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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Nur

    Macaanka iimaanka

    Walaalaha Geel Jirayaasha ah Mar labaad waxaan soo celinayaa qoraal aan u qoray naftayda, laakin aan filayo inaad ila wadaagtaan,maxaa yeelay in kastoon aragga jirka ku kala duwan nahay, quluubteenna waa isku wada dareen ( inta kheyrka jecel) sidaa darteed, nagu soo kordhi dareenkaaga. Nur
  2. Simple Woman I am no Sheikh for sure, but when you quote someone, be fare to quote the context of the article and then make a comment, do not be SO SIMPLE, here is what I wrote: " This effect is similar to the way some Somalinet Scumbags get high by living and posting lowly materials, the lower they go, the higher intoxicated they get, scaring away decent readers and family oriented browsers, until one day they wake up in a non familiar environment, and face an interrogation by two serious angles called Munkar and Nakiir, for their arraignment interview, followed by their subsequent classification and holding in the temporary penitentiary known as Barzakh, after which they will be hauled to their permanent home of misery and pain, so they can pay for their evils on earth which they thought will never catch up with them. A bad calculation indeed." The material these people write can shock readers beyound sanity, I do not send people to hel, they send themselves in by acting evil, Allah SWT said " He who does evil will pay for it" Staying in the haraam fast lane has it is benefits, falling off a cliff to the depths of hell is tghe major attraction, It is scary, May Allah protect us all min naari jahhanam. Nur
  3. Buubto Are you the Somali version of (Flying-Still)? Your topic is wonderful, it is rarely discussed the qualities sisters would like to see in their future husbands ( or present ) so sisters add more to this thread, many brothers would benefit from it Nur
  4. Raxmah sis What kind of questions are you suggesting? Nur
  5. Assalamu Calaykum Walaalayaal In this thread We have discussed the vision problem that most Somalis suffer, since a good vision is a must to feel the world around us, unless we see the same world, we will always disagree, so the only way to close tghe gaps that make us differ is to look issue from one point of view, that of Allah SWT manifested in Quraan and sunnah,because unless we look things through Quraan and Sunnah we will always disagree. Before I add more creative writeups to this thread, I would appreciate if camel boys and camel girls can add to this thread, specially the Childreb of Saints ( Dhal Awliyo) rpresented here by Entreprenuer and others Nur
  6. Entrepre_Nur Thanks for your wonderful insights, your question about SEMEN tilted the whole discussion to my side ( and Conquest), that donating semen or and egg is giving away part of YOU to somebody else, your questions open up a new school in Islamic fiqh never addressed by the Ulimaa, the sharing or transfer of body parts or body seeds. What is so radical about it is that cloning is nit far away so once the Devil is out of the bottle, it would be impossible puting the lid back on him, So I am not knowledgeable as to what point should we make it illegal, it is the toughest question I have ever faced, so I take a back seat and wait while these Nomads exchange opinions. Personally, I am going back to Quraan and Sunnah for inspiration before I answer again, since this issue is a moral issue dealing with the protection of life and CIRD dignity. Nur
  7. Dear Legend of Zhu You write: The issue i am about to question is related to the second reasonin that brotha Nur commented...given that when we die our body will turn to dust. the Body parts that will give avidence for/against us in the day of jusgment are not the same as the one we currently using in this world... Answer: Allah SWT says: ' Does man think that we will not reconstitue his bones, Nay, we are (even) capable of reconstituting his finger tips' The organs that will bear witness against you will be your own present ones, not newly created organs. No dispute here. You write: secondly, If it happens to be, according to Nur's reasoining, that they need to give evidence against us and they are the same organs...they will only give evidence based on the time i was using them..since after my death they become the property of another human being they will provide evidence against this new owner during that second period (after my death)... Answer: Yes, you are correct but the extra period that your organ became a tool for a person who had committed miscief with them will be also credited to you as a aiding and abaiting to an evildoer disobeying Allah with your body parts when you had the choice of not aiding and evil doer. Would you give a knife to a person who has a history of attacking people? or is it irrelevant? You write: Thirdly, I dont think whether the other person does good or bad is relevant.. Answer: What you "THINK" is rather irrelevant thsi instance, what is relevant though is what Allah SWT wants from us and our purpose in life which I have backed up with hadeeth. And you may be overlooking that fact. You write: if u ask me..i will say... due the above reasoning plus that givin a organ and savin life after ur death is no different from saving them when u r alive.. Answer: The above reasoning left a lot of gaps, which I pointed out, it follows that the argument built on them is also defective. But here is how donating your body parts would make difference when you are alive than when you are dead. 1. When you are alive you can use this donation as a means to help this person to live up to his purpose of being a servant of Allah, even if that person does not live up to your expectation, at least you have had the intention and you are rewarded for it, When you die you do not have that advantage, hence my argument. 2. When you die all of your good deeds stop except for Sadaqa jaariyah which is helping preserve Faith ( the most important of the five). So if you help preserve life and care less what that pesron will do with his life that you have helped him with your organs, you also are careless of your own accounting of your actions, since you are forbidden to help someone who will use your body parts to disobey Allah swt. Wher is your daleel that it is irrelevant? 3. Donating body parts is more than sadaqah, it is a form of NUSRAH, Allgiance, Walaa, which is confined to the faithful, or those who are sympathetic to our faith and to whom we are preaching actively to join our faith, Would you donate a kidney to Sharon? 4. In the secular law it is criminal to help and shelter a criminal, Why, because you are sharing in the crime by helping that person. As you can see, I have shown the opposing side of your argument, but by no means do I mean any disrespect, nor claim that I am right, I am just searching truth and I am ready will take it from anyone who has it. Nur
  8. Salaams Brither Garamgaram and all sisters I enjoyed reading all the provocaitve thoughts you have posted, I was specially touched by Sweetgal and Athena who speak with humility yet throw heavy scholarly punches, please be reminded that I have no definite fatwa on this issue and the issue is under discussion and is not resolved yet, so add to as much thought as you can, I enjoy reading every word you guys write. Now Conquest has spoken for me, when you die your deeds do not stop, according to the hadeeth, three items will be earning you good deeds after your die 1. Sadaqah Jaariya (philanthropy, like organ donation) 2. Duaa of your children 3. Knowledge you pass to fellow Muslims who will act on it Also, as Conquest noted, bad deeds will be counted for you after you die according to the Hadeeth, " Whoever sets a bad Sunnah ( Example) he will be rewarded with (its punishment) and the(Punishment) of those who act on( his example)" Finally, Allah says, " Cooperate in doing good and taqwa, do not cooperate on doing evil and transgretion (other peoples rights) Based on these hadeeths and verse and the fact that our life has a single purpose of worship of Allah SWT alone it follows that: 1. Donation of our organs is a good deed 2. Saving of human life is a good deed 3. We should become witmesses of allah SWT with our Words ( the shahaada) , actions ( Good deeds) and life ( Shahaadah) 4. Allah SWT bought our souls ( includes our body parts) and our money in ecxchange of paradise, so we do not have the right to give away anything he owns to those who will use it against his purposes The above logic leads again as Concuest put it, that our body parts can either earn us good or bad after we die depending who we give it to, so assuring that the user of our body parts will do good on earth with it is fundementally important Wallahu Aclam Nur Good Deeds, Driven by Ikhlaas Powered by Quraan and Sunnah
  9. Walaalkey Dhal Awliyo Assalamu Calaykum Wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh Alxamdulilaah wa Salatu wa salamu calal Mustafaa wa cala aalih wa saxbi wm Sallim. This is your brain This is your brain on a brain teaser question This question will be one of the most interesting questions that I have ever answered online and without a research, it is my first response, more will follow, It will be a learning journet for you, me and the audience as we will unfild the delicate intricacies and subtlerties this topic requires. before we anwswer this question let us prepare the grounds for an answer. Maqaasidul Shariica in Islam, or the Moral of legislation revolves around these five: 1. Protection of Faith 2. Protection of Life 3. Protection fo Intelligence 4. Protection of Properties 5. Protection of dignity Faith in Islam is the most important of all the above, followed by life. The reason that life is protected is for the higher purpose of faith, meaning that our life has a purpose which is the worship of Allah SWT, because Allah said" I have not created man and the Jinn except for my worship" When Adam was created the angels argued: O Allah are you going to place on(earth a creature) who will corrupt in it and spill blood, while we make tasbeex with yoru hamd, and while we worship you Allah swt told them " I know that which you know not" The first blood was spilled when our grandfather Qaabiil ( Cain) Killed his brother Habiil ( Abel), so we are decendants of a criminal killer in that sense, and that is why there si so much killing going on on earth, and specially in Somalia, Unfortunately, and we do not carry any of the good genes of Habil (Abel) Now, let us look at another angle: Your body parts are not temporary, you will need them again to bear witness for you that you have worshipped Allah SWT on earth. And in case you make a sin, they will bear witness against you in the day of judgement. Allah SWT draws a picturevin the day of judgement when the Kufaar will be talking to their body parts: " .... Xattaa idaa maa jaa' uu haa, shahida calayhim samcuhum wa absaaruhum wa juluuduhm. Qaaluu, lima shahidtum caleynaa, qaaluu andaqanaa Allahu alladii andaqa kulla shey, wa huwa khalakum awala marra wa ileyhi turjacuun" " When they approch (Hell) their hearing, sights and skins will bear witness against them, they( will say) why did you tell on us, they( body parts) will say, Allah made us speak, the one who who caused everything to speak, since he created you in the first place and to him (was) your return" Now, let us tie the first part of my argument and this last part In the first part we agreed that Faith is the purpose of creation and being, this implies 1. if their is no faith there will be need for being alive. from the second part we find that our bodies will be resurrected with us in the day of judgement, so we should always be together, and raised together, so that: 2.Your heart and kidneys witness that you have worshipped Allah SWT instead of being part of another person whose actions you have no control over. Form those two inferences we extract an answer : Case one: Donation of body parts when we are alive: I recommend it for Muslims to give if it will not harm them to every needy person regardless of faith, hoping and praying that Allah save that person in this world and save him from Hell fire. Case two Donation of body parts when we die I recommend with restriction, only for fellow Muslims who will use their bodies to worship Allah SWT, that way your body will witness for you doing good twice. Wallahu Aclam Nduguyako Nur
  10. Jazaakuullahu Khairan for your Duaa and Ramadaan Kareem to: Bashi Zakariye Raxmah Ranya MizUnique Lucky Modesty Asraa Brothers and Sisters Alxamdulillah, we indeed have a good family on this forum, may Allah Bless people behind these screen names, I just want you to know that the more I love Allah SWT, the more I love my brothers and sisters in Islam, which leads me to make Duaa for you all whenever I am making duaa for myself. So in the month of Ramadan I plan with Allah's help to post very beneficial topics that will require participation from your part, the more hits on these topics the more benefits that will go around and the more ajar. Special note to Sister RANYA Maa Shaa a Allah Tabaarakallah Where in icy snowy Ottawa are you? your contribution was one of the best I read on these pages about Ramadana adn Leilatul Qader, please keep up and give me a hand, you are a must, please make ducaa for me and stay connected to Allah SWT, the Sunnah and the virtual community through this medium. Walaalkiin Nur
  11. Nurtel Archives School season is around the corner, and its one of these times of the year when many students from Kindergarten to college go back to classes right after the holidays. This Season, teachers and professors will be busy explaining to new and returning students about what is expected of them in school, such as the policy of grading, homework and attendance. Some professors are tough and rigid, while others are easy and understanding to excuses, some of them even give rewards to students who are known as Frequent Liars by considering to grade their late homework, usually marking their homework assignments with a Big zero. Some of these teachers and professors have taught the same course for the past twenty years. They know from first glance students who will make it and those who will emerge with wet grades, I mean, grades below the C level. The experienced professor knows with certainty, that a certain percentage of students will ignore his advice and would chose to go against it, so he confronts the class and tells them that an average of five students in this class will flunk, four will get a D, eight students will get a C and only three students are expected to earn an A or a B. Amazingly after the Thanksgiving Turkey Feast, when most students pass the sobriety test, they prove the Professor right, and it is not his fault for the result, it is their nature that agrees with past data of human behavior. In a similar way, we professionals or businessmen, are in a learning process, not in Class rooms, but in the School of hard knocks. were mistakes are not erasable and those who grade our performance are not likely to give us a second chance, specially if they subscribe to ISO 9002 certification process. Soon after graduation you will realize that your good days are over, and that you are expected to deliver your dues on time, all the time. Procrastination may only add a negative valuation to your credit, which at the end will cost you your job, and worse yet, if you are not careful enough to add a real measurable value to your organization, chances are that you will be directed to the exit door. In a parallel universe, we are being graded and monitored, not by a teacher, nor by an intelligence agency who can only record the obvious at best, but we are being monitored and measured by an invisible entity that has an access to our internal thought process and motives, as well as our actions and words. These entities do not take a coffee or a cigarette break, they do not share feelings, they are not biased, they execute orders that no one can override, and at the end, they produce a report card so detailed, you wonder how have all your actions or the lack of found its way to these SIJIL so meticulously. Like employee appraisals, when the employee has to sit with his manager to assess his contribution to the company the past year, in this parallel universe, we are appraised for our entire lifetime contribution to the purpose behind our existence. Like a careless student, If you did not understand what is expected of you, the probability that you deliver your dues is exponentially low, if not impossible. So it is one thing to understand the assignment, but it is another grueling task walking our talk. In this parallel universe of ours, which we ignore, time is ticking away, and our yesterdays future is our present today, but we do not perceive it that way. We are busy continuously borrowing from our present never to pay it back, only to realize later that we have overdrawn our future account. Looking back enviously, we can see how many things that we were able to deliver for an easy credit, have we missed thoughtlessly. Like the Egyptian Poet Mutanabbee, said " Wa lam ara fil naasi cayban, ka tarkil qaadiriina calal tamaami" " I have not seen a worse defect in people, than when they fail to complete a task they are well capable to deliver" Nur 2002 eNuri Sofwano Series We Captivate Your Attention, To Activate Your Imagination
  12. From Nurtel Archives Assalamu Alaykum NOMADS This page is for the solicitation of contributions of contemporary issues facing Islam. Many Muslims these days became confused in light of current problems, however at the same time, these problems afford us an opportunity to come to the defense of Islam by speaking out to educate the non Muslim public and Muslims alike. Islam by far is a case that any good lawyer would love to defend given all the facts. But due to the intellectual calibre of those entrusted for the Public Relations Dawa, Islam is not being represented as it deserves. I hereby solicit original thoughts with objectivity and respect for opposing opinions so that we may have an enriching discussion for the benefit of all humanity. The forum is open You have noticed that as the topic implies, the problem lies with muslims, not Islam which is the focus of this topic as the Bad Lawyers. But I believe that a formidable defense is due on behalf of Islam as its opponents are spreading inaccuracies and blasphemies right and left. Therefore today I will attempt in my limited capacity to begin this thread with a scenario in a court of law in which Islam is sitting on the defendant side of the court, the media as the prosecutors and the Public Opinion as the Judge. The Honorable Judge PUBLIC OPINION is presiding over the CASE: ISLAM versus the MEDIA All Rise. Judge Public Opinion: Your Opening Statments please. Prosecutors: Your Honor, we are the Media, (newspapers, TV and Radio etc) we are owned by profit making institutions and we are intrusted to preserve prosperity for our nation and to protect the norm of life that we are accustomed to. Today we have the following accusations against Islam: 1. Islam is a terrorist organization 2. Islam is against human rights such as a. Freedom of expression b. Freedom of belief c. Freedom of association d. Right to life e. Right to keep and bear arms for self protection f. Right to privacy g. All other civil rights 3. Islam oppresses women 4. Islam is against democracy 5. Islam is against technology Deffense: Your Honor, my name is Nur, Today I will represent Islam against accusations lodged by the prosecutors, The Media. Your honor My client is innocent of all those charges and accusations. Before I begin, may I call experts to explain key terms and philosophies in dispute to the jury. I would like to call 1. An expert linguist 2. An expert in Democracy 3. An Expert in Human Rights 4. An Expert in women issues 5. An Expert in US Constitutional Law 6. An Expert in International Law 7. An Expert in criminal Law and Terrorism 8. An Expert in World Religions Your Honor As the deffense team leader, I would also serve as the Linguist Expert in the opening session tomorrow to define key terminologies in the Arabic language that is closely related to the charges against Islam. Deffense: Your Honor, May I question the integrity of the Media. The following questions need to be clarified in order for me to answer the charges against my client: 1. I need a breakdown of who owns the media in this country, in terms of interest groups, religious affiliations, racial backgrounds, financial interests. I want to cross verify their hijacking of the public opinion against the interest off the public which my client serves better than any other institution. There interests, motives and who pays their salaries. 2. Once these facts and figures are presented to the Jury, I will provide a clear explanation of Islam to the Jury who will decide if the accusations are motivated by prejudice or if they are actual wrong doing by my client. This way the court can decide if the Media has indeed a case or if the valuable time of the honorable Judge Public Opinion should be saved for real cases that touch the public's life such as those well decumented by the Oprah Winfrey Show. Nur
  13. I wrote this article two weeks before last Ramadan on Snet, a year has elapsed since, alhamdulillah that I have another year to witness Ramadaan, what a joy...... Fasting days Worship nights Doing a little good on earth Caring for fellow man Till we meet our maker Rabbanaa taqabbal minna innaka anta la caziizul xakim. Enjoy reading yester years writeup Assalamu Calaykum wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh Sisters and Brothers Ramadan is approaching and it is due at the end of the next two weeks. Ramadan is a refueling station in our journey to meet our maker. Ramadan is a period of purification of the soul Ramadan is a time to reflect on the purpose of our creation Ramadan serves as a wake up call for minimizing our quest to indulge in the material world. Ramadan is like summer school, in which you have a chance to earn credits that you need to catch up with others. Ramadan gets you close to your loved ones, teh prophet SAW and the Companions Ramadan, awakens your sense of community service, by thinking of the plight of the poor, orphans, oppressed and the disadvantaged. Ramadan offers the rare opportunity of the night of the POWER, in which, any good deed done that night is worth in value more than 83 years of worship. And as Allah SWT said, those who satisfy their lord, are rewarded, ( Bi Axsani alladee kaanuu yacmaluun) Meaning, like retirement, your final salary, (which is larger than your initial salary) to calculate your benefits. For example, you have worked 20 years in a firm, and your salary progressed from 1000 dollars a month to 6000 dollars in the last year before your retirement. Your benefits will be calculated as follows: 6000 X 20 = 120,000 Dollars Like wise, if you ever succeed in attaining the worship in lailatul Qadr, your entire life will be multiplied by that factor. in other words: all your prayers will be valued like the prayer you made in lailatul Qader all your sadaqa wil be valued like Leilatul Qader all your good deeds will be valued like leilatul Qader, Provided, that you do that night all the good you can afford, including a ducaa for your parents, brothers and sisters in faith, and in case I reminded you a valuable lesson, a prayer for my poor soul. Muxibbukum Fillaah Nur
  14. Nur


    Hibo Nuro Sis This thread may be useful for you to read, see if it can help answer some of your concerns Nur
  15. Walaal Conquest Jazaakallahu/ Jazaakellahu Khairan Rasuulka Allah SAWS wuxuu yidhi " Qofka caqliga badan waa qofka is eedeeya oona u shaqeysta geerida waxa ka dambeeya, qofka caajiska ahna waa ka naftiisa ay raacdo hawadeeda dabadeedna Allah ka fisha waxaan suurogal aheyn Sharkadaha maanta wexey dajistaan Plan ay ku socdaan, Plankaas waxaa ugu horreya iney sameystaan Dan ( Goal) ay rabaan iney gaadhaan, taasoo ah mid la xisaabin karo sida iney dantooda tahay iney snadkaan iibiyiyaan shan kun oo geel ah, dabadeed, wexey sharkadda sameysataa tab ( strategy) ay ku gaadho dantooda taasoo ah mataal ahaan iney furtaan xerooyin ay geela ku soo aruuriyaan oy ku dhaqaaleyaan, shaqaale geel jir ah, gawaadhi lagu qaado, iwm. Marka ay tabtooda ( strategY) ay habeeyaan wexey sameystaan howl fulin ( action plan) kaasoo tabtii si falanqeynaya, mataal ahaan iney qoraan Senior Geel Jire ( expert) mushaarkiisa yahay labo halaad sanadkii iyo (all he can drink) oo caano geel ah. Dabadeed sharkadda wexy xisaabta meesha wax u marayaan bil walba si ay u qiyaasto hadba inta uga dhiman iney gaadhaan dantooda( Goals) ay dajisteen Marka sidaas oo kale NOMADS ka Somaliaonline wexey u baahan yahiin iney ogadaan in Golkooda uu yahay Jannada, sidii lagu gaadhi lahaana waa camal saalix ah, kaasoo u baahan sidaad qortan in la xisaabaiyo meesha wax la marinayo si haddii la gaabiyey , tallabada la dadajiyo, gaar ahaan annogoo soo food saarnay bisha Ramadaan ee barakeysan oo camal fiican la kasban karo. Intaas waa dareenkeyga maanta Walaalkiin Nur
  16. Keynaan Good observation, may I add: Good and evil represent a manifestation of Allah SWT will, and wisdom, Allah SWT says: " Wa nafisn wa maa sawaahaa, fa alhamahaa fujuurahaa wa taqwaahaa, qad aflaxa man zakaahaa wa qad khaaba man dassaahaa" The above verse decribes how Allah swt created the soul and inspired this soul to know both good and evil and made it capable in chosing either good and evil, Also Allah swt gave us intelligence to know the difference and desires that when not tamed can go the evil way " Nafsun ammara bil suu" Good is sponsored by Allah, and it is self supporting since Allah SWT name is XAQQ, but Evil or Baatil does not stand alone, it needs to be supported by other means. For that reason when you described the battle of the good and evil in the movies, you see that good is always disadvantaged, while evil has a lot of tools and weapons, that good is out numbered, but evil has many supporters, that Good looks weak, while evil looks strong, yet at the end, good overcomes evil and that is a phenomena ( Sunna kawniya) fro Allah swt Nur
  17. Walaal Hibo Nuro Quraanka in la wada xafido waajib ma aha, laakin in la illoobo intaad baratay waa dambi, haddaad dambigaas gashayna sida kaliya ood uga bixi karto waa inaad soo celisaa intaad illowday, ogowna inaan dambigaas kugula jiro oodan kaligaa aheyn. Marka , both of us are in deep trouble, laakin marna ha ka quusan naxariista Allah maxaa yeelay niyadda Musllimka haddey haleeli weyso camal wey ka fiicnatahay camal lagu sameeyay niyad la'aan ama istus. Ogow aakhiro qofwalba darajadiisa jannada laga geynayo ( haddii la geeyo) wexey ku xidhan tahay hadba intuu Quraan ka xafido. Marka hiigso darajada ugu sarreysa oo ah Jannatul firdows, meel lagu waaro oo ka fiican majirto Allah na wada geeyo. Amin Walaalkaa Nur
  18. Nur

    Full Moon

    Entreprenuer and Blush 24/7 Thanks for your feedback, one thing we need to keep in mind is that when the author of the universe speaks we need to listen, Allah SWT sent his messenger for guidance as a token of his mercy, as he did not create us and leave us without a guidance, so when the prophet speaks he is relaying a message from Allah swt Nur
  19. Walaa Hibo Nuro Mahad oo dhan waxaa mudan Allah SWT, waxanan ku sallinayaa Nabigiisa Maxamed SAWS. Ka dib Walaal Waxaad warsatay su'aal aad u qiimo badan, oo ah xidhiidka ka dhexeeya barashada diinta inyo inaan lagu dhaqmin. Allah SWT wuxuu yidhi: " Mathalul ladiina xummiluu attawraata thumma lam yaxmiluuhaa ka mathalil ximaari yaxmilu asfaaraa" " Kuwa la faray iney ku dhaqmaan Tawraadka ( diintii nabi Muusa) oo haddana ku dhaqmi waayey wexey la mid yihiin dameer kutubo lagu raray" Waxaa laga soo wariyey nabi Maxamed SAWS inuu yidhi: " Aakhiro waxaa dadka ugu cadaab badan culimada ( aan ku dhaqmin cilmigooda ama qilaafa) Sidaa darteed walaal waxaad furtay dood kheyr badan oo muhim ah waxaan rajeynayaa inaan maalmaha soo socda aan ku biirin doono afkaarteyda inshAllah. Nur
  20. Salaams Rudi No, I have not met any half Somalian of Cambodian origin in Xamar , but I met them in Nairobi. I see you have posted a controversial topic about Hijab, I have a different approach to answer this problem so please take it with a grin, do not get upset as I will be using your screen name as one of my mock vision impaired patients, enjoy the show. Nurtel Opticians Contiuned Nurtel is back with some good news, Like we say in Somali " Waan soo socdaa kow dheh, War wanaagsanna waan sidnaa laba dheh" After browsing the Islam pages, and peeking deep into the blueprint of the thought processes of some of the writers, Nurtel Opticians as usual has set out a plan to properly diagnose, analyze and modify the behavioral seeds that manifest themselves in the erratic and unfocused suggestions of some the writers on these boards. The initial diagnoses of the ailments that had afflicted Somalis on these boards is constantly pointing at a Chronic Vision problem. As we are all aware, a good vision is a requirement for for a sound assessment of reality which in turn will fuel the mind or the ( Baseera) with reliable information that can be used to issue the appropriate judgments to deal with this universe. So, Nurtel and its investment wing, Nurtel Spiritual Capital is launching a new Business Unit to add a value to the existing Nurtel Business Portfolio ( Refer to other NT Write-ups on these Somaliaonline pages) We are launching Nurtel Opticians and in the next few weeks we hope to examine the vision problems of most of the patients on these pages and depending on their willingness and cooperation, Nurtel Lens crafters will prescribe and issue a good pair of lenses, so we can all see eye to eye on most fundemental issues like Hijaab. Our patients depending on the severity of their eye sight ailment, vary from blind, to mildly unfocused, Allah SWT says about the serious patients: " Wa taraahum yandhuruna ileyka wa hum laa yubsiruun" Meaning, "you see them looking at you yet unable to see you" Allah also says about them : "Lahum Acyunun Laa Yubsiruuna Bihaa" "They have eyes that do not help them see" As for the mildly unfocused patients, Allah SWT says: " Idaa massahum taa ifun minal sheitaani tadhakaruu, fa idaa hum mubsiruun" Meaning: when Satan corrupts their perception, they wake up and remember ( Allah) and they begin seeing ( Again) Because the vision deseases that we are about to cure do not attack the eyes, rather it blinds the perception of reality known in Quraan as ( BASEERAH) Allah SWT says: " Fa innahaa laa tacmil absaar wa laa kin tacmil quluub allatii fis Suduur" " they do not blind the eye-vision, rather, they blind the hearts ( Baseerah) that are in the chests" In this thread, I am dedicating my services to correct Vision Problems which is affecting the lifetime mission of the patients on these boards. Lifetime Mission is the purpose for which we are here an now, But because the vision is so blurred beyond recognition for some patients and gradually blurring for others due to several factors, I would appreciate if all my readers can come forward to admit if they indeed have the vision ailment symptoms just like I and and another reader, Lucky have admited above , because the first step in regaining a good vision is to admit to having a problem in the first place. As we open our doors to the public amid fanfare and spot lights pointing to the heavens for guidance, we are happy to announce some of our patient reluctant volunteer today. Mr Rudy: The Anti Hijaab Activist from the Soon to break away Republic of California ( earth Quake) Because it is our opening day, this patient will be examined for free, We hope that as he walks out of our examination room, that he will notice the flower pot in our office and decide to smell and see the the deeper meaning of what Hijaab is all about. Because if he fails to focus on the drivers of the Hijaab, it will be difficult for him to see the importance of the Hijaab. Our Office secretary, Idil is calling Mr. Rudy to come in for examination: Idil: Subax wanaagsan Rudy, How can we help you today? Rudy: Well, I saw your ad in the Somalivisison Magazine, after reading an article by Nur, I knew that it is about time to reexamine my vision again, for the last ten years, I was driving my life with bad vision without realizing how far away I have drifted from reality, amazingly, I have followers who are following me with zeal and others who are on my tail ( which I wiggle for fun) out of curiosity in Somaliaonline. Idil: Mr Rudy, Please fill this form and the physician will see you soon. Rudy: Here walaal I am done, can I ask you a question, Why do you have to wear this Hijaab? Idil: Mr. Rudy, Please proceed to Vision evaluation room you will find out why, Br. Nur is waiting for you. Nur: Subax wanaagsan Rudy, how is Orange county Rudy. Subax wanaagsan Nur, OK I guess, I am having vision problems with the Hijaab, I know I do not have to wear it but I feel sorry for those sisters who have to. Nur: We have to do a series of tests before we can worry about your problem with the Hijaab, so please go to room 5 and ask siter Habiiba in the Hijaab again , to give you iimaan basics examination to evaluate the level of stains on your heart? it is a simple test but do not take it lightly it is a diagnostic test to evaluate the accuteness of your vision problem. Rudy: What? I have iimaan, wachatalkingabout?. Nur: please be cool, just take the test, if you like iimaan so much, rest assured that our clinic will help you care for it, but leave the assessment to professionals, we know what we are doing. Nur: well let us see what we can do, put on these lenses, close the left eye, what do you see? Rudy: I see Butt shaking (loool), I think that is soo funny. Nur: Go on, now I am adding another lense, what else do you see? Rudy: I see, that butt shaking is worthless Nur: that is good, now let us add a new lens to your other eye, now look carefully, What else do you see? CB: I see a purpose for everything, But I can't quite figure out what is my purpose in life?. Nur: Well, do not worry about that for now, I will give you a prescription that will help you see your Purpose in life, but let us diagnose your other vision problems. Look at these images what do you see now? CB: Wow, it is amazing, I see the following: I see the beauty of modesty, clean living, family values, wow, it is so beautiful I do not want to stop, How could I have missed this great outlook in life while I am around people who are enjoying this vision of life? Well let us stop here for today, your next appointment is on Monday morning at 9:00am To be continued....... Nur Nurtel Opticians Where Beleiving leads to seeing
  21. Nur

    And So I Bow ....

    Flying Still Too bad I only have two thumbs to raise for this spectacular piece, so vivid and rich, not only can I follow the outset description of this masterpiece, but figuratively, I delved deep in her thought process and communications link. InshAllah I will repost a write up that will add another dimension to this great post. Again, jazaakellahu Khairan sister Nur
  22. Jazakellahu Khairan sis Sagal It was reported that the Messenger of Allah SAWS said : " You shall die just like you,d fall asleep, and you shall be raised from death just like you,d wake up after sleeping, but in this second awakening you either go to hell or heaven" We are indeed the walking dead, just like the fall when leaves fall off of trees, we shall fall one by one, no one will feel our absence except family and that is only for the first few days they will all forget, but Allah swt will not forget about our deeds. Thinking about it, it is reaaly scary, thanks for the reminder. Nur
  23. Nur

    A wild Story!

    Sabha, silent sister and Ameenah Thanks for the comments, I am reviving this topic because I see the boards full with honey seeking aakhira unaware nomads discussing topics like 1. Is it necessary to get married after living together? 2. Whicc comes first, having a baby or getting married? well I will be posting story number two for a wake up call before the serpent eats these nomads Nur
  24. Salaams Nomads Since Marriage is on the boards, I thought reviving this article may be beneficial while the topic is under discussion with respect to sleeping with someone before marriage. Nur
  25. 2003 eNuri Inc. One, Tawheed Tower, Baseerah Observatory Laboratories Garasbaalley Business Incubators, Garasballey, 20225 Somalia Presents Nurtel Opticians (e-Nuri) Where believing leads to Seeing As a response to Brother DARMAN and other brothers like Entrepreneur, and sisters like Rahiima and Raxmah, who have encouraged me to open my business on this site, here is the first imaginative production for this season, exclusively on Somaliaonline. Others will follow inshAllah. After successful business launches in the area of Navigation maps, Fine Foods and consumer electronics, such as the Road Map To Paradise and the sales pitch for the Qiyaama Calculators. We are happy to announce yet another interesting business venture to address an acute visionary need for the Somali Nomads worldwide. Many Somali Nomads who have migrated to the west since the great Nomadic uncivil wars found themselves confined in a three dimensional world comprising of walls and apartments, living like birds in contrast with the open green Savannah pastures, camels and the blue skies, instead, these Nomads are placed in boxes known as apartments, hooked to TV and the Wide World of Walwal, staying up all night blinded with the glitter of lights emanating from the automobiles, TV Computer terminals, street lights and the list goes on and on. Add to this the regimen of reading a Nomad is tortured with on a daily basis which took the place of the Nomads pure oratory curriculum. All these new changes in the lives of these Nomads have caused a severe vision problems that severely impaired their perceptions, and forced many Nomads to use the wrong glasses and frames of reference to view the world around them and as a result added to their misery and pain as they aimlessly go through life without a definite purpose. And although these wrongfully prescribed eye glasses make some of them look very scholarly and sophisticated from the outset, deep inside, these camel herders, are suffering from a split personality as a result of the blurred double vision their current glasses offer, a love of this worldly glitter and a yearning to their faith and maker, conflicting requirements indeed. So in recognition of this myopic mess, Nurtel Corporation has embarked on developing a unique product line for this market segment, and as a result Nurtel (A Single Nomad owned and operated Holding Company based imaginatively in the Garas Baalley Technology Corridor) is opening a new business line, on-line @ Somaliaonline to cater to this growing market segment. In our initial business plan SWOT analysis, we have identified the following Strengths found in Nurtel Corporation: 1.A broad familiarity with Nomadic life style as the Chief Executive himself has actually herded camels as a kid in the Mudug Baadiye and drank many a Haroob of Fresh Squeezed Camel Milk. 2. Success in selling other products to Nomads like iimaan Calculators, Hasanaat Restaurant, and Road-map to Paradise. Allahu akbar wa Lilaahil hamd. 3. A well known brand name and reliable products spanning 6 years and successfully proven in Somali and non Somali Markets. We have also identified the following weaknesses 1. Lack of resources ( specially time, I need your prayers) 2. One man show, company is fueled by a single Nomad in dire need of Barakah and powerful iimaan engine. 3. Nomad himself suffers from Myopia. In light of the above strengths and weaknesses, we have identified the following opportunities: 1. Hundreds of thousands of Nomads with vision problems 2. A high rate of return starting day one of the operation 3. The first mover advantage, the first online vision correction service But, to be diligent, we recognize the following threats: 1. competition by fake vision correction products sold by blind Somalis as agents of blind westerners products for perception modification. 2. Complacency of Nomads who have no incentives to share these good visionary products with friends and family. Our target customers: Online Somali Nomads (Half Somalis like me included) in all continents, all age groups, tribal affiliations, genders (Normal Ones Only!), social status, educational and income levels, who suffer from vision problems. Our product line: 1. Nurtel Baseerah line: Allah and Aakhirah lenses ( Many designs to be released soon) 2. Nurtel designer Purpose of life Frames: ( works best with Baseerah line lenses) 3. Nurtel advanced peace frames : (add-on for improving relationships with self, friends and Family) 4. Nurtel ( Qurrat Acyun): Virtual 3D Day of judgement Visualizer 5. Nurtel iimaan contacts lenses: (to stick to iimaan once found, to be cleaned with tears at night) 6. Nurtel Kindness Magnifying Lenses: ( magnifies needs of those less fortunate, so you can notice to sympathize and offer help) Our product development department is also busy developing new cutting edge technologies to be released in the next three years after revenues from the present product line start flowing in to make investors happy by paying happiness dividends. Our locations: Somaliaonline will be the exclusive point of purchase of all Nurtel Vision correction products. The moderator, Libaaxan-San-Ka-taabte, a brave young man who dares to taunt and touch the nose of a hungry lion is an example of the potential of Nomads if they are given the opportunity and the right challenge. This is a rare opportunity for Somaliaonline Nomads to invite all of their blind friends who are lured to fake and confusing optician websites so that we do not upset relatively healthy viewers like sister Lateafah ( she almost lost her vision after unintentionally viewing bad material on this site) Because Nurtel owner himself is a nomad ( Garab Rarato) you should be warned that in case Br. Nur senses lack of interest in this ophthalmic business, he can pack up and go to look for a better shopping mall to set up his business, so it is important that Nomads do not pass up this lifetime opportunity. we need to make this business venture a success, so invite all of your friends, InshAllah we are going to do a lots of vision correction. Our Customer Service Department: Our products and customer service subscribe to Amanah Standards, the highest in the Universe, a standard even the mountains declined to subscribe to for its stringent requirements and rules, but out of ignorance, Nurtel Opticians accepted the challenge, so help yourself with a better vision by helping poor Nur meet the challenge. How to pay for this service: 1. You make a lot of duaa for Brother Nur 2. You share your new vision frames with loved ones! Nur 2003 eNuri Visionaries To believe is To See ( Akhira and Allah) ------------------------------------------------- By the way, after reading above that I am a half Somali, as a critical reader, You must be wondering how can Nur grow up in Somalia, yet have half cast Somali lineage? well, you want to know what is my other half, Is my mom Cambodian, Chinese, Hawsa, or just a remnant of the American Peace Corps? well the answer is simple, my other half is also Somali.( Looool, Be careful when reading Nurtel Posts) But my grandmother was a ......................................................That is a different story altogether