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Union of Islamic Courts - Saafi Abdi

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Although I am not a great fan of the Alitixad Al Islamiya. I believe they don't have the knowhow to rule Somalia, unless they moderate their policies. Sheikh Hassan's stance on the occupied Somali territories, Somali unity and Ethiopian aggression have to be commended. One must also respect his resolve and firmness in sticking to his ideology during th years. I don't think the man is a saint, but the comparisons between him and Somali warlords is unfair.


@Ngone, funnily enough I agree with most of what you say. But please explain what you mean by this:


Quote:The only other way open to all is to WORK with the TFG

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^^^ It looks like a rhetorical question and I know I should treat it as such but I can't help feeling that you're expecting an actual reply! It's as if you have not read anything I wrote previously. Oh well, lets flog that dead horse one more time, shall we! :D


The hard and bitter reality right now is that the TFG is in CONTROL. They run the country and TIME is on their side. They have no real or discernible rivals (people complaining on the web or a few aimless rebels an opposition do not make). Also, as far as we can tell, the TFG are not averse to blowing up a few people or brutally suppressing any signs of rebellion or revolt. They will do anything to stay in power.


All this is plainly obvious and I trust that I have not shattered any dreams of yours by this revelation or opened up any new doors. So, what should the majority of Somalis do, I hear you ask! Well, they will do what they've always done; kowtow to the new bully in town. This, in all honesty, is the best course of action for all concerned. For without any organised, recognised, well-armed and suitably backed resistance, any sign of struggle from the Somali populace is nothing but a thoughtless and wasteful suicide! It actually reminds me of the old Arabic saying: The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on! There really is no stopping the TFG now, unless it comes from within!


This is how I rationally see things. How do YOU see them?



Pedantic simpletons protesting about dogs and caravans need not bother replying.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

There really is no stopping the TFG now, unless it comes from within!

Indeed, this itself needs to be intelligently manipulated....and the marks of a rift within is already clear.

The thought of popular 'kacdoon' is no more...'jabhadeyn' is out of question,

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^^ It looks like a rhetorical question and I know I should treat it as such but I can't help feeling that you're expecting an actual reply! It's as if you have not read anything I wrote previously. Oh well, lets flog that dead horse one more time, shall we!


The hard and bitter reality right now is that the TFG is in CONTROL. They run the country and TIME is on their side. They have no real or discernible rivals (people complaining on the web or a few aimless rebels an opposition do not make). Also, as far as we can tell, the TFG are not averse to blowing up a few people or brutally suppressing any signs of rebellion or revolt. They will do anything to stay in power.


All this is plainly obvious and I trust that I have not shattered any dreams of yours by this revelation or opened up any new doors. So, what should the majority of Somalis do, I hear you ask! Well, they will do what they've always done;
kowtow to the new bully in town
. This, in all honesty, is the best course of action for all concerned. For without any organised, recognised, well-armed and suitably backed resistance, any sign of struggle from the Somali populace is nothing but a thoughtless and wasteful suicide! It actually reminds me of the old Arabic saying:
The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on! There really is no stopping the TFG now, unless it comes from within!


This is how I rationally see things. How do YOU see them?



Pedantic simpletons protesting about dogs and caravans need not bother replying.

Interesting analysis from back in the days, ya Ngonea,although you did underestimate the resolve of Somali populace.

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^^ Don't jump the gun yet, saaxib. No such thing as 'resolve' has been displayed in these latest actions. Same old, same old.

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^^Warya, you said Somali "ragtag

" militias have no chance against the mighty Ethiopians and TFG. I do not think you or most other people anticipated that ragtag militias would have driven Ethios and TFG from most of Souther Somalia, whilst controlling vital port cities. Give the ragtags some credit. ;)

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^^ If it pleases you to say that Al Shabab have defeated the invaders I shall indulge you and say they did. But that's only because I like you. The reality is something else altogether.


I don't think I was far off in my view back then. ;)

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