La Morenita

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Everything posted by La Morenita

  1. libaax abowe Im a and my name is spanish it means the little dark girl. But thanks bro
  2. A lot of them are very hateful but not all of them the galos that is. The ones that are hateful towards us are the dumb and brainwashed ones who are handfed their info and dont ask questions about the validity of nada especially from the media. This girl back in toronto when I told her I was muslim was surpirsed and asked if I worship many gods and why dont I have a dot on my head ....hello thats called hinduism! However there are educated gaals that judge whatevers before them fairly and arent so biased unfortunetly for us their a minority because its almost becoming "cool" to hate on muslims especially in the west. Im not paranoid of this its just a test of our faith so stay strong fellow muslims and nomads
  3. and dont forget holidays like christmas,easter,and halloween are pagan holidays which means they arent even christain or jewish but the religions that was before that that worshipped many gods and goddesses and made idols and they did not even get married porperly. Easter is the holiday of the germnaic goddess oestra the bunnies and eggs are her symbols of fertility. Christmas is actaully the rebrith day of the persian sun god and his festival the pope said jesus died thsi day so pagans would celebrate the holiday. And of course halloween which is hallowmas where the spirits of dead walk becuase the dark goddess hecate lifts the viel between the two worlds so please dont celebrate these holidays nomads they are absoulutely deenlacan
  4. wow those are deep! ...on being somali and here I was thinking thats being somali was being from somalia,djibouti,ogaden or the northern frontier district of kenya.
  5. lol ur right that is funny in a scary way It teaches me to be aware of men jumping on top of man holes in the middle of the street shouting out numbers....lmao
  6. I heard hes somali too from my neighbor back in toronto she told me hes a somal that was put up for adoption...could be true. And my mom use to swear he had somali features so he would have to be half somali accroding to my mom
  7. I heard hes somali too from my neighbor back in toronto she told me hes a somal that was put up for adoption...could be true. And my mom use to swear he had somali features so he would have to be half somali accroding to my mom
  8. I heard hes somali too from my neighbor back in toronto she told me hes a somal that was put up for adoption...could be true. And my mom use to swear he had somali features so he would have to be half somali accroding to my mom
  9. I heard hes somali too from my neighbor back in toronto she told me hes a somal that was put up for adoption...could be true. And my mom use to swear he had somali features so he would have to be half somali accroding to my mom
  10. Thats a good question. I have always called myself somali. Because somalian is a fabricated word by ignorant white people(jokes). But where I live im not called either somali or somalian but somaliana which is like somalian with an a at the end but I dont mind it so much to me its better than somalian.
  11. I have nothing against somalis who date outside of the nationality because love comes in many colours Ive dated somalis and non somalis alike. This is my conclusion that a somali will understand me better and its a lot easier to date a somali because you dont fight over so much things. Im not saying that if you fall in love if the other person is from somewhere else you should leave them alone, because they are not somali because you should embrace love with whoever it is. Im just saying I prefer a somali. However where Im living now Im the only somali so I have no choice but to date non somalis. thats just my opinion I hope I offended no one
  12. I dont have that much but these are the ones I try to live by for glowing and clean skin take a well beaten egg and apply to your face for 15 mins and when its dried and cracked wash it off * beaten egg whites also shrink your pores for awhile to get rid of pimples faster use baking soda (a little) and mix with water then put on your face for shiny hair mix mayonaise and a beaten egg or two together then put in your hair before you wash it for whiter teeth brush your teeth with coffee or baking soda *using dark lipsticks also make your teeth look whiter I heard honey is good for your hair and skin it makes both softer but it also takes forever to wash out Mud and clay masks are also good for your skin used once a week thats all I know
  13. Dixon was my first home outside of Somalia in the time I lived in toronto I lived in dixon for that time its a good neighborhood you get a sense of the homeland. And when you say refugees only live there what the hell do you think you are? some people are having identity crisises recomendation go see a psychiatrist and stop hating on dixon especially if youve never been there go there then form your own opinion. One luv dadkaga
  14. Dixon was my first home outside of Somalia in the time I lived in toronto I lived in dixon for that time its a good neighborhood you get a sense of the homeland. And when you say refugees only live there what the hell do you think you are? some people are having identity crisises recomendation go see a psychiatrist and stop hating on dixon especially if youve never been there go there then form your own opinion. One luv dadkaga
  15. Dixon was my first home outside of Somalia in the time I lived in toronto I lived in dixon for that time its a good neighborhood you get a sense of the homeland. And when you say refugees only live there what the hell do you think you are? some people are having identity crisises recomendation go see a psychiatrist and stop hating on dixon especially if youve never been there go there then form your own opinion. One luv dadkaga
  16. Dixon was my first home outside of Somalia in the time I lived in toronto I lived in dixon for that time its a good neighborhood you get a sense of the homeland. And when you say refugees only live there what the hell do you think you are? some people are having identity crisises recomendation go see a psychiatrist and stop hating on dixon especially if youve never been there go there then form your own opinion. One luv dadkaga
  17. Ive often wondered the same thing about Daroad jabarti and the tribe jabarti of Eritrea. This girl was the only East African in Nanaimo along wiht my family and I. I use to think she was Somali becuase people often mistakend us for sisters and she resembled one of my aunts until one day she told me she was Eritrean and was jabarti. So if you figure out that there is a realation let me know.