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Posts posted by Modesty

  1. SeekingKnowledge, the arabs, why do you "Somalians" like to refer to them when discussing matters of Islam? Their women only cover their hair, they don't wear no Hijab. They wear christian dress in the bottom and cover their hair , and you want us to be like them. I think Somalian women wear real hijab, maybe them arabs can copy us. I can't stand people who sound like seekingknowledge.

  2. I hate how barbaric somali weddings are, and how some reer badiyo folks are unfriendly. Does it hurt to smile? I don't go to somali weddings anymore.

  3. Peacenow, you are bashing Arabs and Somalis for dressing according to their religion because you hold the notion that the ANGLO culture is superior to non-white cultures. You have been brainwashed, literally...My brother embrace your religion and culture and be proud, ameen.

  4. Yes, many somali girls and others from muslim societies don't know why they are wearing hijab. I saw this somali girl with hijab having this african american guy hugging her and slapping her behind with hijab on! I see foul mouthed hears with their headscarves, subhan'Allah. It's like people want to fit into western culture yet they don't know who they are and what their religion is. It's really sad. And there are the ones who wear hijab and want to be seen as "wadaad" girls yet they have this extra pride which Allah doesn't like. Anyhow, why be a police officer knowing you will come into contact with men and say I don't shake hands with them, or run in the olympics in hijab that is ridiculous, stop trying to be like gaalo and be yourselves. sheesh

  5. PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome also known as "mood swings" is very real. Alot of women report they have it, and usually occurs 2 or 1 week before your menstrual period. I recently disovered I have all started with my irritable pattern 2 or 1 week before my period,so yeah I just wanted to share that you might be moody b/c of PMS. It has to do with hormonal changes, especially with serotonin levels. IT IS VERY REAL! I feel like randomly attacking people now ..I'm that irritated :D

  6. Ibtisam it's simple people like you who make personal attacks. The matter of the fact is no sane person,especially a female shaves her head off. Why should I care? Well, I happen to be a former fan of Mr.Britney:) And Ibtisam, if you were soooo not "simple" you wouldn't waste your time replying to superficial topics :rolleyes:

  7. Coolest Nomad--->Rudy

    Most argumentative--->Castro

    Most Sarcastic----> Sherahazade

    Most annoying-----> Devilangle

    Most articles in Islam section---->Nur

    Most unusual topics----->Fartun

    Most "somali"-----> King_450

    Most cynical---->Cynical_lady

    Coolest Topics----> Modesty smile.gif

  8. Yes, the girl has gone crazy. She recently shaved her locks all off, and on the brink of a mental breakdown. This is what hollywood and "freedom" does to women. Britney if you are reading this, get help, please and hit us back one more time.

  9. Cynical_lady lol don't be "cynical"!


    Shucayb...for risk of embarrassment to my fellow somalis, I will not reveal my location and if anyone knows where I not reveal it, lest you want our somalis here to be laughed at :D

  10. I don't really feel attracted to arab features, they seem to have very sharp noses and unsymmetrical faces. I think mullatos from the carribeans are very attractive people,and eriterians also ( I have never met an ugly eriterian). I'm sure somalis are good looking too, but where I live...most of them aren't very attractive lol. I don't know what happened to somali people here, but they don't really appeal to me in the looks department.