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The history of Midgaan


Taariikhda Midgaha


“Waxaan ahayn Ummadii Dhulkaan iska lahayd, waxaan ahayn Boqortooyadii ugu Horeysay ee ka dhalatay Meesha maanta loo yaqaano Somalia. Waxaa boqor tooyadeena loo yaqaanay Boqortooyadii “BOONTA” Dulkaan waxaa la oran jirey Dhulkii Boonta “BOONTLAND”oo macneheedu yahay Dhulkii Boontu iska lahayd. Boqorkii ka talin jirey waxaa la oran jirey Baidari, wuxuu ahaa Boqorka ummadda Boonta xukumi jirey. Wuxuu ka talin jirey qayb ka mid ah dhulka Geeska Afrika wuxuu xiriir ganacsi la lahaa Dalka Masaarida, shiinaha, Hindiya, iyo Boqortooyadii Rooma..


Qarnigii 12aad ayaa Ummadd ka soo haajirtey dalal kala duwan oo isugu jirta Carab iyo Afrikaan ayaa Jabisay Boqortooyadii Boonta, waxayna gow-gowreceen ummaddii dhulkaas daganeyd intii badneyd. Intii kaloo soo harteyna way qaybsadeen waxayna u bixiyeen magacyo fara badan, sida Midgaan, Boon, Tumaalo, Yaharo, Yibro, Jaaji, Gabooye iyo magacyo kale oo badan. Macagyadaan ayaa ilaa maantana loo yaqaanaa, sida xaqiiqda ah dadkani waa umamadii dhulka iska lahayd waana boqortooyo jabtay, waxaana daliil u ah in markii hore ay jabisay boqortooyadii Massar qarnigii lixaad, ka dibna waxaa jabiyay ummado isugu jira carab iyo African oo ka soo haajiray dalal kala duwan. Aqri taariikhdan soo socota ee luqada qalaad (English) ku qoran tanina waa baaritaan aan sameeyay waxaan helayna waa kan:




After I heard this narrations, I tried to make more research in order to verify or make sure that this story is Authentic and reliable truth. So I am trying to proof three things historically, orally and Linguistically, First of all, I have to answer all these questions; was there any people called Boonta? Is it true that Egyptians had once invaded the land of the Punt? Do Boontite people have Kings and Chiefs? What is the different between Boon, Midgan, and Sab? And also who were the natives of Somalia? Who are the true natives in Horn of Africa Sab groups or Somalis? What part of their history continued to be meaning full for them? What historical knowledge did they call upon to define their ancestors? How do they can explain or understand the circumstances of their ancestors connecting to the present? How their past has impacted or affected their present life?




One more interesting record mentioned, the Book of “The Ethiopian A history” “Egyptian inscriptions recorded that during the fourth Dynasty (3100-2965 B.C) the son of Cheops, the builders of Great Pyramids, was in possession of Puntite slaves”. (Richard Pankhurst, 1998, The Ethiopian A history) 14.






Before, in the twelfth century, the ancient kingdom of Boontite had controlled all over the area presently known as Somalia, there was no in Horn of Africa people called Somalis before twelfth century, today those who call themselves Somalis were people who merged from different ethnics and united for the aim to defeat the Bootite Kingdom. Latter Somalis succeeded to defeat and divide the citizens of this land and finally the kingdom of Boontite was being invaded, the land of Boontite was automatically transferred from the hands of natives to the hands of raiders. Where are the Boontite people today? Are they invisible slaves or clients? But here consider this question, when Boontite people were defeated and divided why Somalis in 12th and colonists such as Italy and British in 18th centuries chose to enslaved African Bantu rather than Midgans?




Another record has remarked, according Pankhurst, said; “ King Peppy II (2738-2644 B.C. of the sixty Dynasty subsequently noted that he had a tenq, or small-boned slaves from the Punt” (Richard Pankhurst, 1998, The Ethiopian A history) 14.


So now it became very comprehensible for us that the Egyptians had invaded the land of the Punt and had taken some of the Puntite people into slavery according both written evidence and oral history agreed into clear historically points, also there was so much evidence that supports there was a kingdom in Somalia before arrival of the immigrants.




(“Agree in expelling the Midgan from the gentle blood of Somaliland, …many Midgans employ themselves in hunting and agriculture. Instead of spear and shield, they carry bows and a quiver full of diminutive arrows, barbed and poisoned with the wabaio weapon used from Faizoghli to the Cape of Good Hope. …The poison is greatly feared. It causes, say the people, the hair and nails to drop off, and kills a man in half an hour. The only treatment known is instant excision of the part”)


(Richard F. Burton, 1856, First footsteps of East Africa).




“On the pictured plates at Deir-El-Baheri, the huts of the people of Punt were like the Toquls of modern Sudanese, being built on piles approach by the ladders. The birds were like a species common among Somalis. The fishes were not like those of Egypt. The wife of the King of Punt appears with a form like Bongo women with exaggerated organs of maternity”.


(Wonderful Ethiopians of the ancient Cushite Empire, Houston, Drusilla Dunjee, 1926)




“The Somalis (Midgan) race, the most interesting, the most proud, the most courageous and intelligent, and the most ‘difficult’ of the races of Africa, has gone into politics, for if they do not others will, in this age of turmoil, and if by some strange chance Hersi should read this (he was always in touch with the west I would be happy to have contact with him again”…….“You can not beat them. They have no inferiority complexes, no wide-eyed worship of the white man’s ways, and no fear of him, of his guns or of his official anger. They are a race to be admired, if hard to love”… “He (Hirad) claimed that they were the original inhabitants of the Somali-lands who had lost the great and final battle near Hargeysa and were then taken into slavery until they became Mohammedans. After that they were Mohammedans slaves instead of mere slaves. They became metalworkers, carpenters, herbalists, hunters, and leathers workers. Every Somali woman, when she was ready to bear her child, liked to have a Midgan woman present. Wedding and dances were not complete without Midgan dressed in their gay colors and bringing luck to the nobles”


Gerald Hanley, 1941, Warriors Life and death among the Somalis




All this books are available in the library you can challenge academically with me by this history


Compiled By Ahmed M. Keynan B.A.



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Before, in the twelfth century, the ancient kingdom of Boontite had controlled all over the area presently known as Somalia, there was no in Horn of Africa people called Somalis before twelfth century, today those who call themselves Somalis were people who merged from different ethnics and united for the aim to defeat the Bootite Kingdom. Latter Somalis succeeded to defeat and divide the citizens of this land and finally the kingdom of Boontite was being invaded, the land of Boontite was automatically transferred from the hands of natives to the hands of raiders. Where are the Boontite people today? Are they invisible slaves or clients?


My question is if these ppl were the natives of the land that is currently known as somalia...and if we(those who are not boontite) invaded their country then where the hell are we from?


my sources tells me that these ppl became slaves to other tribes and were considered outcasts. living with their new adopted family, they still couldnt marry within.

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