Alpha Blondy

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Posts posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. said:

    Hello Alpha,


    I actually don't have one. I was hoping those that do will share their experience. I am tired of 9-5 thing. Need to do something new, being your own boss is what appeals to me most.


    It's big risk but who knows. So what's your take?


    Well, if you follow your passion then it'll work. You just need a lot persistence. Good luck.

  2. Self-preservation is a virtue.


    Some people do not understand this concept in the real world aka Facebook world. Posting as though anonymous but everybody can see their name, face and read their cringe-worthy posts lol.



  3. What's up guys. Happy new year, dee.


    Was 2016 so bad? Loooooooool


    Hope you all have an excellent year inshAllah.


    This site needs reviving so everyone should contribute more. mind you, i joined in 2007, so it'll be 10 years anniversary for Al&co. hehe


    Let's pray for the abaraha victims.


    Spurs for the title.




    feel free to send me your new year's hambalyos. thanks.



  4. why speculate on the only definable source of identity? our qabil system is pure and untainted. who'd want to be 16% Bantu? how do you even quantify that? a bantu nose or jareer nappy hair?


    not entirely surprised at these sorts of identity markers when you have people saying they identify as non-binary which is not exclusively masculine or feminine‍ lol.