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Should a Muslim Women who lives in the state Unveil Her Face for a driver's license?

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there was an article today in the states that requires all muslim women in order to get a drivers license must show their faces, what you think about it, and those of you who do not know the states that much, that state is the state of Florida, as you know which is the state by the current President of the USA won by vicotry of the Presidency and the state is run by his younger brother, and here is the article , let me hear what you think Nomads and Nomadeets!



ORLANDO, Fla. (May 28) - Experts in Islamic law are being called to testify in the lawsuit of a Muslim woman fighting a state order to take off her veil for her driver's license photo.


Sultanna Freeman, 35, says Florida's insistence on photographing her face violates her religious rights.


``I don't unveil ... because it would be disobeying my Lord,'' Freeman testified Tuesday at the start of her non-jury trial.


Assistant Attorney General Jason Vail argued that having an easily identifiable photo on a driver's license is a matter of public safety.


``It's the primary method of identification in Florida and the nation,'' Vail said. ``I don't think there can be any doubt there is a public safety interest.''


Freeman's attorneys argue that state officials didn't care that she wore a veil in her Florida driver's license photo until after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, an allegation the state denies.


``This is about religious liberty. It's about whether this country is going to have religious diversity,'' said Howard Marks, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida.


Both sides planned to call experts in Islamic law at the trial, which continues Wednesday. A copy of the Quran has been entered into evidence.


Freeman, a convert to Islam previously known as Sandra Kellar, wore her veil for the photo on the Florida driver's license she obtained after moving to the state in 2001.


Nine months later, she received a letter from the state warning that it would revoke her license unless she returned for a photo with her face uncovered.


Freeman claims her religious beliefs require her to keep her head and face covered out of modesty and that her faith prohibits her face from being photographed.

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wow who would've imagined.....props to the woman she's fighting back......I pray that she wins...

Also what their doing to the muslim brothers is unjustified locking them up without reasons for what might feel like generations to them.....Who kno's maybe they even torture them in there....They torture their own White American Citizens so who know's....


But then again...Some how I feel there gonna be telling people u either wear skimmy clothes or ur not gonna be an American citizen....They tell spanish immagrants to go into the army just to get give them a fast american citizenship.......


Right now it's the only god knows

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"Should a Muslim Women who lives in the state Unveil Her Face for a driver's license?"


I think she should, or she could not drive @ all.

I don't see why it's a big deal!

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