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  1. 1 point
    By the way, Suldaanka Ceelka Hargeisa waa dadkii loogu yimid.
  2. 1 point
    Doing justice for The Gabooye Community alone should give Waddani a big honor. They are the most hard working and as Proff. Samatar said few years ago that they are the original Somalis both in technical know how and their talented creating of original Somali play right. If you are a young bachelor Somali , please find one of those community and tie not. When I was young and 25 years old in Europe, wanted to court and eventually marry a girl from that community, but she was the one who got a cold feet and suddenly they immigrated before we could build any thing. Walaahi waan guursan lahaa haddii aanu heshiin lahayn. Qabiil iyo reer qurbaha ima keeni anigaa iskeenay, I would have given a hoot if they objected r not. For the sake of this community people should vote Waddani.
  3. 1 point
    Of course, a family without selfless mother and wife will not succeed. The unconditional love they provide their children will never be matched by any father. on house hold chores , the best a good Somali husband could do is limited. Vacuum the house, some shopping and babysitting the children while you go out and relax with your Halimo sisters. laundry?, forget it. The idea of men cooking for their wives is only in Hollywood movies. It is a fairy tale. I hate those fake men who boast about cooking. only wives could make the house neat and livable. For twenty years I have been told " Waar shaadhka iyo Dharkan aad dhulka ku tuurayso meel fiican sudh". Sometimes I was even told " waar inta aadan wax cunin orod oo maydho",( take a shower before you eat food), I could go on. On series note, the work outside home while raisin infants is what making things difficult. The biggest strain on marriages and couples is the early years. Most divorces that I have seen happens for the first five years, especially with children. WE don't like to be awaken in the middle of the night by a crying baby, while trying to sleep few ours before early call. Usually it is the mother who absorb all that night duty. That is why she is not only super, but the most loved and respected in the whole family. On the other hand, seeing a careless husband might make some women fear for their future and push hard to affect change, which sometimes backfires. Sister Saafinuura, The world have changed. For years, The feminists have told women that they can have both worlds. family life and good career. Well sisters, that is a lie. It is a difficult to balance, especially in the early years of child raising. Without the wife , the whole house will be a place of dozen shoes and dirty cloths that lither the floor.. She is the center of all our lives. teach him few things and give him duties he can handle. Leave the baby to him as much as possible to babysit and go to other sisters to relax and change the atmosphere. In our tradition, sisters enjoy chatting with other sisters to relax the mind. Finally have patience in the early years, things will work out themselves.
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