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Pope baptises prominent Muslim Zionist critic

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Ms DD   

POPE Benedict XVI has baptised one of Italy's most prominent and outspoken Muslim commentators at today's Easter Vigil service.




Magdi Allam has become a Catholic during the traditional night-time service that takes place between Good Friday and Easter Sunday at St Peter's Basilica.


Allam, a columnist for a leading Italian newspaper, is one of Italy's leading commentators on Muslim and Arab affairs, the Associated Press reported.


The Vatican said anyone who wishes to convert to Catholicism of their own free will has the right to be baptised.


The Pope administered the sacrament "without making any 'difference of people,' that is, considering all equally important before the love of God and welcoming all in the community of the church".


Allam has been a long-time advocate of tolerance over extremism. His criticism of Palestinian suicide bombers reportedly earned him death threats from Hamas.


He has written books on living with those threats and on extremism in Italy and supporters say he is a fearless critic of intolerance. A pro-Israel book earned him the title "the new Salman Rushdie".


The Vatican announced the high-profile conversion shortly before the long Vigil service started with Benedict XVI blessing a solitary white candle.


He slowly made his way through the pews of St Peter's, lighting worhsippers' candles from his own.


The pontiff was forced to pace himself yesterday, cancelling a planned processional walk during the Way of the Cross in Rome.


The Pope had been due to carry a plain, white cross part of the way around the Colosseum, but heavy rain and a packed schedule forced Vatican officials to rethink the idea.


The 81-year-old instead touched and blessed the cross, then remained under cover.


This is a man who has never practiced Islam in his life, nor does he have any links to the Italian Muslim community. So what makes the obscure Allam so "prominent"?

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The practice of blessings by the Pope are usually conducted for those that passed away. This new pope seems to be going out of his way to insult muslims.

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