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  1. 2 points
    There won't be a vote on Arbacada (today already in Xamar). Xasan now, after pressure, wants last minute changes - not a madaxweyne ku xigeen but a ra'iisul wasaare he can dismiss anytime he likes, and not from the baarlamaanka's confidence vote. He is also allowing three-xisbi limit, instead of two. He really thinks dastuuurka/xeerka qaran belongs to him and can change as he sees fit. Stealing too much public lands and facing no consequences ayuu ku kibray. Dastuurka is now to Xasan what was the badda Soomaaliya was to Abiy's - god xun that leads to a colossal failure isgaliyeen, thinking inay wax walba xoog ku marsiin karaan.
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