your generals? Bloody ragamuffin.

    Ofcourse we are very gentle and restrained, and you personally know that we can do  a lot of damage to laascaanood if we want.     So let's put aside things like shelling and genocide. We are not at this stage yet.

      If the generals you are talking about were not brave enough to fight  against the enemies  they could still be alive  , in fact they could simply use the BM 21 grads  from their comfort and wipe out the whole place without taking any personal  riskd.  Your generals  don't even fight , that's why none of them is died. 

     Having said that as a some one who believe in the zero sum game we can only expect  more death and destruction.   And we have no plans of walking away with nothing.  Either we gain territory for isq  or something bigger .  The war will only stop when you meet my demands , because I am the man with biggest guns in this field.  And remember this is Africa.  

  20. 56 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Hamza went far beyond what his boss said. He essentially said reer SSC should lie down while the secessionists shelled them senseless.

    Besides, there's no real PM office anyway.

    If we start shelling them it won't take 3 hours to completely destroy laascaanood.  All Somalis are well aware that we have the military hardware  to do so .  The fact that garaads live there peacefully shows that somaliland is not shelling the city.   How ever we can change our mind as a clan and do  the unexpected.   As I mentioned before this war is not just a political war.   It's a tribal war between HJ and dhulo. It's a century old conflict that we were supposed to finish in 1991.  History repeats itself. 

  21. We too  will meet the president and the prime minister , with evidences showing garaad jaamac threatening to slaughter our Western SSC  peaple.  We will let them know that peaple fighting in laascaanood are actually garaad jaamac clan Vs our clan over the ownership of SSC.  We don't agree the border between us   they are claiming all the way to burco 

     And we claim all the way to goojacade (yes goojacade is now ours ) .  Somaliland is just supporting us  the same way puntland is supporting them.    If kastuumo gets any thing from xamar we will also submit our application to get exactly the same thing they requested.   Whether is is medicine,   weapons .  Budget what ever. Buurmadaw will be there in few days after these beggars leave.