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  1. My people we are all somalis at the end of the day, so don´t waste your time on qabil, which am sure will not help you pay your rent or educate you. Please save your energy on useful issues i.e Quraan, Hadith, knowledge both here and hereafter. Wasalam aleikum A/raxim
  2. Praise to Allah, 12 years of suffering, Subxana lah when will it stop. I mean the hate among us is so big that it destroyed the entire nation, that´s history. WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR US SOMALIS??? Walahi the only solution is to return to the origin, with that I mean TO ISLAM. Brothers and sisiters I know many feel like me, lets pray for the nation and the somali community worldwide. Not everybody is into qabil, there are GOOD somalis out there, proud ones with respect to humanity. I hope the minority ones join us in the quest to conquer and unite the somali nation. ONE NATION UNDER GOD LOVE HUMANITY UNITY
  3. Asalam Aleikum We put our self in this horrible situation in the name of QABIL. Don´t blame others for that, why can´t we live in peace and harmorny. Why are we claiming to be be Good muslim? Why are we hating each other?. If we are real muslims and followers of Islam, then we shouldn´t be fighting each other. " al muslim akhul muslim" GOD BLESS THE SOMALIS IN SOMALIA AND EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD. Untill we unite and eliminate qabil-way of thinking then we are heading nowhere. A/aleikum¨ Deep thinker
  4. The answer is simple, let love rule, I mean if u in love with somebody then Go for it. Who you are plays less roll, so I say to the somalis wake up and show love. Ps we are all the same.
  5. Masha Allah, am glad to see sisters releasing good thoughts, am really excited, keep on. And may God bless you