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Melbourne - A 26-year-old man was jailed for a year on Monday for posing as a doctor and treating more than 100 patients even though he had no medical training. :confused:


Mark Collier pleaded guilty to 60 charges, including unlawful assault on patients, during his trial in Melbourne, Australia's second biggest city.


The court heard that Collier secured a job at a suburban Melbourne clinic after meeting its owner in a bar. :eek:


Over four days he gave injections, counselled patients, removed stitches from the pubic region of a pregnant woman and ordered tests using pathology forms he had stolen from hospitals.


Collier was exposed when he was identified by someone who knew him.


Defence lawyer Peter Cash asked for a suspended sentence, saying his client was an alcoholic who suffered from a borderline personality disorder and a major depressive disorder with psychotic features.


But magistrate Lisa Hannan said Collier placed some of the community's most vulnerable members at risk. She said the patients he treated ranged in age from seven months to 78.


"Through your actions you've undermined confidence in our public health system," she said, recommending that the people who employed Collier as a doctor be referred to medical authorities.


Collier sobbed when his sentence was read out. His lawyer said they would appeal the jail term.



P.S Are you sure your family Doctor is Legit?

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Very interesting story!


Do you have another one. by the way, I recently read an excellent book called Prison Writings: my life is my sun dance. By Leonard Peltier, who is a Native Indian.

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