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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. You went from "Erigavo, Sanaag, Somaliland" to "...Somalia"
  2. ^^ Your location has changed ... Finally see the bigger picture?
  3. It was never ITS to betray. Paranoia is not a good thing.
  4. Carafaat;756343 wrote: Wauw. Nice playground and attractions. Kids deserve this. I miss being a kid . Miss?
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;756344 wrote: ^^ He doesn't even have the respect of the bari and bosaaso Folks More lying.
  6. Well if you look at the keyboard 'I' and 'E' are far apart so it's not a typo.. Eid Mubarak nonetheless.
  7. Wararka laga helayo gobolada Jubbooyinka ayaa sheegaya in maanta la laayey 15-askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Warar hordhac ah oo saxaafadda caalamiga ah qaarkood ay baahiyeen ayaa sheegaya in sadex kamid ah ciidamada dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay ku dileen deegaanka Taabto ee gobolka Jubbada hoose 15-askari oo Kenyaati ah islamarkaan ay la baxsadeen Gawaaridii ay ciidamadaasi wateen. Ma jirto wax faah faahin ah oo arintaas ku aadan oo ilaa iyo hada kasoo baxday dhinaca dowlada Kenya , haseyeeshee Press Tv oo laga lee yahay dalka IRAN ayaa boggiisa kusoo daabacay in ay saraakiil u hadlay xooga dalka Soomaaliya ay sheegeen in falkaasi uu ahaa mid si gaadmo ah u dhacay. Dhacdadan ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xilli soo gelitaanka ciidamada Kenya ee gudaha Soomaaliya uu muran badani ka taagnaa , lamana saadaalin karo saameynta ay dilka 15-kan askari ee Kenyan-ka ahi ku yeelan karto xiriirka labada dowladood ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. Sadex asbuuc kahor ayey ahayd markii Kenya ay boqolaal ciidamadeeda ah usoo dirtay gudaha dalka Soomaaliya si ay uga garab dagaalamaan ciidamada DKG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Jabhadda Raas Kaambooni oo iyagu howlgalo ciidan oo xarakada Al-shabaab ka dhan ah todobaadyadii u danbeeyey gobolada Jubbooyinka ka wadey.
  8. You can EDIT stuff without it saying EDIT at the bottom if it's within a minute time. You wrote 60k. I didn't edit any thing ee adaa buufis qabo. If I edited it, "last edited by" would've shown on the bottom of my post just in case you are little illeterate on that part. Ironically it's called illiterate.
  9. You really need to give your soldiers uniforms etc, looks like mercenaries to me.
  10. Oh so you edited it down to 6k. What's next 2k? As if he ordered people to kill civilians..
  11. Burco " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Garowe
  12. Garowe Puntland VP talks about occupied city of Laascaanood
  13. Mogadishu Shariif spends time at xerooyinka and visits the mosque.
  14. I doubt anyone would eat cats but what else would they do with them? If they were exotic animals I'd understand but house cats ..
  15. Abtigiis;756291 wrote: Dear Mr. Somalia, If we commend Yusuf for refusing to accept Siyad Barre’s autocracy, we have to hold him accountable for what become of the SSDF too. I have the privilege of sitting with some of the top brass of the SSDF in Zambia, who tearfully told me how the old one would make a decision unilaterally and would not budge or accept anybody’s counsel one he makes up his mind. That dictatorial leadership style killed SSDF. If we also extol him for bravery for rising up against Military dictatorship at a time Siyaad looked eminent and untouchable, we should exorcise him for lack of political leadership and vision to finish the job he started. General Aideed was allegedly brave, but by leading a horde of untrained, angry clansmen into the capital, he allowed mayhem and rape to thrive. A bravery without responsibility is hooliganism, and you can watch the Sopranos and Prison Break if you want that brand of gallantry. I may agree with some of the points you mentioned about the man’s efforts, but efforts are not what count. It is achievements and the record shows he failed miserably. No one is paid for effort, and therefore Yey will be judged by what he left behind not what intended to do, assuming he had good intentions. I understand your core point that he loved power and that his leadership alienated a lot of people, I know of that personally however his thirst for victory is my admiration for him whether he did it wrong or right, he tried but in the end it's what he left behind you are correct in saying that. I jump to his defence when people want to acknowledge the hypocrisy of distinguishing foreign invaders.
  16. A legacy that I am not only proud of, I am glad I saw the work at first hand. The supposed "treasonous" act of trying to topple a dictator, I don't know how that one works but it seems to be the biggest quarrel some of you have against him even though it's the most logical thing he had done. If he had an iota of the resources now available to the TFG he would have taken Somalia a long time ago because losing was not an option. He outlived all the major players and came up on top, established TFGs seat in Mogadishu, something you ought to be grateful for. He will remembered by some as the barbarian who got rid of Somalia's 2006 six month's utopia and to others he will be known as the man who tried and spawn the legacy of countless youngins with the same ideology as him and the man that came before him, a true hero.
  17. Abtigiis;756281 wrote: We are a strange race, a kinship nation. We glamourize ignorance, perfume the ugly political behind of vegetating warlords, and beatify the devil with all its refulgent fires and horns. All because kinship is thicker than reason and objectivity. No one should waste one second of his precious time in reading stu.p.i.d rationalisations of four decades of the politics of puppetry and treason Yey swam in. It may be fun to listen to the instructions he received from Mengistu, how he fought with his SSDF colleagues (nearly alienting everyone else with dogmatic intransigence), how he undermined Abdiqasim's popular TNG , the people he infamously said he will send to the seas. Knowing the mindset of a dictator and a stooge, he will claim he has done it for the sake of the nation and out of patriotism. You will not miss the element of self-indispensibility and self-importance that is the hallmark of every foolish dictator who came to this earth. A man of modest education, truculent camel-herder but with mountains of ambition and ego, Yey tried to do everything under the sun to become the second 'father' of the people of Somalia, after Jalle Siyaad. Including firing the first bullet that started the demise of the nation. We now see the spinners frantically at work already. "Brutally honest" is meant to cover for "shollowness in diplomatic demenour" and "frank" is not "naive". Abduallhi Yusuf started war in Somalia, started war in Puntland, started war in Mogadishu and only inexorable age tamed his insatiable appetite for human blood and hunger for power. As his book will undountedbly bring out his is a tale of wars narrated by a war-mongerer. Expect him to put every blame for what went wrong onto others, including the 'ungrateful' somali people who couldn't appreciate his 'Golgotha' (the place of skulls) vision for Somalia. Yet, his book may in some ways be interesting, while not educating, just like the autobiography of Joseph Kone , or Colombia's drug lord Pablo Escobar. Every killer often has a humane or softer side that is worth knowing about. Let us see what Yey gives us beyond tales of treachery and war fought on behalf of Somalia's historical enemies. I heard he is a good father and husband and that may come out as well. History sometimes rehabilitates historical figures with time, but for that to happen things those men left behind must get worse. Siyaad Barre's warts and foibles are already largely forgiven by many Somalis much as the same way Che Guvera is forgiven for the many wives he jilted. The same way Libya will forgive Gaddafi's excess and eccentricities when things get worse as they will. Somalia got worse after Siyad and that allowed him to be rehabilitated with some grace. Yey left Somalia in the worst quaqmire it could ever be and it is hard to see if even history could absolve his dark little life, lived firing death and conspiring with Somalia's enemies. The hypocrisy of some of you people is quite embarrassing. Taking orders from Kampala is apparently better than working with Addis Ababa, yes, it's weird some people appreciate the blood of Bantu's who by the way are more likely to be AIDS, some rates in 1 to 16, we appreciate a little AIDS here and there I gather. No doubt every major fault is with others, I attest to that