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United Nations: Mark Bowden's humanitarian message to the warring parties in Somalia

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Humanitarian Message to all the warring parties in Mogadisho, Hiiraan, Puntland, and many other places...


I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call to all parties to the conflict in Somalia to create an environment whereby aid can be delivered safely and effectively. On this day
it is important to remind ourselves of the underlying principles of humanitarianism that we work to uphold:


is the principle that suffering must be addressed wherever it is found. This is the principle that has brought humanitarian assistance to Somalia and keeps agencies motivated to deliver lifesaving assistance despite the challenges.


is the principle that humanitarian assistance must be given and prioritized solely on the basis of need. Humanitarian agencies can not discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political opinion, race, or religion.


affirms that humanitarian assistance must be provided without engaging in hostilities or taking sides in controversies of a political, religious, or ideological nature.


Operational Independence
means that humanitarian action must be autonomous from political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented.


These are the principles that continue to guide the actions of humanitarian organisations and their personnel...


Mark Bowden

Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator


August 29, 2010

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