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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. lol thats funny. If u knew my situation ud swallow ur comment in a hurry. I have no problems watsoever in the women department, alhamdulillah. The issue is finding one that'll meet my standards.

  2. I have imediate blood relatives from ur region, so I have love for ur people. I just dont like the appraoch u two take, and unfortunately its one i c many of ur kinsman take. Thats the problem i have with yall. Just tone it down a bit, and others will soften up too.

  3. Facts r facts homie, and i use them to put people in their rightful place, lest they overstep the bounds. I love puntlanders, as long as they dont rewrite history and foam at the mouth at the thought of dominating other Somalis, who mind u are fiercely independent and r of warrior stock.

  4. Listen, I can swear on the Quran that im more patriotic than u and ur fellow comrades on this site. All u talk about is Puntland this and Puntland that, and spew hatred and venom against everyone else, whether its Somaliland, Khaatumo and or block in the south. Name one group ive disparaged since ive been on this forum. I challenge u. I do not subscribe to ur parochial and ostensible patriotism. Im a real Wadani, hence my name and wish only the best for Somalia, unlike u.

  5. So a few days ago my cousin recomended some girl to me, who ive never seen, and suggessted I meet her for coffee or something to see if i like her. But i said no, cuz If I dont end up liking her id be hurting her feelings lol. I feel like blind dates are just a recipe for disaster.


    What do yall think?

  6. This was an interview of the Dr Cali taken some years back.


    dr. cali khaliif galaydh ayaa beeshiisa ugu baaqay inay iska ilaawaan riyada soomaaliwayn




    DR Cali khaliif Galaydh oo aan kula kulanay Magaalada Laascaanood oo uuka soo qaybgalay caleema saarkii Garaadka beeshiisa ayaanu wax ka waydiinay arrimaha gobolka sool iyo sida uu u arko hadal kii ka soo yeedhay Cade Muuse


    SU:Dr Cali waxaad ka mid tahay siyaasiyiinta Gobolka Sool sideed u aragta muranka ka dhex taagan Somaliland iyo Puntland?


    JA:Walaahi anigu wax weyn uma arko wayo gobolkan Sool wax lagu murmi karo maha waana la yaqaan xuduudihiisa , ee waxaa jira rag ku shaqaysana arrinkan oo wax weyn ka dhiga oo ay iyaga sidan ugu badisay.



    SU:Sidee baad adigu is leedahay waa lagu dhamayn kara khilaafkan taagna mudada badan ee aan wali wax xal ah loo helin?


    JA: Waxaa lagu xalin karaa iyaga oo shicibka ka soo jeeda Gobolkan Sool ay gartaan dantooda iyo meesha uu ku jiro maseyrkoodu oo ay iska ilaawaan riyada somaliweyn ee aan jirin.



    SU: Dr Cali adigu waxaad ka mid ahayd Ragii sida weyn u taageersana Somaliland hadana waxaad ka mid noqotay dawladii fashilantay ee carta marka ma is leedahay mawqiifkaagii hore ee carta wax baa iska badalay?


    JA:Horta waxaan ka mid ahaa Ragii ku dhawaaqay Somaliland ee ka qayb galay shirkii Burco markii dambana mawqifkaygii wuu is badalay oo waxaan ka qayb galay shirkii Carta oo Rag badan oo reer Somaliland ahiiba ay ka qayb galeen.

    Hadana wuu is badalay mawqifkoodi oo Somaliland ayey hada ku sugan yihiin marka kuwaasuun baan la mid ahay aniguna.



    SU: Dr Cali caleema saarkii Garaadka waxaa ka soo qayb galay Cade Muuse wuxu sheegay inaan Laascaanood Calan aan ka Puntland ahayn laga taagi karin sideed u aragtaa adigu Cali ahaan ?


    JA: Horta anigu maan ogeyn meel uu Cade Muuse ka yidhi sidaa laakin haduu sidaa yidhi waa nin iska hadlayn uun oo rayigiisa dhiibtay Laascaanoodna waa somaliland.


    Su: Dr Cali hadaan kula kaftamo miyaanad gaadheyn caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa ileyn waxaad tahay siyaasiga igu weyn gobolkane ?


    JA: Walahay waa ruunta oo waxay ahayd inaan gaadho caasimada somaliland ee Hargeysa laakin waxaan i samaxayn wakhtiga oo waxaan gaadhaya dubai oo aan u tagayo hawlo ganacsi.



    SU: Su,aasha ugu dambaysa ee aan ku waydiinaya waxay tahay waxaad tahay nin Ganacsadaa oo shirkada Somtel sheerka ugu weyn ku leh marka miyaanayn haboonayn inaad siyaasada ka baxdo oo aad noqoto nin Ganacsada?


    JA: Horta sheerka ugu weyn ma lihii shirkada Somtel ee waxaan ka mid ahay dadka sherarka ku leh shirkada , mida kale horta qofka siyaasiyga ahii way adagtahay inuu si dhib yar uga baxo siyaasada.Aniguna hada siyaasad aan ku jira ma jirto.



    waanad mahadsantiihiin





    Posted on Friday, June 02 @ 12:16:41 DAVT by editor

  7. Mario uve hit the nail on the head. There is a significant gap between the challeneges of this modern world and the needs of Muslims within it and the knowledge and expertise of those we deem to be scholars. This knowledge gap, in my opinion, is among the root causes of the backwardness and lack of development we see in the Muslim world. Like u said, scholars of today are but a shell of those of the past, and its because they no longer value critical thinking, creativity and freedom of expression, Nowadays its as if they've been massed produced in some Shaikh factory, with each one being identical to the other and with each one pre-programmed with ready made simplistic answers to very complicated issues.

  8. This is an example of what non believers and athiests mean when they say religions are manmade ideologies used to control people. Even though there is no doubt that Islam is a divine religion sent from Allah to guide mankind, there are unfortunately many wadaads who use and abuse their powerful positions by interpreting the deen to suit their myopic and parochial worldviews. These same wadaads who say women shouldnt attend uni will never in a million years be able to bring forth a shred of evidence from the Quran or hadith to back up their claims. Their views are just their own whimsical interpretations of general texts that in no way have anything to do with women seeking higher education. And its the same for a whole host of other issues that directly impact ppls lives, yet ppl r so blind that they eagerly follow everything that the local imaam dresses up as authentic Islaam, when in fact all it is is his own Wahhabi influenced opinion.


    But non of this will change until people educate themselves and emanicapte their minds from being controlled by Imaams and Mullahs. Worship Allah, and Follow the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) people, not every Abu this and Abu that with a beard and khamiis.

  9. It might ruin it, but it might not, and u could be missing out on getting to know a person ur really compatible with. Age really aint nuttin but a number. Look at the Nabi (PBUH) and Khadija, and they had a wonderful marriage.


    I wouldnt rule out a girl older than me, but i wouldnt consider anything over a year lol.