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Everything posted by sharma-arke451

  1. i can see many ladies here ain't married. e.g aaliyyah and fox. then doesn't anyone think we should do the match game? hebel ayaa heblo kufiican~~~~and it will be wonders. ramadhan mubarak to all the unmarried.
  2. all the best for everyone's suhur. but the lucky us, who have sweet suhur and a decent afur, have to say alhamdulilah. because many of our people, Somalians, are dying of hunger and lack of safe water. but we solers, have plenty. again we ought to remember, this nicmah is a test for us. pray for our somalia and the people affected by the drought.
  3. a wonderful piece. heart touching. juziiti kheyra. but, does the my teacher refer to the teacher of fazliyah
  4. i thought many will name nur, but unfortunately it didn't happen. if am not wrong, only showqi wrote about nur, among his list of those he/she admire. i admire ramadhan karim too., to all of you.
  5. happy you arrived there safely. somalis are easily assimilated.
  6. then i hope, the unmarried men and women in this forum will take him as a mentor. just to peel the other side of life. mostly the ladies, should cross the bridge. may allah make their house, kii dikrigiisa lagu xuso, oo owlaad saalix ahna lagu as-aaso amiin