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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Alpha Blondy;902233 wrote: why don't you donate the money you spend to stay 'fresh' to abaarso tech? You're salty as them Berbera waters lol, go sit somewhere on the corner. And the school is doing just fine , just tell your jealous kin to stop bad mouthing it in the media.
  2. Apophis;902226 wrote: Bit fruity ain't it, wearing cologne? Ladies love guys that smell great, ask you sisters, friends and all, I'm not lying about this.
  3. I just got through Issey's Miyake L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme (yeah, yeah, I know its a summer cologne, but I wear it year-round). This has been my signature scent for the past 3 years and now I'm thinking about switching up. I'm thinking about purchasing Chez Bond Cologne, I like fresh citrus smelling colognes over the musky smelling ones.
  4. As long as we all agree that everyone is somewhat a clanist its a start. I believe the problem is to be blamed on the system of government we have. As long as we have this western style democracy in SL, you'll always will have a sub-clan that feels like they're being cheated. People in SL are told to vote, and they all vote based on clan lines, I don't blame them - parties platform comparison guides don't exist. SL is too poor for now to go through all these headaches that come with elections every 4 or 5 years..
  5. Everywhere is closed, and you can't go anywhere other then to sit around and watch these games. Happy Holidays Everyone.
  6. What this President is doing needs to be aired out for everyone to see. He should be the one to be blamed for causing hostilities between the sub-clans by trying to fix the local elections in Berbera and else where. His not even doing all of this by himself., its the people around him that are using this old man.
  7. The Pro & Con regarding increasing gun control regulations has been a none stop on the TV since the shooting in Connecticut. This is another sad story to hear....RIP to the fire fighters
  8. Che -Guevara;901904 wrote: I an neutral as I have no stake in it though in the larger Somali context, I do the place to stay peaceful and work properly, But I do Abdirahman is not examining the deeper issues but just looking at the faces around the president and blaming their actions on entire tribe. Apparently the elders from his tribe are not speaking up about this, so then I guess Silence means consent?
  9. Burao(Qarannews):- According to reliable sources in Burao, a large demonstration is planned the next few days to protest against the administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Silaanyo". According to these sources, the demonstration appears to be originating from the community resident in the western districts of Burao. Our sources indicate the two dominant communities in the city and region are jockeying for the position of the new Governor, after the appointment of a new mayor from the eastern community of Burao. Reliable sources indicate that the community in the western parts of the region are apprehensive that the administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Silaanyo" will appoint a governor from his own community, thereby disturbing the usual checks and balances in the region. All in all, the recently concluded local council election is having a traumatic effect on the stability of the country and the administration appears to be powerless in addressing the issue. Sources indicate that there is a power struggle within the administration, with President Silaanyo too weak and indecisive to offer a strong leadership.
  10. Che -Guevara;901901 wrote: The biggest problem any Somali anywhere in the Horn is extreme poverty and ignorance. If we examine his conspiracy against the President's tribe, can we honestly the average HJ is better off or worse than any other citizen of the land. Let's not confuse the president and his inner circle with an entire tribe who are as poor as any other Somali. If you gonna fault his administration, fault him for not creating jobs, building infrastructure, nurturing good governance, etc but let's not make his tribe the issue. I assure they are victims of the same bad policies. N I don't get the issue of Somalis and land, it's empty place. Nobody is making his tribe the issue, the President is the one who is making his own sub-clan the issue by handing them out all these favors, as this editor puts it. I know that as an outsider looking in, Che you're trying to take a more neutral stance on this, but c'mon.
  11. Che -Guevara;901897 wrote: That he might be but Mr Abdirahman seems worse-nothing substantive in this article, just only that he hates Siilaanyo and by extension his clan. Are you able to refute his claims?
  12. This President is truly is pathetic, man of that age engaging in sneaky politics like that.
  13. *****************************EDITED *********************************** Please avoid clan names and insults. Admin
  14. ^^You're sugar-coating, we like you better when you're not trying to be politically correct. Why edit your posts? You don't believe in what you said? smh
  15. *Blessed;901788 wrote: She reminds me of these super tall twins in Tdot, stunners they were. M'A. Their father works in Kenya and their first name starts with F? If you're talking about those girls, yeah, they're cute/
  16. Alpha Blondy;901746 wrote: The monkeys may not be known as a "heart throb, as they are "black and ugly as ever". However, ...............
  17. Alpha Blondy;901722 wrote: isku xishood inaadeer and respect yourself and the SOL Golden rules! what's up with these tirades of hate and tribal sentiments you've been expressing lately. i know you're from the sub clan of of erigabo clan but take it easy and compose yourself with the dignity of your grand ancestors. did you know the first man to climb dallo mountain was a midget monkey from las geel? I'm as clanist , I just don't hide things...Are you man enough to say what you just typed to your "friends" face? I don't have e-persona like you, I can say whatever . I don't really mean to offend you when I tell you they are truly irrelevant, and I say this in the most kind way. You see me as a threat for no reason, I didn't mean to ruffle your feather ), Pardon me as I come in to your "territory", I have all my ten toes on the ground.
  18. Apophis;901701 wrote: I wouldn't be so arrogant. We all know in school the tallest used to get whooped by the shortest. I've always found "midgets" to be braver than tall, over confident s If it makes you feel better by saying that, then my nicca, by all means......
  19. Alpha Blondy;901692 wrote: STOP hating the monkey king! we know your tribe are all little deformed and have the small-manism about them! when was the last time someone from your clan managed to climb dallo mountain??? NEVER! Like I said to you before, they are irrelevant, at least I'm all over from east to west, I'm on the block like I'm 8 feet tall.
  20. Taller girls look more developed (body-wise), their curves have better definition ), they look better in clothing, and heels.
  21. I'm a sucker for tall girls, she's somewhat cute, but why would she want that midget? Any guy who doesn't stand at least 6'0 should off-himself.
  22. STOIC;901581 wrote: I have tried to listen to the news from Somaliland and it doesn't look good. I hate to say this, but I honestly believe Somaliland is NOT there yet for a free and fair election without clans being pitched against each other. There is much soul-searching needed about the downfall of sub-clan politics and it will take brave Somalilanders to face up to the severity of turmoil that Somaliland is experiencing. Sometimes I believe it is better for a minority clan member to be the president of Somaliland.Silanyo wil always be blamed, so is the next person to take the presidency. President Silanyo is not alone in his attraction to a clan politics, but it is fair to say it is unique in the extent and persistence of this allure compared to Riyalle days. I worry that my fellow Somalilanders would not see the evil of the clan politics-a rare chance. President Silanyo deserves high praise for his steadfast vision of independent Somaliland, but his administration should have proceed slowly and very carefully when it came to matters of local elections.Should this trend of open clan politics continue, it is conceivable that Somaliland will find itself in a tough spot convincing the world about their secession . Were that to happen, Somaliland secession ambitions could seem one day in retrospect merely twenty years of interesting and yet doomed search for secession. I'm glad that you're getting the whole thing. This is exactly why I was, and others were pitching for Riyaale to win again, people like Norf see things from his sub-clan pointview. He wasn't even a "Somalilander", and was an Al Shabab supporter when Riyaale was the president, because Silanyo was being "mistreated". And people like Jac will tell you sub-clan rivalries don't exist, and everything is all good. As a hy, I don't even want to see a president from our side, or even from our cousins side (your side stoic). And the ****** multi-party system the president was advocating for just added to the complication, these people can not handle a system like this now or in the future.
  23. *Blessed;901568 wrote: Caadi iska dhiig huuno, I asked for an explanation because your making it bigger than it seems from the article--- a loser writing bs about a successful business in SL happens on a daily basis. If there is more to the story, my assumption from your posts share it or spare us the the hysterics. spare us the hysterics? Woman, the article says everything you need to know, stop fishing for more information, who am I to tell you this right? There are scumbags out there attacking this school, and your nephew Alpha Blondy is defending them, why don't you ask him why he is defending these scumbags and maybe you'll get a clue?
  24. simply just read what the article that's posted says to know about these scumbags