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Everything posted by Gediid

  1. Gediid


    ^^You also forgot to mention how easy it is for one to declare Jihad from the comfort and safety behind a pc in a western city where there is law and order.I bet haddi dadka qaar la oran lahaa Xamar tagaa on a free ticket mid kasta wuu ka cudur daran lahaa.
  2. Abtigiis Lemme add my 2 cents.If Sangub killed Mohammed Mooge or even had a hand in his killing maanta aduun muu joogeen.I hope that settles that issue.As far as I know Mohammed Mooge waxaa diley reerka Sangub ka dhashey and it was beacause maarkas colaad labada reer kuwaas oo kala ah reerka Mohamed Mooge iyo kuwa reer Sangub oo badiye iyo Itobiya dhexdeed isku heystey and Mohammed Mooge death was really more like him being at the wrong place at the wrong time.Ninkii diley ayaa laga hayaa I had no clue it was Ina Mooge(AUN)Reerka uu ka dhashey if I am not mistaken dagaalkii ka dhashey meesha markaas waxa la yidhi dad farabadan ayaa u dhintey including ninkii baasuukaha ku qarxiyey gaariga Mohamed Mooge.Sangub hargeysa ayuu joogey markaas and anyone ku eedeyey dilka Mohammed Mooge had ample time and resources to snuff the old man out if even it was rumoured he had a hand in that killing.Its only today and with your post that I am even hearing this. But the killing Sangub lagu heysto is the one of Ina Gacayte.Ahmed Gacayte qof kasta oo fanka Somalida xiiseeya knows that Ahmed Gacayte was laxamiiste par excellence.Half the somali songs you listen to and enjoy today ayuu laxanka saarey Ahmed Gacayte.Riwaayadaha Sangub sida Xooriyo iyo maadeyska aduunkeyadu dadku wey matalayaan iyo qaar kale oo badan Ahmed Gacayte ayaa laxankooda iska lahaa.Unfortunately he was killed in Hargeysa in 1988 when the SNM and ******* forces were slugging it out in Hargeysa.It is said Ahmed Gacayte oo dooxa Hargeysa marayaa ayaa Sangub ku soo baxey isagoo la socda cidaan qaxootigii ********ka wata.That is the killing lagu heysto Sangub.He denies any links but one thing is for certain.Sangub Hargeysa sidey u soo dhaweysey ugu muu hilin.Right after the SNM attacked Hargeysa Sangub isagoo dharka ciidanka labisan ak47 wata ayuu heesahii loo qaadi jirey dawladda Ethiopia of which his own very people ka soo baxsadeen ayuu dad Soomali oo gurigoodi madfac iyo Somali airforce garaceyso ayuu u qaadi jirey.He mobilised maskiinti qaxootiga ahaa ee Waqooyi lagu soo dhaweyeey after the 1977 war to fight against the same very people who welcomed them into their land and homes. Sangub if we go a little into his background before Hargeysa wuxuu ahaa nin geeljire ah marku hargeysa yimidna wuxuu fanka Somaliyeed ku soo biirey isagoo folk dancer ah weliba ku xeeldheer ciyaarta daantada.He wasnt a playwright nor a poet but the poets and playwrights of that time ayuu ka faideystey and learned the trade and skills to become what he is today.Meesha wax kaa dhigta caasi laguma noqdo.Maantana meesha u tagaan yahay waxey tahay in uu kolba meel u ordo haddi uuna hargeysa godob ka geli laheyn I have no doubt in my mind in uu isagu iskii u tagi lahaa laakinse nin weyn wuxuu faley wuu garanayaa.Inaanta yar ee lagu heysto maanta Minnesota waa inan uu adeer u yahay maaha cid kale and that has nuthing to do with what he has done in the past but its a refelection of how many wrongs he might have done that are finally catching upto him......
  3. ^^^Not really saxxib,I doubt if anyone cares markasta oo Riyaale duuso.I think Duke iyo Abdillahi Yusuf ayaa ayaa taa loo nacay and they say copycats are a bore....
  4. ******** ******** ****** [ April 13, 2008, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  5. The man side of you seems to be giving you all the wrong signals saaxiib,it seems the roar you refer to isnt a roar but a tiny whimper barely heard....
  6. Dear Mr xxxxxx I have been away on vacation and had just recieved your email.Its wonderful to hear from you and to know that you have kept my resume on file but unfortunately I humbly regret to inform you that at this time I am unable to continue to pursue an employment opportunity with xxx as I have entered into a project that will require my complete attention till its completion. However if future opportunities do arise I would appreciate it if you could continue to keep my resume on file and advise me of any openings that might arise at a later date. Thank you for your interest. xxxx xxxxxx Actual email sent turning down a fcking good job in DC....
  7. ^^^Ciccolina ayaad ka hadleysaa.During her campaign free strip shows ayey sameysey and if elected she promised free bj's for the old MP's.I cant remember if she was ever elected but rumour had it her porn vidoe sales increased ten fold while she was campaigning.....
  8. Uhm uhm.Lemme add my few cents to this.Yes the majority of the north voted NO to that referundum.And yes that story about Walaaweyne out voting all the largest cities in Waqooyi is factually true.That was the reason behind the 1961 "coup" by Hassan Keyd.I put coup in quotation marks because it really wasnt a coup but an attempt to reclaim the lost independence of the northern regions.This was a reflection of the discontent reer waqooyi or the should I say the I people felt in the union they thought was to bring something bigger and better.Waa meesha saartu ka qudhuntey and I think its the reason why Somalis today are where they are.Alif ku xumaatey alxamdu al baqaraa..... As for Libaax's assertion Ceeri was primarily a "makharite" and "hudunite" city ma garan meeshey ka timid but the mass migration of the said communities if we go by LST given names into the city intensified in the late 70's and early 80's with the blessing of Siad Barre to the point where they claimed the city as their own till 1991.But then again that fate befell the other major cities of waqooyi with the slow but steady campaign of purging the inhabitants of those cities with tribes more sympathetic to the cause....similar with what happened in Kismaayo in the 60's.......
  9. ^^^^LOL@ek so pis,wasnt that the pan Zola The best tikka was in sohrab goth.Good lord just the thought ayaa dhareer iga daa.Any1 try the daal in Tariq rd or the omelets in sabsamandi...
  10. Good to hear they are finally free.One of the guys Mohamed Suleyman was the Dahabshiil rep in Pakistan.He was based in Karachi.
  11. ^^^LOL waan yaabanaa beryahan.Waa meeshaan ka fahmi waayey odeyga....
  12. ^^^^Ma afheykeeni Riyaale noqotey sxb.Sidoo ka darey Duke.Bal yar tartiibso.
  13. Originally posted by Rose: To put yourself in the centre of attention like that and not think about what other people are thinking(including his empolyers)is something to be proud of wallah. The problem with many of us born muslims is that we shy away from things like this subhan allah..whilst our revert brothers and sisters have so much zeal and love for the deen MashaAllah. If he ends up losing his job over it, I pray Allah gives him something better and a job in which he has more control over his salat. Makes those of us with office jobs more grateful huh? Alhamdulilah! That is one of the prime examples why muslims are forbidden to live in a non muslim nation, only exception to that rule is for education.If however one decides to live in a non muslim nation he/she must respect the laws in that nation just as a non muslim living in a muslim society is expected to respect muslim laws.
  14. A deobandi preaching Islamic financing isnt worth celebrating.....As far as I know the very concept or at least the watered down version practiced in the USA is as flawed as regular financing.
  15. JB I understand he was elected but he was chosen by Silaanyo to run with him. Oodweyne It seems the contest has ended before it even began for Kulmiye.Biixi choice as VP sealed that deal.UDUB is unpopular but with them at least the nation enjoys peace.Biixi and his calan cas friends cant quite say the same and as such people will vote for UBUD en masse come election time.....
  16. Siilaanyo just lost any chance he might have had of being a serious contender.His nomination of Muse Biixi as vice chair was the final nail in the coffin.The old man can now go and honorably retire. I for one am totally diasappointed in his choice.I thought Silaanyo was the only serious candidate to challenge UDUB but he has squandered that chance big time.......
  17. ^^^The people have no say in this.Its their so called representatives(sultan,caaqiil etc)who negotiated this.The "people" in this case only found out when it become official.
  18. The irony of all this is we have Saaxil which Igaal(AUN)created before he passed away and it has not been ratified by the parliament but it exists and has its own governement.I wonder if this too will happen with the new provinces.
  19. Ngonge Opposition had no choice but to go along.Riyaale dealt them a bad hand.
  20. How about they are lying and you are lying too.Is that an understatement?
  21. Come on man first time I thought you were just playing around.You are not being serious,are YOU? Examples Gabiley Caynabo Oodweyne Badhan By breaking Seylac from Awdal,Awdal now becomes a one tribe province.Gabiley is a sub sub clan province.Breaking up Sool now makes it a one tribe province as well.Miyaan wadaa mise muran doon baad maanta tahay?
  22. JC I really want to blv you are smarter than the one liner you threw in.With one presidential decree Riyaale has set the clock for Somaliland back to 1992 when everything was about beel and reer.Anyone in their right mind can see that especially one living in Hargeysa like you.
  23. ^^^^Are you home safe. As for the mosque I saw that on my way to Toronto.It was an amazing sight..
  24. This is the dumbest move ever.What Riyaale is doing here is try to extend his rule.The new regions in the west Gabiley and Saylac were both known to have been Kulmiye supporters and by declaring them as new provinces he hopes they will vote for himin the coming up elections.In his quest to get a second term Riyaale and his advisors think this is what it will take to win but what he has done is take Somaliland 17 years back.All the progress made trying to move from a system based on beel beel to political parties and democracy is now down the drain with his latest antics.I fail to understand why anyone in their right mind would think this is a step forward.
  25. Congrats to the proud parents and may the baby enjoy a long healthy life amiiin