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Everything posted by Jabhad

  1. Dadka Muqdisho iyaga ayaa is dilay, mana aha dad wax isu ogol, anagana wax inoo ogol, si kastaba haddii aanu yeelnay oo xitaa hub dunida ka mamnuuc ah in la adeegsado aan u adeegsanay, weli rabshadaha ma deyinin, magaaladiina way qasan tahay, marka Puntland inay sidaas oo kale noqoto ma doonayo, waana ka damqanayaa waxa ka dhacay, tallaabo adag ayaana laga qaadi doonaa wixii sababay in dadweynuhu qayliyaan.............................. Yaab!!!Walee Doofaar ibidkii madaahiro:)
  2. C/lahi Yusuf 'Ma doonayo in Puntland Ay La Mid Noqoto Muqdisho Oo Kale, Waana ka (Garoowe}29.7-7 C/laahi Yusuf “Dadka Muqdisho iyaga ayaa is dilay, mana aha dad wax isu ogol, anagana wax inoo ogol, si kastaba haddii aanu yeelnay oo xitaa hub dunida ka mamnuuc ah in la adeegsado aan u adeegsanay, weli rabshadaha ma deyinin, magaaladiina way qasan tahay, marka Puntland inay sidaas oo kale noqoto ma doonayo, waana ka damqanayaa waxa ka dhacay, tallaabo adag ayaana laga qaadi doonaa wixii sababay in dadweynuhu qayliyaan.............................. Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo booqasho ku jooga magaalo madaxda Maamul Gobolleedka Puntland ee Garowe ayaa mar uu kulan la yeeshay odoyaal iyo waxgarad ka tirsan Puntland waxa uu u sheegay in uu si dhaqsi leh waxa uga qaban doono xaaladda ka taagan degaannada Puntland iyo xiisadda ka dhex aloosan maamulka Puntland ee la xidhiidha dhinaca nabadgelyada, maciishadda iyo is qabqabsiga siyaasadda. C/llaahi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in wixii ka dhacay maamul Gobolleedka Puntland uu si aad ah uga damqaday, isagoo sheegay in aanu dooneynin in Puntland la mid noqoto Muqdisho oo kale. “Dadka Muqdisho iyaga ayaa is dilay, mana aha dad wax isu ogol, anagana wax inoo ogol, si kastaba haddii aanu yeelnay oo xitaa hub dunida ka mamnuuc ah in la adeegsado aan u adeegsanay, weli rabshadaha ma deyinin, magaaladiina way qasan tahay, marka Puntland inay sidaas oo kale noqoto ma doonayo, waana ka damqanayaa waxa ka dhacay, tallaabo adag ayaana laga qaadi doonaa wixii sababay in dadweynuhu qayliyaan kana damqadaan maciishada cirka isku shareertay” ayuu yidhi C/llaahi Yuusuf oo odayaashaas si gaar ah ula hadlayay. C/llaahi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in ay jiraan dad doonaya in ay qalqalgeliyaan ammaanka iyo xasiloonida ka jirta maamul Gobolleedka Puntland, wuxuuna carabka ku adkeeyay in dadkaasi wax laga qaban doono. Waxgaradka iyo Odoyaashii kulanka la qaatay Madaxweyne C/llaalhi Yuusuf ayaa waxay ka codsadeen in uu tallaabo ka qaado dadka la doonaya Puntland rabshadaha iyo kuwa abuuray cunaqabateynta, waxay kaloo ka codsadeen in isbedel lagu sameeyo maamulka Puntland gaar ahaan maamullada hoose, iyagoo dalbaday in isku shaandheyn lagu sameeyo maamulka. Sidoo kale Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf waxa uu kulan degdeg ah la yeeshay mas’uuliyiinta sarsare ee maamul Gobolleedka Puntland oo ay ka wada hadleen xaaladda ka taagan Puntland sida nabadgelyada iyo sicir bararka. Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Centter widhwidhonline@gmail.com
  3. Has the U.S.-Ethiopian invasion of Somalia achieved any of its goals? Don't Panic ... your war questions answered BY ANDISHEH NOURAEE Published 07.25.07 print email mail us del.icio.us digg facebook reddit click to enlarge Andisheh NouraeeTwo U.N. experts warned earlier this month that malnutrition in Somalia has reached "emergency levels" – an especially grim assessment when you consider that the word "Somalia" has itself been a global synonym for "emergency" for nearly two decades. The emergency is having an emergency. The experts urged international intervention to expedite the delivery of food aid to those most at risk of starvation. If international donors do decide to increase their food aid to desperate Somalis, I request that they air-drop more than crates of food from their cargo planes. Somali needs to be air-dropped some publicists. No, that's not the sadistic fantasy of a journalist who wants to see PR people tossed out of airplanes into a war zone. Somalia is in desperate need of someone savvy enough to engage the short, fickle attention spans of Americans. Americans need to be awoken to the fact that Somalia's seemingly perpetual humanitarian crisis is experiencing a record growth spurt thanks to the Bush administration's foreign policy. What policy? In December, a joint U.S.-Ethiopian force invaded Somalia. The invasion of Somalia was prompted by the rise of the Union of Islamic Courts, a Muslim fundamentalist group that, last year, imposed a semblance of order in the southern half of Somalia for the first time in roughly 16 years. The UIC has indeed engaged in some of the lousy, violent, ignorant behavior Westerners associate with fundamentalism, but compared with the brutal warlordism it replaced, the UIC was pleasant and orderly. Not quite "German train station" orderly, but a marked improvement. The United States and Ethiopia invaded Somalia for two main reasons: The United States fears a UIC-ruled Somalia would be even more of a breeding ground for al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda-like actors than it was before. The UIC denies links to al-Qaeda. I'm not sure who to believe – fundamentalists who have an obvious interest in denying their al-Qaeda ties, or a White House that would blame al-Qaeda if the president sprained his ankle on a jog. I do know, however, that al-Qaeda used Somalia to stage four attacks on the United States and Israel before the UIC took over anything. Somalia's anarchy was already a plenty fertile breeding ground for al-Qaeda. Ethiopia shared the United States' concerns about militant Islam in the Horn of Africa. It also worried that a UIC takeover would bolster separatists in ******, the predominantly Muslim part of Ethiopia that borders Somalia. Ethiopia is a predominantly Christian nation. Also, like many an incompetent leader before him, Ethiopia's dictatorial "Prime Minister" Meles Zenawi invaded hoping that a foreign war would distract from what a lousy job he was doing domestically. The Ethiopian invasion has eerily mimicked the Iraq invasion's trajectory. The military advance was planned fantastically, but there was no plan for securing the peace. The UIC was removed from power within days. But instead of routing the UIC and replacing it with stable government, the invasion merely transformed the UIC into an Islamist, nationalist, guerilla insurgency. UIC fighters attack. Ethiopia responds with overwhelming force that kills civilians. The chaos has left thousands dead and sent around 400,000 Somalis fleeing. Promised African Union peacekeepers haven't arrived. Peace talks were attempted last week, but gunman loyal to the UIC threatened to kill anyone on their side who dared take part. It all sounds vaguely familiar. Tragically, Americans seem oblivious to the mess they've created. I've received several e-mails over the past week asking me to sign a petition demanding that the Atlanta Falcons bench quarterback Michael Vick for his alleged dogfighting activities. No one, acquaintance or stranger, has ever e-mailed me about Somalia. The New York Times reported on Sunday that Ethiopia, our invasion ally and recipient of hundreds of millions in military aid, is withholding food from ****** province. I don't expect any petitions about that, either. So a word of advice for the air-dropped publicists: Take sacks full of adorable puppies with you. Kick the puppies. Stab the puppies. Electrocute the puppies. Throw them under Ethiopian tanks. Then, maybe, you'll get someone's attention.
  4. ^Illegal occupation is painfull and costly even to a superpower.
  5. Pentagon planning for Iraq pullout The US about 157,000 troops in Iraq and more than 3,600 have been killed since 2003 [Reuters] The Pentagon has made contingency plans for a gradual troop withdrawal from Iraq a "priority", the US defence secretary says. Robert Gates said this week that "such planning is indeed taking place with my active involvement as well as that of senior military and civilian officials and our commanders in the field". "I consider this contingency planning to be a priority for this department." He was responding to Hillary Clinton, the New York senator and presidential candidate, in a letter this week after she asked the Pentagon if such plans existed. But Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, stressed that the defence department was not planning for a quick or wholesale withdrawal of forces. "Planning for reducing our forces, drawing down our forces, is certainly something that is an appropriate thing to do," Whitman said. "We are doing that kind of planning, planning for the eventual drawdown, eventual reduction, the beginning of withdrawing of forces from Iraq." George Bush, the US president, ordered about 30,000 additional troops to Iraq in recent months, bringing the total to about 157,000. Democrats in congress have been demanding firm plans for a pullout and the American public is growing increasingly impatient with a war that seems to be going nowhere as US casualty figures have passed 3,600. Gates said he would try to keep senators informed about the "conceptual thinking, factors, considerations, questions and objectives associated with drawdown planning".
  6. Ali Mahdi[Gudoomiyaha shirka]. History Highlights: One of the leaders of USC[united Somali Criminals], a rebel group responsible most of Somalia's destruction and deaths. [First created its military wing in Ethiopia in 1989. but hey to some, Ethiopia today is different!!! ]. The Founder of USC/SSA, a milita group responsible along with USC/SNA, the deaths of thousands of civilians in Mogadishu alone. Corrupting our beautifull long coast by dumbing nuclear waste. And of course one of the biggest stooges to enemy countries wether its Italy or Ethiopia. Some here might say the man has changed his old bad habits and has now become a good man and we should forget his past. If thats the case, is it not a good idea if he[gudoomiyaha]shows his sincere honest to this conference by publicly apologizing the crimes committed by his *********against the clans and the ordinary Somali men and women in general after the collapse of our last dictator. This might help other criminals including Yeey and Sudi etc..to come out of the closet. I'm not optimistic this to happen as long as such criminals enjoy the backing and the protection of Ethiopia, the main force behing their survival[Ethiopia+USA came to the rescue after the warlord clean-up by the ICU[god bless 'em] .
  7. Mafia thug Cade Muuse oo BBC da kasheegay in iyagu daabacaan lacag fake ah, lacagta Mbagathi dibada kusoo daabacdana Waqooyi Bari Somalia laga soo galiyo http://www.puntlandpost.com/newspage.php?articleid=10069
  8. http://www.somalitalk.com/video/bannaanbax.html No to starvation.. No to mafia thugs.
  9. Is that General Gabre, our de facto ruler?
  10. yeey iyo Barre Hiraaleba dadbaa usacabtuma.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=qX05qJeyCR4 @ Aljazeeras people & power show, criminal Aidiid discusses the reasons behind his sudden move to the anti-occupatin camp.
  11. Under Pressure, Ethiopia Releases Prisoners by Michele Kelemen All Things Considered, July 22, 2007 · On Friday, Ethiopia began releasing prisoners it had jailed two years ago in a crackdown on political opponents. Some human rights advocates on Capitol Hill are taking credit, saying it pays to put pressure on repressive regimes. The U.S. is now giving closer scrutiny to Ethiopia's human rights record at home. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12158920
  12. Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka eek u sugan magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa saakay waxa ay guri ku yaala xaafadda warshadda caanaha kala baxeen wiilal dhalinyara ah, iyagoo gubay gurigii ay wiilashaasi ka soo qabteen. Hobyonet. Muqdisho Talaado, July, 24, 2007 Labada wiil ee la qabtay, ayaa waxaa la sheegay in si xoog ah loo kaxeystay gurigii ay joogeen, waxaana markii la sii kaxeynayey loola dhaqmay si aan wanaagsaneyn. Dadka deegaanka, ayaa sheegay in markii ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo howl-gal ka fuliyey deegaanka warshadda caanaha ee magaalada Mqudisho, ay dab qabad siiyeen guriga, kaasoo markii dambe ay damiyeen dabkii ka kacay dadka xaafadda. Falkaan ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ka geysteen xaafadda Warshadda Caanaha, ayaa waxa uu yimid 2 maalin kadib markii haweenay Soomaaliyeed oo Indhashareer wadatay ay gacan kaga jabiyeen agagaarka saldhigga Booliska ee degmada Wardhiigely, iyagoo sidoo kale bakoorad ku garaacay 2 gabdhood oo kale oo la socotay haweeneyda indha-shareerka wadatay. Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ayaa waxaa dhaqan u ah in marka ay arkaan haweeney indhashareer wadata ay cadaadiyaan, ayna ku amraan in ay iska saarto indhashareerka, haddii ay furi weydana garaaca. Ahmed Dahir Hobyonet. Muqdisho Soomaaliya Maslaha1@hotmail.com
  13. Name: Warlord Mo dheere Occupation:Tigree worker/Calooshiis ushaqeeyste Famous quote:"Oday cayaal suuqa"referring to Yeey Stronghold: Some parts of Northern Mogadishu. Todays demo in North Mogadishu:An excersise to impress his Tigre masters and keep Yeey in a cell.
  14. Muqdisho, Isniin, July 23, 2007 SMC Dowladda Federalka Somalia, ayaa Walaac-siyaasadeed ka muujiyey Sababaha rasmiga ah ee ay QM, Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta, Midowga Europe, Midowga Afrika iyo Kooxda Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Arrimaha Somalia ay Ergooyin ugu soo dirsan waayeen Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia ee haatan ka socda magaalladda Muqdishu. Iyadoo ay Dowladda Federalka Casuumaad u kala dirtay Ururradda Caalamiga iyo dowladaha daneeya Arrimaha dalka Somalia, si ay uga soo qeyb galaan Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia oo bishan 15-dii ka furmay magaalladda Muqdishu, ayaa waxaan ilaa iyo haatan soo xaadirin Ergadda Caalamiga ee lagu casuumay Kulankaasi oo aay DFKMGS gogoshiisa dhigtay. Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxay sheegayaan inay Ergooyinka Caalamiga sababo dhinaca Ammaanka ay uga soo qeyb-geli waayeen, inkastoo aysan DFKMGS weli wax cuddurdaar rasmi ah ka helin Ergooyinka QM, Ururradda Jaamacadda Carabta, Midowga Afrika, Midowga Europe iyo Kooxda Caalamiga ee Isku-xirka Arrimaha dalka Somalia. Mas’uul sare oo ku dhowdhow Ra’isul-wasaaraha DFKMGS, Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddioo Khadka Telefoonka kula hadlay Wargeyska Asharqal Awsad ee ka soo baxa magaalladda London, ayaa sheegay inay Xukuumadda weli ka war-dhowrayaan haddii Mas’uul ka tirsan Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta ka soo qeyb geli doono Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Soamlia, amaba ay Wakiillo ka kala socda Ururradda Jaamacadda Carabta, Midowga Europe, Midowga Afrika, Kooxda Caalamiga ee Isku-xirka Arrimaha Somalia ay u imaan doonaan Kulan-weynaha dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia. Sida lagu soo daabacay Cadadka maanta ee Wargeyska Asharqal Awsad, waxa uu Mas’uulkaasi oo aan la carabaabin sheegay inaysan ilaa iyo shalay wax mas’uul ama Ergay ah oo ka socda Jaamacadda Carabta soo xaadirin Fadhiyadda Shirkaasi, isla markaana aan la fahmi karin Mowqifka noocaasi ah. Dhinaca kale, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Guud ee Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha Siyaasadda, Axmed Bin Xali ayaa u sheegay Wargeyska Asharqal-awsad inuu Caamir Muuse u soo xil-saaray Ergayga Khaaska ee Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta ugu qaabilsan dalka Somalia, Danjire Saalim Al-khasaybi loo soo xil-saaray inuu Ururka u matalo Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia,. Ergaygaasi, oo la sheegay inuu ku sugan yahay Magaalladda Muqdishu, ayaan la sheegay inuusan weli ka qeyb gelin Furitaanka Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Beelaha Somalia iyo fadhiyaddii ka dambeeyey. Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Mogadishu Somalia
  15. My intention was not to respond a misleading and racist article such as this one or the one written by Mr. Tani, which although has some valid points but nonthless equally abusive and divisive. It was simply to point out the bigger and the much older threat to the existance of a separate Soomaal indentity and nationhood[Abyssinian occupation] than the unfortunate drama of clan cyberwars thats becoming a popular trend these days. Attacking "an enemy clan" in every oppurtunity using unfortunate situations will not bring unity but further division. A division you rightly pointed out brought Tigre tanks into our cities and ********** miiran, an ugly and the sad reality in Somalia today.
  16. Mid ka mid ah Ergadan oo magaciisa ka gaabsaday isagoo sheegay in aysan wax baqdin ah ka qabin Maamulkaasi. Magaciisa gaabsaday iyo baqdin kama qabo maamulkaas. Some people enjoy posting garbage lies without an atom of shame.
  17. Its day 17 and there is no business activities in Bakara market, the biggest in Somalia.
  18. people should stop writing and posting BS that only divide us. Now you are telling us an article is a bigger of a threat to divide our nation than the Tigre terror in our cities and towns. Tigre terror in Bakara market.
  19. ^^ Getting rid of a dictator like Meles is walk in the park for the Americans compare to popular Presidents like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela which the Bush adminstration tried and failed misserably.
  20. Congratulations goes to the people of Ethiopia for their endurance and hardwork to win freedom for their leaders who were illegally held in prison by the dictator Meles and his minority Tigre militia. Indeed it would not have been possible without the unity and the collective sacrifice made by the patriot Ethiopians inside and outside of their country to show the world the plight and the suffering of their people under dictatorial regime in which without the financial, political and military help by the US cannot survive and continue spreading the culture of destruction across the Horn. Its also a partial victory to see the ignorant Bush adminstration imbarrassed and pressured both by [Ethiopian expats and American politicians ] to question the no strings attached policy support given to their number uno regional puppet[Meles] as usefull ally of the so called "war on terror". An ally that cannot say no to the limits set by their master to continue receiving generous American handouts, a life-line for the minority regime in staying power . Popular intifada at home, failing and hopeless occuppation in Somalia and a hostile neighbour to the north, the end days of the Tigre regime is indeed getting closer even with strong Bush support. Its a nightmare scenario for those few weak groups ********among us dependent on Tigre militia as a saviour and for the anti occupation majority, its an end of one evil dictator among many in the Horn of Africa.
  21. Payne Bill on Ethiopian Democracy Moves Forward Congressman Donald Payne Tenth District - New Jersey For Immediate Release Contact: Kerry McKenney (202) 225-3436 Washington, DC – The US House of Representative’s Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health today approved HR 2003, the Ethiopian Democracy and Accountability Act which was introduced by Congressman Donald M. Payne, Chairman of the subcommittee, on April 23, 2007. The bill encourages human rights reform in Ethiopia. “I was dismayed to learn of the hundreds of people killed and the thousands arrested as they attempted to exercise their right to protest the outcome of the May 2005 elections in Ethiopia,” Payne remarked during the hearing. “No one has been held liable for those crimes and political prisoners have been languishing in jail for two years. If the government was serious about democracy, rule of law and accountability, it would hold accountable the security forces responsible for killing citizens and it would free the political prisoners who are only guilty of running for office and winning.” Approved by a voice vote, the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health endorsed the legislation which stipulates that the Ethiopian government foster accountability and support democracy or risk losing security assistance. In particular, it requires the withholding of assistance until the President of the United States can certify to Congress that political prisoners are freed, those responsible for the violence related to the 2005 protests are held accountable, freedom of speech and information are respected, and Ethiopian human rights groups are allowed to operate without being harassed. It also authorizes $20 million to support democracy, human rights and economic development in Ethiopia. On June 16, 2007, the Ethiopian courts sentenced 35 of the jailed political leaders to life in prison for inciting violence and attempting to overthrow the government. The defendants were also denied the future right to vote and to hold public office. Since that time, there have been reports that Prime Minister Meles Zenawi requested that the Pardon Board review the sentences and either recommend amnesty or pardon. “I hope the prisoners are granted full amnesty which includes the restoration of the right to hold public office and vote,” Payne stated...
  22. H.R. 2003: Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007 passed the first hurdle Jul 18th, 2007 The U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Africa has unanimously approved H.R. 2003 (Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007) today. The bill, if passed by the full House and the Senate, would restrict, among other things, military assistance to the Meles regime unless the human rights condition in Ethiopia has improved. The bill would also ban travel to the U.S. by the Meles regime officials who have authorized the use lethal force against peaceful demonstrators in Ethiopia. Such a travel ban directly affects Meles Zenawi himself who ordered his Federal Police and Agazi special forces to use deadly force against civilians. An inquiry commission that was appointed by the parliament charged the Meles regime of using excessive force against peaceful protesters, causing the death of at least 193 civilians. Meles has been paying the Washington-based DLA Piper lobbying firm $50,000 a month to quash H.R. 2003. Meles and his high-powered lobbyists had succeeded in derailing a similar bill in the U.S. Congress last year after it had passed the Subcommittee on Africa.
  23. US calls for clemency for jailed Ethiopian opposition Wed 18 Jul 2007, 5:42 GMT By Tsegaye Tadesse ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - The United States has urged Ethiopia to consider clemency for 35 opposition members sentenced to life in prison for trying to topple the government in a case that has drawn condemnation from rights groups. The group was sentenced on Monday along with eight other defendants who received jail terms ranging between 18 months and 18 years for charges relating to violent protests over 2005 elections the opposition say were rigged. In Washington, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the United States, a key ally of Ethiopia, was following the case very closely. "While I can't tell you exactly what powers of clemency (Prime Minister Meles Zenawi) himself may possess, we would urge him as well as the Ethiopian government to exercise powers of clemency in this regard," McCormack said on Monday. "As a matter of trying to bring together the Ethiopian people and bring an end to this particular chapter of political turmoil, we would urge the Ethiopian authorities to consider -- strongly consider clemency for these individuals." Ethiopia says the defendants, among them leaders of the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD), had written to Meles before the sentencing asking for mercy. The defendants expressed "regret" for attempting to get rid of the "constitutionally established government" in a letter published by the state-owned Ethiopian Herald newspaper on Tuesday. "We stand in supplication before the government and people of Ethiopia and ask, with admission to and regret for the mistake we have committed, for forgiveness as is customary," the letter was quoted as reading. No one from the opposition has yet to confirm the letter was written by the defendants. Officials say clemency by law is a matter for President Girma Woldegiorgise rather than Meles. But the prime minister still wields strong influence and analysts believe his opinion would be carefully considered. They say the letter will be considered by a so-called board of amnesty, which will then submit its recommendations to Girma. The court ruling also revoked the defendants' constitutional rights, including the right to stand for election -- which analysts say may remain in place even if they are freed. Rights groups and donor governments have criticised the case as an attempt to suppress the opposition after it won its largest ever parliamentary showing in what was seen as Ethiopia's freest election. It was not immediately clear whether the defendants, many of whom refused to present a defence saying it was a politically motivated case, would appeal the court decision.
  24. US Legislation on Ethiopia Democracy Moves Forward By Dan Robinson Washington 18 July 2007 Robinson report (mp3) - Download 1mb Listen to Robinson report (mp3) A U.S. congressional panel has approved legislation aimed at supporting democracy and human rights in Ethiopia, sending the bill to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. VOA's Dan Robinson has this report from Capitol Hill. Lawmakers concerned about Ethiopia have faced the choice of taking steps to pressure the government in Addis Ababa, or waiting for Ethiopia's leaders to act on their own to improve the human rights and political atmosphere there. Last year, legislation to pressure the Ethiopian government failed to reach the full House, as the Bush administration pressured Congress to hold off. Donald Payne On Wednesday, Congressman Donald Payne referred to news reports that a clemency decision may be imminent for 38 opposition figures, including journalists, sentenced to life in prison and lesser terms. While he hopes clemency is granted, Payne believes passage of this year's bill is important. "We want to see Ethiopia move back as it has been in the past, a good ally of the U.S, but we can no longer sit by and allow these issues to go without us mentioning them." The United States, along with European governments and human rights groups, has condemned the sentencing of opposition leaders, and urged political reconciliation in Ethiopia. State Department human rights official Barry Lowenkron testified this week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "To this day, the crackdown casts a shadow over the Ethiopian government." While underscoring Ethiopia's cooperation in what President Bush calls the global war on terror, the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act calls for the release of political prisoners. It calls on the State Department to fund human rights, democracy, civil society and rule of law groups and those helping victims of torture. Although Payne describes the measure as not punitive in nature, it would prohibit non-humanitarian aid to Ethiopia if the government obstructs U.S. human rights and democracy training efforts. It would also restrict security assistance until the Ethiopian government releases prisoners, holds those in the security forces accountable for human rights abuses related to the crackdown following 2005 demonstrations, respects freedom of speech, and allows human rights groups to operate without harassment. Other provisions include prohibiting members of security forces from receiving U.S. training, a visa ban for officials accused of gross human rights violations, and support for identifying and extraditing former Mengistu regime members living in the U.S. Republican Congressman Christopher Smith hopes the legislation will get a vote in the House this year, and asserts that the Bush administration has not pushed Ethiopia's government hard enough on human rights issues. "The war on terrorism is very important, we all know that. But no regime that terrorizes its own citizens can be a reliable ally in the war on terror. Terrorism isn't just a military issue, it is also a human rights issue," he said. But others have reservations with the wording of the bill. Republican Michael McCaul says while the Ethiopian government is far from perfect it has shown a willingness to move in the right direction. "I am concerned that the passage of this bill as it is currently written will do more harm than good to the Ethiopian democratic movement, and will hurt our strategic partnership with Ethiopia in combating terrorism. I am also concerned it will have a negative effect on the current negotiations between the government and the opposition," he said. "It really does appear that we are taking sides. There is no recognition of the fact that there have been significant advances since the ruling party came to power in 1991," said Republican Congressman John Boozman shares the concerns. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee believes the legislation will be helpful. "I am concerned about the military assistance, but I am listening to how it is to be instructive, because right now although we are about to release a number of prisoners, we still have a series of individuals who are still incarcerated. The question becomes what will happen to them?," she said. To become law, the Ethiopia bill would have to be approved by the House and Senate, but would still face potential opposition from the White House. A spokesman for the House Africa subcommittee told VOA it is hoped the measure will be considered by the Foreign Affairs Committee before the end of July. As currently written, the measure gives the president authority to ignore the ban on security assistance if doing so is in the interests of U.S. national security, including joint counter-terrorism efforts, and Ethiopian contributions to U.N. peacekeeping.
  25. Ethiopia Releases 38 Opposition Leaders By Stephanie McCrummen Washington Post Foreign Service Friday, July 20, 2007; 9:10 AM NAIROBI, July 20 -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced Friday that 38 of his country's top opposition leaders were being released from prison after being convicted on sedition charges in a trial that critics labeled a sham and that sparked an international outcry. At a news conference, Meles said the prisoners would be pardoned. He said their letter to the government requesting a pardon was equivalent to them taking some responsibility for violent protests that followed the country's 2005 elections. Save & Share Article What's This? DiggGoogle del.icio.usYahoo! RedditFacebook "I hope this conveys the message that people are given a second chance as long as they seek it," the prime minister said. Moments later, three minibuses left Kaliti Prison with the newly freed on board, the Associated Press reported. Dozens of family members and supporters outside the facility shouted in joy and whistled. Some of the politicians in the buses made the victory sign, which is also the symbol of Ethiopia's opposition. The prisoners were among an estimated 30,000 people arrested in a widespread crackdown on opposition supporters following Ethiopia's 2005 elections, when the opposition made major gains despite accusations that the vote was flawed. Most of those arrested were quickly released but the top leadership of the country's main opposition party, along with journalists, an elderly professor and the Addis Ababa mayor remained jailed. While Meles accused the opposition leaders of inciting violent protests following the elections, a government report later found that the protesters were unarmed and that Ethiopian security authorities had used excessive force, spraying crowds with bullets, targeting protesters with sharpshooters and hunting others down in their homes. At least 193 people were killed during the crackdown--some shot once in the head, execution style. Charges of attempted genocide were thrown out during the 14-month trial, but the prisoners were convicted last month of charges including "outrage against the constitution" and "inciting armed opposition." The prosecution recommended the death penalty. On Monday, a judge instead sentenced 30 of the defendants to life in prison and gave eight other prisoners terms of one to 18 years. The defendants were also stripped of their right to vote and to run for office. But Meles said at Friday's news conference that, as part of the pardon, the defendants will not be stripped of those rights. U.S. officials -- urged on by the Ethiopian immigrant community -- had negotiated behind the scenes for the prisoners' release. Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.) sponsored a bill in Congress calling for the unconditional release of all Ethiopian political prisoners But some of the prisoners' relatives said U.S. government efforts were compromised because of the Bush administration's reliance on Ethiopia in fighting terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Special correspondent Kassahun Addis contributed to this report from Addis Ababa, and staff writer Debbi Wilgoren contributed to this report from Washington.