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Kenya bans Warlords from entering/seeking amnesty in Kenya.

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Kenya bans Somali warlords



Publication Date: 2006/06/07


Kenya has banned Somali warlords from coming into the country.


The Government announced that it had imposed a total ban on the warlords and their associates from Kenya.


A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released last night said: "The Government of Kenya has with immediate effect imposed a total ban on all forms of travel into Kenya by Somali warlords and their associates."


The Government said it would not allow its soil to be used by individuals who were destabilising their country.


"The Government would like to re-iterate its position that it will not let its territory to be used by those who persist in destabilising Somalia and undermining our ongoing efforts to restore peace and security in that country," the statement added.


Sources disclosed that the decision was reached after discussions between the Office of the President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry in charge of Internal Security and Provincial Administration.


Assistant ministers Moses Wetang'ula and Danson Mungatana said the country had invested a lot in the provisional government stationed in Baidoa and would not like it to be undermined.


Foreign Affairs assistant minister Moses Wetang'ula said the Government wanted to address some security issues in Somalia by imposing the ban.


He added: "The provisional government in Somali is our baby, we have spent money, time and other resources in it. We cannot have a few warlords spoiling that."


"From today on they are persona non grata (prohibited immigrants) in this country...if they are found they will face the consequences," he added.


President Kibaki, Mr Wetang'ula added, being the current chairman the IGAD Summit wanted to ensure that Somalia and other countries in the region were peaceful.


The country hosted Somali peace talks for more than two years, incurring a lot of expenses, the assistant minister said. But Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti were committed to seeing peace is restored in Somalia, he added.


"We cannot as a country or region allow warlords in whatever form to undermine governments we have helped form," Mr Wetang'ula added. "We want warlords who are ministers in the transitional government to make peace."


The Government, he added, had taken the extra step to stop them because it did not want to continue hosting people conducting secret activities.


A non-aligned movement meeting in Malaysia resolved that the UN Security Council lift an arms embargo on transitional Government to enable it to start putting in place structures to govern the country.


The Government initiated peace talks among the warlords which led to the formation of a provisional Government.


A Parliament was opened in Baidoa in February after electing President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Ali Mohamed Gedi as Prime Minister.


The Cabinet was named in August 2004 at United Nations headquarters in Nairobi in 2004.


Civil war


Somalia has been embroiled in civil war between different warlords since former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.


Most of the warlords have set up base in Kenya where they have enjoyed the luxury of five star hotels while their country was being ran into ruins.


Somali militia are embroiled in bloody battle for control of Mogadishu.


On Monday, the transitional government sacked four warlords for their involvement in violence that has left 350 people dead since February.



Daily Nation

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Nairobi:Dawladda Kenya oo dalkeeda ka mamnuucday inay soo galaan hogaamiye kooxeedyada ka qayb qaatay dagaallada Muqdisho.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006




Nairobi(AllPuntland)- War kasoo baxay dawladda Kenya ayaa lagu sheegay inaysan dalka Kenya soo gali karin hogaamiye kooxeedyada Soomaalida , gaar ahaan kuwii ka qayb qaatay dagaalladii Muqdisho.


Dawladda Kenya oo bayaan soo saartay waxay tilmaantay inaysan Kenya Hoyi siin doonin hogaamiye kooxeed soo daayiyay dhiigga shacabkiisa isla markaana doonaya inuu ku bad baado dalkeeda.


Kenya waxay sheegtay ayadoo xeerinaysa go'aan ay horay u gaartay oo ahaa caawinta shacabka iyo dawladda Soomaaliyeed ayaysan ogolaan doonin hogaamiyeyaashii looga adkaaday dagaalka inay soo galaan Kenya.


Qaraarkan kasoo baxay dawladda Kenya ayaa kusoo beegmay xilli la hadal hayo in hogaamiye kooxeedyo ka tirsan dawladda ay doonayaan inay dalka Kenya u dhoofaan.


Dawladda Kenya waxay sheegtay in dalkeeda Kenya uusan marna ogolaan doonin inay Viso Dal ku gal ah siiso hogaamiye kooxeed qayb ka qaatay dagaallada lagu hoobtay ee dalka ka dhacay.


Warkan wuxu kusoo beegmayaa xilli badi hogaamiye kooxeedyadii hubaysnaa ee dagaallada Muqdisho ka qayb qaatay ay Muqdisho bannaanka kaga sugan yihiin.


CCC Farayaamo


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Hornafrique-oow It is too late, however, we welcome it as we are not sure that they really mean what coming out of their mouth :D !

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It has started, Kenya has kicked Abdirashid Shire Ilqeyte today!



Kenya kicks Somali warlord back to Somalia

Elizabeth Kennedy | Nairobi, Kenya


A member of a United States-backed secular alliance of warlords fighting for power in Somalia was kicked out of Kenya on Wednesday after police found him staying at a luxury hotel in Nairobi, authorities said.


Abdul Rashid Hussein Shiry, wearing a grey suit and tie as he was led out of the hotel, was taken to the airport for a flight back to neighbouring Somalia. It was not clear how long Shiry had been in Kenya, but alliance members have been on the run since the Islamic militias they opposed seized control of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, on Monday.


The Kenyan government said in a statement on Wednesday that it was banning all forms of travel into Kenya by Somali warlords and their associates and that it "will not permit its territory to be used by those who persist in destabilising Somalia".


Mogadishu has been convulsed by violence for months as the Islamic Courts' Union, which has alleged links to al-Qaeda, strengthened its grip on the lawless country. Their advance on Monday came despite US support for the secular alliance of warlords.


The US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, have confirmed cooperating with the secular warlords to root out terrorists who might be hiding in the Horn of Africa.


The US administration has not confirmed or denied giving money to the alliance, saying only that it supports those who fight terrorism.


"We're watching very carefully the developments there, and we will strategise more when I get back to Washington as to how to best respond to the latest incident there in Somalia," US President George Bush said on Tuesday.


Somalia has been without a real government since largely clan-based warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and then turned on each other, dividing this nation of 8-million into rival fiefdoms. -- Sapa-AP

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