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Defence HQ, palace hit as Mogadishu bombarded

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Defence HQ, palace hit as Mogadishu bombarded

February 21, 2007 Edition 2


Mogadishu - Mortar bombs have hit several targets in Mogadishu, killing at least 10 people in one of the fiercest bombardments since an Islamist movement was chased from Somalia's capital last month.

The hilltop presidential palace, Villa Somalia, and the coastal city's defence headquarters were among the areas attacked.

"They showered us with rockets, and a mortar also hit the compound. Luckily no one was hurt," said a government soldier who was in Villa Somalia during the attack. He declined to be named for fear of reprisal.

"Our troops and those from our ally Ethiopia were forced to fire heavy artillery," he said. "We had to retaliate. These elements are being paid to cause all this destruction."

A woman living nearby said several people were wounded in the surrounding streets, and journalists saw five bodies in a western neighbourhood, also hit by mortar rounds.

At one Mogadishu hospital, officials said there were more than 40 wounded, three of whom died of their injuries.

Relatives gathered around patients wrapped in bandages lying on the steamy, crowded hospital's bloodstained floors.


A spate of near-daily rocket and mortar strikes have challenged the government's bid to impose security and let Ethiopian troops who helped it oust the Islamists go home.

Deputy Defence Minister Salad Ali Jelle said two other civilians were killed in the attack on the defence headquarters.

He accused Islamist remnants of paying the attackers.

"The insurgents are paying $100 (R710) a day to whoever fires rockets and mortars at the government and people."

With Ethiopian military help, Somali troops have boosted patrols and set up more checkpoints to help curb the bloodshed.

The attacks underscore the huge challenge facing President Abdullahi Yusuf's government as it tries to tame a nation in anarchy since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.

Ugandan soldiers are due to deploy soon in Mogadishu as the vanguard of an 8 000-strong African Union peacekeeping force to replace the Ethiopian presence. - Reuters

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I would love to see the place with all its former glory reconstructed.


One day soon without foereign occupation insha Allah

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Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH:

^^Sure was peaceful.


Fracois Fall walks in Mogadishu July 2006.

This is beautiful picture and the people in there look comfortable. This calm and safe ambience has been replaced by clan militias from Puntland shelling these same buildings while their ethiopian brothers provide them the weaponry for the mayhem. Guys like Caamir are causing the chaos in that town.

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Wadooyinka qaar ee Muqdisho oo xalay la xirey


Mogadishu 21, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dhalinyarada Xaafadaha qaar ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa xalay xirey wadooyinka gala xaafadahooda si aan looga tuurin madaafiicda lala beegsado fariisimada dowladda.


Kooxo u badan dhalinyaro dadka deegaanka ah oo sitey qoryaha nuucyadooda kala duwan ayaa si weyn loogu arkayay, iyagoo gaafwareegaya wadooyinka xaafadaha iyo laamiyada.


Wadada Wadnaha ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa dhalinyaradani waxa ay dhigeen dhagxaan iyo shaagag si aysan u soo marin baabuurta looga shakiyo in ay tuuraan madaafiicda lagu weeraro fariisimada ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda.


Daahir Yooyoo oo ka mid ah dhalinyarada ku nool Xaafadda Bakaaraha ayaa shabelle u sheegay in talaabada ay qaadeen dadka deegaanka ay ka dhigtay mid nabdoon oo aysan dhicin wax weeraro ah oo laga qaaday deegaanadooda.


Waxa uu sheegay in talaabadani ay tahay mid muhiim u ah daganaashaha xaafadahooda.


Degmooyinka Wardhiigleey, Hodon iyo H/wadaag ayaa waxaa lagu arkayay Dhalinyaro hubeysan oo ka shaqeynaya amaanka.


Sidoo kale Degmooyinka X/jajab iyo X/weyne ayaa waxaa ka jira Kooxo dhalinyaro sidaan oo kale ah oo suga amaanka.


Arimahaan waxa ay ku soo beegmeen xilli habeen hore ay magaalada Muqdisho ka dhaceen madaafiic hoobiyeyaal iyo BM ah oo ay is weydaarsadeen kooxo aan la garaneyn iyo ciidamada dowladda ethiopia, weeraradaasi oo ay ku dhinteen in ka badan 13 ruux oo rayid ah iyo dhaawaca in ka badan 42 ruux.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Mogadishu will be peaceful, put that in your mind.

It will indeed, as soon as your blood sucking uncle and his butland militia go home in body bags.

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Those that are firing artilaries towards Ethopians troops and TFG must stop its causing the city more damage then good ,



This is a good step forward Neigherhood watchers , ONe should not be a victim for political reasons.


Its nonsense to blam it at uic for what is goin on in xaamar ....


Uic left city evacuated so that the residents do not get harmed or get caugh in the cross fire .... Why would they resort into mortar throwing .... its clear that they had chance to put up great resistance in Moqadishu but decided to safe citizen bloodshed.


Therefore TFG must Address the people who are responsible for these mortar attacks .


There are foks in sol that are geting apeased and are enjoying the choa's that is spreading in moqadishu they oppose TFG which is nonsens .


Those cowards that are instigating the mortar battle do not represent the people of moqadishu and Uic movment ... They are doin these for their self interest

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