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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    This is millions of miles ahead of the animal zoo we have for parliaments!! This is really depressing as it exposes our shear backwardness.
  2. 1 point
    Holac, imagine a nation with no president or prime minister but with a several executive Committee members with equal powers and a rotating chairmanship governing the country. A Parliament directly elected by the people and whose members can be sacked by the electorate overseeing the decisions of the executive Committee!! 18 Federal States with their own directly elected governments and with no presidents running everything from taxation to health care, education, justice, and social security spending. Justice system where the courts select the jury from the local communities. I don't know why the Somali people are so incapable of at least learning from others who are better than us at doing great things. The Chinese learn from the West and they are not ashamed of it. Are we better than the Chinese?
  3. 1 point
    Maxay tahay ayuutadan oo 3 maxamuud uu Marba mid qaadanaayo.
  4. 1 point
    Somalis, This is where they might take us to the cleaners. As we speak, Moyale is still burning.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Jigjiga waa dhul Somaliyeed oo Ethiopia gumaysato . Away Somaliweyntii? Calanka ay sidato xidigta ku taal gees ka midahi Jigjiga ayuu matalaa! Maxaad been iyo jaahwareer isugu sheekeyseen! Dastuurka Ethopia ayey akhriyayaan oo ay isku dhiiri Galiyaan In waxa dastuurkaasi xaq u siinay o ay raadsadaan calankii Somaliyana miiskaa lagu goglanayaa! Ma Cadan baa laga heeyayaa ayaan maqli jiray! kaaga daranee hadaad hadalkeedda u fiirsato gacan ku dhiiglayaashii xasuuqay Somali bay qiil u raadinaysaa! Waa su’aale horta yartu yey u kiraysantahay?
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