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Posts posted by AYOUB

  1. The Miser

    Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #1046

    Abu Huraira, r.a., said, "The most miserly of all people is one who is miserly with greetings. The weakest of all people is a person who is weak in [making] du'a (supplication prayer)."

    NGONGE;866629 wrote:
    Salaam caleekom Maaddeey & Jb. How has your morning been so far?

    Sayid*Somal;866739 wrote:
    P.S - waan idin waada salaamay asxaabta sare - ka reebanyahay Ayoub ila uu ka raali bixiyo aflagaadadii hore

  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;858713 wrote:
    Ayuub, I wish. Waa jeclaan lahaa saas laakiin shaqsi ahaantiisa asaga ma jecleen in uu siyaasadda iyo wixii soo dhacay uu ciyaalkeena (koley ciyaal u nahnee) kala hadlo ama ugu sheekeeyo.


    Waa runtaa xasuustiisa iyo xiskiisa aad iyo aad u sareeye. Anaga lama yaabi jirin laakiin dadka soo booqdo had iyo jeer la yaabi jiray suu xiskiisa juusto u yahay maadaama yaraantooda iyo eheladooda ugu sheekeen jiray. Waxee moodi jireen waa boqol jiree waxba lama socdo, kuwana waxee dhihi jireen Quraanka uu had iyo jeer aqrin jiray ayaa ugu wacan xasuustiisa wanaagsan. Waa runtooda. Waagii nabadda ayaan xasuustaa oo wuxuu seexan jiray cishaha ka bacdi markuu Quraanka iyo kitaabyada kale dhameysto. Kitaabyo badan library ah ayaa u yaalay. Saacado yar ayuu jiifi jiray haddana 3 am ayuu soo kici jiray Quraan kale aqris ilaa iyo aroortii salaad subax waaga ka baryaaya. Subaxdiina sidaas u aqrin jiray Quraanka inyar uu seexdo ka bacdi. Galabtiina sidaasoo kale. Xasuusteyda haddaa xasuusto intaa arki jiray kaligiis markuu yahay uu guriga uu joogo Quraanka ayuu aqrin jiray, ka ahayn kaliya markee martida soo booqdaan. Masaajidkana kama baaqan jirin labada salaadood oo ahaa duhurkii iyo maqribkii. Macalin Quraanka na barana wuu ahaa, oo iskoolka markaa ka imaano Quraanka asagaa noo wada dhigi jiray carruurtiisa soo wada baray.




    Waa sawirkii laga qaaday wareysigaan markii la qaadaaye, gurigiisa dhexdiisa waana bishii Juun, 2000.


    Wareysiga bilowgiisa waxee ku bilaabanee taariikhdiisa ka sheekeynaayo:

    I guess the October revolution changed his personal destiny for the better. Power corrupts, and Kacaan saved his soul from getting corrupted. IHN Sheekha.

  3. *Ibtisam;861165 wrote:
    "When many of the then Somali lyrics composers became aligned with the government willing to please the dictatorship, he [Gaarriye] still used his sophisticated arm to defend the ethics and dignity of poetry, and he composed his piece “Qasab kuma balwayn karo” (I can’t be compelled to sing)".



    For the published English book.



    Lool Ayoub, my book has not been printed yet, give me another two years.


    Alpha iyo JB waxaba haa weydiin, unless it is about social hangout spots, chewing and who is who of clans.

    Thanks in advance. :)

    Well amigo Alpha is a reer magaal going with the flow to get close to the locals like JB. :)

  4. sharma-arke451;861011 wrote:
    masha allah the sheikh said it perfectly. I wonder why the duo slanders above (the 5th and the 6th posters) have issues with the sheikh?? It hints the feelings in their hearts.

    1st, 2nd, ... 5th, 6th. That's me and JB you're referring to, right. Well, I can only speak for myself and I'm cool with the Sheekh. He's human and he errs, just your you did failed to live up to your name by misreading the feelings in my heart. :)


    Next time you don't get joke, try to limit yourself to questions rather than trying to go to a cold dark place just read "the hints of feelings" in there.


    sharma-arke451;861011 wrote:

    Ileen ''dowladuba'' bakhtigaa isku haayay.

    Myth. SL is not a ghost State and in fact it was delacred before Meles rose to power.

  5. *Blessed;860856 wrote:

    Legend. I must be one of the few to leave the man absolutely confused and speechless at a Somali Week event a while back. I queued and waited patiently to greet him while people mobbed him, Cali Sugulle and Cabdi Qays. Most people introduced themselves to the poets as ex-neighbours, hebel's son etc etc. Well, even though Abwan Cali Sugulle is closely related to my Hooyo and I could have and interesting but usual convo by introducing my maternal grandpa's royal HY links, I chose to go for Abwaan Gaariye my "uncle in philosophy" (among other) fields. I stood in front of him, shook his hand and just smiled. After a few seconds, I asked him to autograph my book. Confused he looked at Cabdi Qays who shrugged his shoulders and looked away. Baffled Gaariye, still not out of the trance he goes into when on stage asked whose name should he dedicate the autograph. I gave him my name. When I got home and proudly showed my memorabilia, a friend spotted Gaariye autographed the wrong surname on my book. :)

  6. NGONGE;860981 wrote:
    Of everything I wrote in that first page, was that the only line you got from it?

    Well, I spotted a predictable trend. :)

    NGONGE;860981 wrote:

    Lucas is injured again but I have no doubt that he'll play well. A good player is a good player. As for the new players, we got TWO (good ones) and I still don't think we'll make fourth. Still, I like the way the team is playing and Rodgers is growing on me..

    Let's hope they do not sack him too early.


    NGONGE;860981 wrote:

    What team do you support again, Ayoub? fulay meel fog dhagaxan ka tuuraya waaxid.

    :) Well, I'd rather post my pic, name, address, clan and dob. If fact, I'd rather tell Maaddeey where I pray Magrib and my bus route. I support a "small team" that used to be one the big boys. When I tell kids the team I support the usual reaction is "why?!!". Old friends call me from everywhere when we score a major victory. A few years ago, an excited mate called to introduce me to another Somali that supports the team I do. When I meet someone that supports the team I do at work, we bond just like that. A lot of people tried to introduce me to their close relatives that happen to support the team I do. People include comments about my team when they greet me. I'm already suffering the concequences of revealing certain personal details to certain SOL member and you expect me to tell the person I enjoy hounding the team I support? Well, let me think about it..

  7. The Alpha delivers again. Great topic, my friend (even though I agree with oldman NG, the title is awful.) Change to something like SL and Aid Dependency bla bla..


    PS Don't make a stunt of yourself by resigning. Stay put and work for change from within/out.


    PPS Looking forward to the day your healthy cynicism - well, more than healthy when compared to a certain SOL old man - tackles the Khat manace epidemic.

  8. NGONGE;859796 wrote:
    ^^ Early days, saaxib.

    Business as usual. ;) You'll always followed that with "I still believe". Then "But Lucas played well". Then "two new players and the league is ours next season". :)


    PS Got to love Stoke. Agricultural football at its best.

  9. ^ Well don't be surprised when you see people say and support something inappropriate to try gaining what they think is in their political interest. I've seen you back Mahiga when he said Sh. Sharif should go. If the likes of you can support someone foreign disrespecting your president, how can you demand something better from the poor folks back home? When some Somali elders demanded their nomination for the new parliament be accepted, you called for"beesha caalimka" to punish them. Your kind of thinking is the root of what you are complaining about. I can't imagine what you'd be saying if you were in the poor folks in the video's boots. :)

  10. Che -Guevara;860597 wrote:
    ^lool@Iley. The man is know to tell the truth
    People she lived with in Hargeysa and those who met her in Jail Ocaden can attest to her abduction and detention!

    Well I have not seen them attest, and your word for it is not sufficient. We've covered this before. Both sides said she was caught in Ethiopia not SL and the end of the day, nothing can justify ONLF attack on civilians or the one on Nimco Dareen.


    The Zack;860598 wrote:
    Ayoub, I don't remember seeing you criticizing Somaliland for handing over civilians, what gets?


    If you have memory issues, there's nothing I can do about it.

  11. Apophis;860586 wrote:
    First time I've heard being an atheist or a lesbian was the result of taking a "risk". And if picking up litter is worse than the current state of Somalis then we're truly doomed.

    Somalis are going through tough times but but picking dog litter or borrowing alien theological and sexual orientation from Mzugus is not the solution. The likes of you can't justify this and complain about the folk in the deep end of Somali crisis eating wild animals on cultural/religious reasons.