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Old-school Scramble for Resources, New World Order

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Old-School Scramble for Resources, New World Order.

Cantrabaqash Media Matters Group

Bu Ina-Kaadi Najaasle


In a age of dwindling resources, rising population (7 billion and counting), energy-starved emerging powers (China, India) and declining powers suffering unfavorable trade imbalances of global scale, weak states can (and often do) became an easy prey to world powers of the day. Nations that are not in control of their destiny such as poor, backward, quarreling Somalis in anarchic Somalia become attractive target ready to be pounced on by world powers.


With two decades of crippling civil strife, Somalis have yet to come to terms with the need of negotiated political settlement. With conflict still ongoing, active factions seek for military and political support from states (and non-state actors as well) that are willing to provide assistance in gaining the upper hand in the civil war. Regional and world powers that have interests in Somalia readily arm factions of their choice hence perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence. Today Somalia is awash with weapons! Any disgruntled group can mount a rebellion.


A culture where negative tribalism reigns supreme, the basic ethical principle states that clan members owe more duties to a fellow member than to a non-member, or even country. Love of country, belief in ideology, or system of governance is often superseded by allegiance to clan sensibilities. To paraphrase the memorable words of late king Feisal I of Iraq describing his subject, there is no Somalinimo or Somaliweyn but only deluded clans void of national purpose, disunited, anarchy prone and always ready to prey on each other.


Mired with intractable conflict, divided into clan fiefdoms masquerading as building blocks of yet to be defined (constitution is being written by UN-supervised panel) future federal arrangement that’s not suitable for the republic, and faced amateur Islamist (used as bogeymen by powers that-be) that provide convenient pretexts that allow draconian foreign interventions, Somalia finds itself in a position from which it is hard to extricate oneself.


Superimpose this Somalia that’s rich in energy resources ON the scramble for resources by world powers picking up steam in the wake of reconfigured world order! One cannot help but wonder when one takes stock of investments committed to the region in terms of military bases surrounding Somalia. Expensive and state of the art drone base in Ethiopia, recently reinforced two major military bases in Djibouti (France and US), special forces, navy fleet stationed off Somalia waters, private mercenaries – all these assets are employed in the name of piracy and radical Al Shabab.


Peaceful but ruthless geopolitical wrestling between declining Western powers and rising and overly aggressive Chinese are scrambling for resources and markets. The great game for Africa resources is on. Neighboring and regional countries that are in control of their destiny are cooperating with western powers and willing to become a host for the proxy war in exchange of military and financial assistance.


Regrettably Somalis are busy in fussing and fighting along clan lines, fiefdom spheres and lately along religious sects (Al Jama’ah wa Sunnah vs. Al Shabab). Western powers in cahoots with frontline states are busy plotting ways and means of weakening future Somali state.


With Kampala accord in place, Somalia is effectively under an African Trusteeship – first in history. If supposed grand bargain between clans materialize in Benadir then by default the transition to post-conflict Somalia commences immediately. Powers that-be will be in a position to “legally” extract concessions from the supposedly "legit" government that can sign bilateral agreements that will give western companies rights to exploit energy resources Somalia is said to have in abundance.

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