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Posts posted by 2real

  1. okay I'll admit. I rather marry an uneducated sister. Simply coz opposites attract...I'm educated so i like uneducated women. simple? For some reason I find the conversations with uneducated girls to be more "human" and "sweet". I deal with educated people all the time at work and what not so, when I come home I would like to chill with my uneducated wifey and whisper sweet-nothings all night long....but dat's just me. :rolleyes:

  2. Well I thought that there might be a straight forward answer to my question that I might have over looked but I suppose, like you guys said, that this is a question for the muslim scholars. Thank you all. I will post another message insha'allah when I come across a clear answer.

  3. Asalaamu alaikum my brothers and sisters.


    This is a question that never leaves my mind and, unfortunately, somewhat affects my Imaan. Because until I find a satisfying answer, I'm afraid my faith will not be complete the way I want it to be. There are in access of 5 billion people in the world living right now as we speak. Many of them are not even civilized enough to cover their bodies with clothes let alone research about Islam or read the Quran and Sunnah!! What happens to these people. Please understand that I'm not asking this question to raise doubt amongst you. I'm asking this question and seeking help and hopefully others will also benefit from the answers that arise.