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Posts posted by Yunis

  1. Faafan;876899 wrote:
    There is a reconciliation Conference happening in Nairobi, all the sides of the current Jubba conflict are represented Azania, Kamboni,&Ahlusunnah-Gedo.It has taken a lot of diplomacy to bring these sides together, they were for the most-part all hostile to each-other.Instead of halting this process, the Somali government under Hassan should take there designated seat at the reconciliation table and involve themselves in the process.The final destination of the reconciliation conference will be within the Jubba region.A grand-conference is planned( In Kismayo most probably) but before that there needs to be political consensus and Nairobi is a secure location for these sides to peacefully debate and settle there differences.There has being progress already, if Hassan is dismissive of this process and unilaterally begins his own process or names his own admin then he stands to loose because these groups call the shots in Kismayo.It will only distance the Jubba region from Mogadishu, rewinding the clock.

    Well put,


    From what I gather, it appears Pres. Xassan Miskiin is bent on creating his own version of reality in Jubba region, instead of focusing Xamar which is still a basket case, he has no idea what he is getting into.

  2. Macallinka;876077 wrote:
    That is too harsh to call a whole Somali clan savages is way too much , I didn't know is allowed on SOL for such a hatred to be displayed here?


    Abtigiis what is up with you today? wax iskula har ina adeer waa ceeb inaad saas reer dhan sharaftood uga dhacdid. That is all I am saying in this.

    @Macallinka, Relax sxb - AT calling curtain clan savages and murders, doesn’t make it so. After all, it’s his own that does enough of that to its own in the .


    What he is arguing, I think, is that his ‘long foot’ kin should have big share of any Jubaland administration that is to come. Reer Gedo have huge stake in Kismayo and its surroundings and they will play a key role of Jubaland region.


    That said, for a genuine peace and coexistence to return in that precious region the clan has to play a prominent role. If anyone ever been to the Jubbada-hoose, as I have been, the undeniable fact is that those key villages and towns like Badhaadhe, Jamaame and of course Afmadoow as well as the grazing lands of Xagar are overwhelming inhabited by the clan. There are others, minority clans of course, but is a big factor in those outlining areas, and thus should get at minimum the governorship of the future state in my opinion. who gets the Jubaland president is different matter altogether.


    If, however, this Azania sect which has the advantage now with Yussuf Mohamed Haji in Nairobi and Raaskambooni forces who are arm to the tooth, believe with impunity they can proclaim ‘Awoowgood lagub, Reer Gedo haka baxeen jubooyinka’ they are in it for a rude awakening. As for for Reer caanoole, they are doing fine for themselves in Puntland, May they keep on prospering in Puntland:D

  3. Being female and a Muslim could have been a double-whammy joining the Army, whose population is historically comprised mostly of men and soldiers that believe in some form of Christianity –
    but surprisingly, the discrimination she experienced in the civilian world was much worse than what she’s experienced as a soldier

    Article is a symbolic of typical recruiter’s fairy tale; An immigrant leaves her old decadence and squalor in Africa to become a true patriot. But, why profile Xaliiimo…didn’t see that coming.

  4. Abtigiis;874018 wrote:


    In Farmajo’s political belvedere, ironically augmented and abetted by the ululation and adulations of IDPs, that which delivers the PM post is that which is right and righteous. His is a vagrant politics that is of a lower caliber, but politics finding currency and fertile ground in deprived settlements and among depressed people. That is not the problem. Somalia’s new leaders will have to cater to the needs of these depressed people.
    But that doesn’t mean these leaders have to embrace desperate politics to address the needs of desperate people. And here is where Farmajo’s IDP politics merits no paean.




    All of that, because of these unsubstantiated tabloid charges that Farmaajo’s political fortunes are solely based with these fictional and fictitious stories in cunning glue sniffing street kids and your absurdity reference of a UN tagged exploitation term ‘IDP’ to the poor citizens in-and-around banadir. He has no identifiable base in the capital, and yet is faulted for receiving the adulation and the support of its poor; a juvenile logic permits this as deliberately political tactic.