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Posts posted by Gediid

  1. True but who wins tonite will have the momentum going into the big ones on March 4th.....I hear reer Ohio half waa pro Obama where as the rest waa Hilary.Cant say the reason behind but from what I hear its strictly on tribal lines as if Obama amase Hilary eey yihiin reer hebel ama reer hebel garanayaan....

  2. Lazie as they say in on the news channels this race is so far to close to call.....According to the latest polls Texas where Hillary was expected to win hands down is now way to close.Obama has in the last few days is picking momentum big time in the Lone star state.As far as the primaries today,Hawai is definately Obama's,Wisconsin and Washington State both have governors who have endorsed Obama and as such he has a fair chance but politics like the weather is unpredictable,tonite as Somalis say kala bax kitabkaa qorey, ninkii/gabadhii roon reerka u hadh

  3. Anyone from Hodan,I know this might come as a bit of a surprise,Gediid born in Xamar Cadeey went to Kindergarten in Xanaadadii hodon across from Shaneemo Shuun,first grade in iskool Casa Balbalare then moved out of the country for good....Still remember xalwa xaaji ciise every friday,and there was this biibiito la dhihi jirey aree xaa qabtaa(after eating everything in the biibiito,we would come up to the counter and the owner lazy azz u ahaa would say aree xaa qabtaa,caruur aan aheyn we would only say hal sambuus bas and pay for that only)hence the name.I still remember Shaneemo Equatoria,my cousins who were going to college would take us there on Thursdays.Friday mornings if my dad was in the country would take us to Lido.Aah good times and innocent times....

  4. An old somali song went like this"wax isweydi ma xumee wax isweydaarsi baa daran"

    Valentine's day waa maalin wax la isweydaarsado, flowers and chocolate from the guy for something kushi kushi from the girl...... ;)

  5. Growing up we had this Curi in our house and a dozen cats or so and markaan soo xasuusto waan iska qoslaa.Mr Curi I believe fathered a dozen or so litters not only in our house but in the whole neighbourhood.Maalintii iigu qosolka badneyd maalin ayaa u shukaansi tagey gabar xaafada ah and guess what Mr Curi oo bisaad gabadhu laheyd ku hayaa ayaan arkey.Waan qosley and the girl markey i weydiisey waxaan ku qoslayo markaan u sheegey intey qosol ka wareegtey ee tidhi maanta gurigiina weraar cir iyo dhul ah ayaad nagu soo qaadeen.......

  6. ^^What do you call a person who speaks many languages.....Bilingual


    What do you call a person who speaks only one language......An American.. smile.gif


    Sheekaada meeshan ka socoto sounds to me like the flight 13 guy marki la weydiiyey imisa wadan ayuu arkey counted all the countries the plane flew over on his way from Nairobi to Minnesota...

  7. Qald*an maaha kalmad xun.Its definately soft when compared to the names reer waqooyigu u isticmaalaan when reffering to reer koonfuur.Just a few examples....F*qash,dhaka xun,qudhmuun just to name a few.As far as the orgins of the word Qalda*n goes,1960kii when the Northerner politicians came to the south with their independence and opted for a union with the south even after the Southernern politicians clearly stated no power sharing formula on a south/north divide,that was when the Soutern polticians said walaahi kuwan waa qaldaamiin not understanding that reer Waqooyi wax kursi ka weyn baa watey....Asaaska kalmada waa sidaas...