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Somali Shilling Rises Againsts Dollar

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Hoos u dhaca Doolarka Puntland


6 Mar 6, 2012 - 1:29:18 AM




Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo warshadaha ee Dowladda Puntland ayaa ka hadashay hoos u dhaca ku yimid sarifka Doolarka iyo maciishadii oo halkeedii taagan,taasoo saamayn ku yeelatay dadka danyarta ah iyo kuwa biilasha ku xisaabtama.


Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland Xasan Faarax Jaamac oo maanta xafiiskiisa Garowe idaacada Radio Garowe ugu waramay ayaa sheegay inay qabanqaabinayaan shirar lagu gorfaynayo arintan oo dhibaato ku ah mujtamaca oo dhan,wuxuuna xusay in hoos u dhaca Doolarka ay kaliftay lacagta Soomaaliga oo yaraatay iyo isticmaalka adeega sahal.


Wasiirka ayaa waxa kele oo uu tilmaamay in si qotodheer loo baarayo arintan iyo sida looga bixi karo,waxaana uusan meesha ka saarain in Dowladu haddu ay qorshaynayso inay samayso lacago xalalaala oo dalkoo dhan ka shaqaysa.


Doolarka ayaa intii dawladani jirtay jaangooyntiisu ay ahayd mid wanaagsan,iyadoo halka Doolar uusan kor iyo hoosba uga aadi jirin 30 kun oo Sh,So, balse bilihii ugu dambeeyey ayuu hoos dhac baahsani ku yimid,wuxuuna xilligan marayaa $1-doola 24 kun oo Shilinka Somaliga ah.


Halkan ka dhagayso waraysiga wasiirka ganacsiga Fahad Jaamac la yeeshay

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GAROWE, Somalia March 6, 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Shilling Somali, the Somali currency has dipped in recent months in the region of Puntland without showing sign of bouncing back, Radio Garowe reports.


The Puntland Minister of Commerce Hasan Farah Jama who spoke to Radio Garowe said that the Puntland government is holding meetings with currency exchange operators and business owners in Puntland to discuss the issue of the dip in the Somali Shilling and the price of commodities that has remained stagnant.


Many residents of Puntland have complained about the current situation of the Somali Shilling and the lack of change in prices for goods. Just a few months back 1 US dollar was exchanged for 30,000 Somali Shilling but now is exchanging at 24,000 with prices for goods remaining unchanged.


Minister Jama addressed the concern many believe, that the Puntland government is responsible for the plunge in the Somali Shilling. “The Puntland government has always made it a mandate to fight inflation but the reduced Somali Shilling is partly due to a large amount of currency exchange operators who hold the majority of the Somali Shilling, who have decided to try to control the influx of the Shilling in order to make profits from the decreased Shilling,” said Minister Jama.


Another problem which the Minister said was increasing the inflation of the Shilling was the use of Sahal, a service that allows you to buy items by your mobile phone. The service which uses US dollars has affected the Somali Shilling because of the lack of Somali Shilling being used by consumers.


The Minister urged people to increase the use of the Somali Shilling and lower the use of US dollar which is valued more to business owners and consumers. “I plead with the Somali people to use the Shilling because the usage of US dollar has affected our currency and will continue to inflate the currency,” said Minister Jama.


Minister Jama said that this issue of inflation will be addressed with as the Puntland government will intervene in this issue and will set up regulatory boards that will help manage the currency but will not interfere in the markets as Puntland is a free market economy.

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