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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Dear Sisters and Brothers In few days a generous visitor is coming home. This visitor will live with us 24 hours a day in our offices, schools, playgrounds, homes and everywhere else. The visitor is bringing some gifts, those who take advantage of the first ten days will be given ® package The second ten days the visitor will give away (M) package and the last ten days, the visitor will give a certificate of Freedom from (N) Who is coming home? What are the symbols M,R, N stand for?
  2. Dear Sisters and Brothers In few days a generous visitor is coming home. This visitor will live with us 24 hours a day in our offices, schools, playgrounds, homes and everywhere else. The visitor is bringing some gifts, those who take advantage of the first ten days will be given ® package The second ten days the visitor will give away (M) package and the last ten days, the visitor will give a certificate of Freedom from (N) Who is coming home? What are the symbols M,R, N stand for?
  3. Muslimo iyo Faisal Walaalayaal Jazakumullahu khairan niyaddiinna wanaagsan eed ku soo qorteen, waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan ka dhigno Somaliaonline meel ay kulanto maskax nadiif ah iyo quluub fiyow si loo soo bandhigo mawaadiic laga wada faaideysto maalmaha soo socda. Safxadda Islamka ee Somliaonline iney guuleysato wexey ku xiran tahay hadba dadaalka aan la imaanno. Sidaas darteed faafiya magaca safxadaan si asxaabteenna oo dhan ay ku ka la baddashaan afkaartooda diinta islaamka. Nur
  4. LadyFatima From dust clouds are galaxies with billions of shining stars are born, and from NQ , Our lady of souls, LadyFatima is born MaashaAllah Tabaarkallah for such a splendid transformation. Nur
  5. Haween Qurxan How about that one? Qaawanaan in Islam has to connotation, first one is the literal one and contrarary to your posts, maashaAllah you inspire quite all those who read your posts with virtues. The second meaning is the lack of iimaan, to cover that up, Allah recommended TAQWA ( Wa libasul Taqwa, daalika Khair). So, Dear sister, consider a more befitting name to go with your good posts.
  6. To Naag Asturan May I kindly suggest you change your screenname to the above name. I am interested in your posts, and I am not comfortable with your current user name? Nin xishoonaya