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Posts posted by Dinaax

  1. "No, it actually makes me all the more saddened by the fact that maskiin people are being used for selfish political tactics. " that is what i call illogical mind driven by shear ignorency.. in deed that is what you are propogating.. somaliland people rejecet the union with somali south by highest numbers and still proponents of re-conquest of somaliland uses selfish political tacticts lies and half truths.. the use of force and the coersion used against somaliland from that day of 1st july, the producing and supporting countless dictators, killers, sinners isnot against the principle of islam or even supporting liers who abuse law, and due proccess of people...


    [Lander, no matter what, Islam comes before all, even so-called nationalism] .. this is also ironical .. somaliland opponent always love thier contradiction lies and deception... you support to reconquest and voilent men against somaliland just because you call that nationalism or islamic value doesnt make it one .. that is why i said south somali islam and south somalinimo is fake and i dont believe fake religion like you do .. i beleive true islam that says in the quran : we created tribs and nations .. wajacalnaa shucuuban waa qabaailan latatacarafuu.. our people fought against the tyrnical, occupiers of south somalia .. those men you call your leaders who kill thousands of innocent men and women .... the men who are meeting in the christian country of kenya that rule opressingly somalis ... perhaps that is your view of being islam first.....


    lander: i keep memorized many poems of somalilanders , i also has cassetts of many litrature of somaliland .. but you could find many of them in the net .. check www.somalilandnet and then somaliland poems . there is also a website that of somaliland that collects alot of litrature of somaliland http://shunuuf.tripod.com/newsongs.html if you coulnt find that way : go to www.somalilandnet.com then the in the sear engine type somaliland poems there you will find countless litrature of our people... however, you may not find all of them .. as for me i collect litraturre , songs, poems, and genuine historical facts.. you also need some one that expalian to you the back ground of the poem.. but i think you will understand


  2. once again the warlords that rule somalia is being forced to ghether by a country that colonize somalis .. further they have been organized to kill more somalis mostly in mogadhiso .. as the relics of siyaad barre has been re organized south somali think it is open season when they invade other people... i dont thinks so.. first it seems south somalis mostly those in diaspore some of them will celebrate the buthchers, killers , orgnanized by fouring nations as thier true leaders as they celebrated the killing of this men while in 70s 80s, 90s,.. while there is great doubt how they wil fair in thier turfs, The somaliland people should prepare a long war if neccessary and ready any threat of their souverenity .. if they accept our people referundum, and borders that could be some thing , but if they make them selves busy as thier predessors did , somaliland people should be ready a long war.. the only thing, they could do is help the Cabdullahi yusuf , the killer of thousands, even some women's husband in the meeting of pigfarm...

    while there wiilnot be any meetings , somaliland should now prepare their troops , the diaspora of somalilanders should open thier wallets as they did before in Snm and the rebuilding of somaliland.. more over, the younger somalilanders including my self should prepare to go home and join the army if the need arises.. more over, our leaders resolve will be tested , mainaly siilanyo, Riyale, Faysal cali waraabe, and the millitery leaders .... however, it seems the warlords will take years and years to fight among them selves and create more widows, orphans, in the south,,,


    the time will tell ...........

  3. when ever i read or talk to those who campainging the re- conquest of somaliland nation , whether they use a cover of religion, call islam or the word "somaliweyn" that has changed to the re possession of somaliland by the the killers, rapists, mass murders of somali south , the former colony of italia, controlled by warlords, i really feel shame and like to say i dont need the word somali any more or even islam it self. The reasons are many and countless....

    first of all the lessons of history , how those whom you think that thay had learned any thing from the horor and the tragedy that has been duped by many the hell in the east of africa. it seems the cause and affect or logic was and will be never be the domain of those who propogate lies half truths ignorency to attain or to recapture somaliland . it seems the learned and the ignorents speak same tongue or even their islamic characters are non existance as they propogate lies and think those deception will further enhance thier misguided cause..

    it is was clear there never was somali unitry state prior the colonization of britain and itali or french among others.... but they always say the british or the italian divided somalia..... it seems if somalia was created by the above lies (it seems the the post of hornafrique was saying somalia was created in 1960 but other somalis says that somalia was divided by those nations how come?? and capital was mogdisho including jabuuti, the ogaadeniya- a tribal name - region or eastern kenya)

    more over, in 1960 there never was a legally binding agreement between somaliland and somalia.. the NSL and other parties in somaliland and the italian created SYL was in negotiation when all of a sudden the south somalia proclaimed the act of union with out any agreement from SNL forget about the other parties. on the other hand NUF or nafta and small parties were never in agreement about the union .. the leaders of cali garaad and others were completely opposed the union while SNL were an easy or even favoured a mutual agreement between somaliland and somalisouth.....

    somaliland assembly never sit or even voted the proclamaition of the union . it seems to me 27 of june and 26 of june is far apart in days or months.... more over, the somali south of the act of union was written an italian -- a language that the whole assembly cannto understand..


    those somaliland poets of those era really described well the so called the act of union from the somali south .. Xaaji adan afqalooc was on the examples... waa wxaan xabaala u galay geeri ka horow... an othe poem he described his pridecment..

    gumaystaha sidiibaa aroos loo gelbinayaa

    Cali sugulle was even more lamenting..


    was his re action when he saw there is no way they could fight or even has any room to work.. the qaasim a great poet at that time was to react.. kuwii aan diraay baa daaqadii nooga soo galay . dusha somali weye hadana waa dirkii kale...

    ironically SNL and syl never again sit or discuss any motion regarding the act of the union that has been proclaimed..


    secondlly, in early sixties the so called refrendum was fake, deceptive and rejected.. if two nations were to unite, it supposed to be asked seprate vote .. ironically the word WALANWAYN .. A TERM that has born in those evil days, came from the declaration that 1 million vote has been casted in that village alone.. on the other hand somalilander rejected overwhemly the refurundum.. a coup atempt from the returning officers of the sandhurst college accured.. at that time somaliland army was non exitance.. and the highest rank was sergeant... the Xasan kayd has seen his nation has been overrun by more superior force that has come from somali south. he tried to organise the existing force and reclaim his nation.. it was not to be.. the ITalian judge who still there cannot proscute the officers .. the reason is that he has no jurisdiction in somaliland .. ironically the british jugdes are gone somaliland long time ago .. Cali suggule one the great poets in somaliland has to lament:

    roobka qow qow low qadh qadhay

    qaawanayn tayduu arkaa qudhayda

    xagee dhigaa

    aduunyo halbaan lahaa

    hashi horor bayga cunay

    hadhuub madhan baan sitaa.

    clearly describes that he has no army, no force to defend his Maandeeq and his people.. from now on somaliland and somalia were never accepted each other .. the cause was the illagaly capturing somaliland the affect was the horor that is going on now... in deed the lady hornafrique if she is one, remarked QOUTE:

    "I'm just glad they're not alive to witness such violence, enmity, and disloyalty toward Somalinimo." INDEED SOMALILANDERS WHO WANTED TO UNITE LEGALLY TO SOMALILAND ARE THOSE ONCE WHO LIVED PAIN MOSTLY .. take for example the great poets : Abdullaahi suldaan timacade, his peoms are cries and the reaction of the desastrous path of the two somalis... in his peoms in syl if you read and the guts to understand you know what thaat means.. take the great poet of Abdi iidaan faarah.... indeed he was the only poet that composed the union poem in 1960 26 juun.. the timacade composed the poem kana siib kanaa sar for the somaliland flag .... it was 1960 26 juun... not the black day of 1st july 1960..( i mean black day cause it was the day that south proclaimed the act of union without the consent of somaliland.. but it is bright day of the indepdency of somali south...)


    late he has to cry like this:

    dadkaa reer jabuutee

    dawladnimada toodaa ah

    dadka aan iskaga daran

    ama dirdiralayn ha daardaarin

    waa gobe anigu ma diidane

    you can read the rest his deelay

    or even shiinley.. later the south somali soldiers killed , murdered him cause of his poems..

    xaaji adan afqalooc was one of the great poets . his poems are countless against the regimes of mogadisho... in 1960- 69.. the man lead against british and he later turned against mogadisho regime..

    hasan shiikh muumin lived through too, his anger and lamentation of songs is also shows his anger


    hadii dawo bukooto xageee dux looga doona

    haduu dab dhaxaamoodo maxaa lagu diiraiyaa


    in conclusion, jabuuti is another country and it seems they are no somalis in the eyes and the narrow logic of south somalis ..

    i went to mogadisho long time ago , and i never feel at home, being qaldaan , or even being at theat time somalilayn .. i was foriegner just like other foriegner..

    more over, siyaad barre suspended the constitution of the so called somalia 1969, that means the south somali act of union and the what ever remained the loyalty to wards ended that days. how ever somaliland fighted librated its poeple and country .. there will be no more force that will come from the south and try to force somaliland into the warlord hands again , somaliland can defend itself now ..

    we fighted our country in our own blood and we defend it in our blood ... end of the evil forces of hate mongering somali south..... we took our country by force and we will defend it in that manner....

    with or without the consent of somali warlords and their appolagists

  4. every one can create a web page or buy in the market .. soon you will see a webpage that is especial of majority of people of sanaaag who are somalilanders if that is what you looking for .. sanaag is legaly and historically a part of somaliland .. its peopulation including my self and thousands of them are true somalilanders..... but talking about tribe proboganda that is another story..


    cergaabo is the capital of sanaag.... and it is legally, morally , socially are the true capital city of sanaag ... it is part and parcel of somaliland nation that celebrated its idependency from south somali may 18 and later celebrated its indepedency from britain in 26 juun...