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Ethiopia, Somaliland to improve border security

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ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia and Somaliland have agreed to work together to maintain peace and security along their common border which is in jeopardy due to Al-Ithad, Al-Islamya and other breeding disreputable threats.


During talks with a high-level Somaliland delegation led by Interior Affairs Minister Abdullahi Ismael Ali yesterday, Federal Affairs Minister Siraj Fegessa said: “Ethiopia and Somaliland need each other more than ever before.” He further said that with the international community taking a policy of appeasement towards Al-Ithad forces, Ethiopia and Somaliland can no longer put off making essential choices for adequately meeting the challenges posed by the terrorists against their nationals security interests.


On the occasion, the Minister welcomed the effort made by Somaliland security forces to capture terrorists who attempted to infiltrate from Somaliland into Ethiopia.


Siraj said: “ The ties between the two countries must be further strengthened in all spheres on the basis of mutual respect and common interest.”


Speaking on his part, Mr Abdulahi Ismael Ali, said: “It is difficult to differentiate the benefit of the security of Somaliland to the security of Ethiopia” Any danger is posed against Ethiopia is also a threat to Somaliland, he added.


The former British Somaliland protectorate became fully independent from the United Kingdom on June 26, 1960. The state of Somaliland united with Somalia, creating the Somali republic.


The Republic of Somaliland restored its independence after the total collapse of Somalia on May 18, 1991. Constitutionally, Somaliland has a multi-party system.


Source: Ethiopian Herald

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It is good to see that both realize the benefits of shared risk and shared work.


Ethiopia and Sudan came to similar understanding some 10 years ago and have never looked back. Now commerce has been added to the friendship, which means they both need each other even more. They both have good will and best wishes that they both keep the peace.

Ethiopia is customer of Somaliland and who wants bad things to happen to their customer. The same goes the other way.


Djibuti has also implemented this good neighborly relation to the letter and spirit of the agreements.


Eritrea is contained and there is 25km deep in their country that they cannot deploy over 1000km. That has taken care of the border for now. Thats why they are bringing OLF through Mugadishu a long way.


Kenya of course has been in this kind of arrangement for a long time.


For Ethiopia only a small window left with Somalia and that hopefully will be a border of friends soon.


This is good news for all.

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This is good and infact ONLF should continue playing a good role in ensuring that contraband goods are not allowed to flood the Markets of Ethio.


Also it will be good to screen illegal immigrants comming from those regions.

We dont know who they are maybe some economic migrants or terrorists.


I urge the Somali state governor to tighten security especially its northern borders.

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What border, the disputed border btw Somalia and Ethiopia?


Our border with Ethiopia is not even considered International border but provisional border and we will reclaim the lands under their occupation once we set our civil problems right.


Past a couple months, I had a casual conversation with a fellow Ethiopia . He had the audacity to tell me that Somalia is Ethiopia and it will be. Due to his irrelevant argument and knowledge of Soamlia's history I began to advise him on flagrant claims like this and offered him a crash course of the history of the region in which he was devoid of. There exist many uniinformed who come aboard with nationalistic and rhetorical ploy to crave for a country that is not theirs.


Sooner we understand the enemy is not within ourselves but outside meddlers, Ethiopia as a principle factor of this political meddling designed to undermine and kill both of our national pride and statehood, the better we can deal with these poverty-stricken country and its minority Christian rule.


Another is to be aware of those among us like the so called "Somaliland" also known as the North Western Somais, who will relinquish you to the foes for their clan interest. But would it matter for the enemy to discriminate favorably Somalis based on clans. To the Tigre and Amhara, we are one and leaches whose fragmentary society is at best exploitable for them to stay alive and perpetuate their false but cockeyed superiority.


Land locked Ethiopia will remain landlocked forever whether they like it or not. Blame Eritrea, not us.

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Where would the world be if it wasn't for some like the one you met and his counterparts among Somali?lol


What folks from Mugadishu ICU need to understand is that Somalis from the north are very familiar with Somali ethiopian and the population from Northern Somalia was most enthusiastic about greater somalia for the longest time.


You cannot claim land from another country from Mugadishu. Its only and only the Somali ethiopian who owns that land and if you want access to it, he has to agree. Outside of this there is nothing that is worth doing unless someone in Mugadishu ICU doesn't care what the somali ethiopian thinks, wants and does.


At the moment Somalilanders, Puntlanders and majority of Somalis everywhere seem to agree that each must organize where they are, improve the life of the people, establish peace and the somali can recuperate and recover. You cannot have people fighting all the time without threatening their existance. They cannot farm, pastoralists who could be millionaires with the number of herd they ahave are left destitue with one draught another flood because there is no organization, state and support system to take care of them.


Let alone in poor africa, the US could not do much during hurricane they had last year. It was a bad site.


The majority of Somali ethiopians are now at a chapter. What they chose to do in 1984 has all been accomplished. They have self government which uses somali language, they are doing the best they can in all fields of development. Believe it or not the state will meet the Millenium Development Goals.


So if you are an ICU Mugadishu who wants to speak on behalf of somali ethiopian and be commanding him what to say and what to do - take a hike is the current response. Put your own house in order first is the second answer.

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Dude what you should not do is waste your time teaching somalis about their history.

Coz we know it like the back of our hands.


But what you can teach them is what made the siblings of Tigray and Hamaseen(Tigrinya speakers) swear to exterminate each other at the expense of the Horners.

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Somaliland has its international border with Ethiopia and no one from the south to say what is somaliland's border and where ,,,,,, we know where it is and we can secure ,,,,,, somalia should solve its internal problems before they jump to Ethiopia ,,,,


YES Ethiopia is our historical enemy but they succeeded to keep their government and country unlike somalis who destroyed everything and now claiming to attack ethiopia when we have nothing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Jijjiga, December 18, 2006 (WIC) - The neighbouring Jijjiga and Argessa zones located between the Somali State of Ethiopia and Somali Land have today signed an agreement to jointly undertake peace and development works around border areas.


According to the agreement signed here the accord would be implemented by the administrations of Qebribeyah,Awbere,Harshen of Jijjiga Zone and Alebeday, Fireweyni, Ligubdilay and Gebley woredas of Argessa Zone.


The neighbouring zones would jointly execute development works and protect the area from anti- peace forces, it was pointed out.


Besides, it would enable the parties to encourage non-governmental organizations that are operating in the areas to improve the livelihood of pastoralists and cooperate in preventing communicable diseases.


After signing the agreement, Jijjiga Zone Administrator, Yusuf Tahir Ismael said this is the third time that the border affairs committee is meeting, further stating that important works have been carried out earlier to change the livelihood of pastoralists in the areas.


The agreement would further bolster the existing relationship and materialize the willingness to work in cooperation, the administrator added.


Administrator of Argesa Zone of Somali Land, Ali Hassen, on his part pledged to exert efforts for the realization of the accord as it is crucial in fighting anti- peace forces and poverty.


He further expressed the interest on his side to conclude similar agreements with Land Togder, Awdel, Degehabur and Shinile zones in the future.


The administrator also suggested that representatives of federal governments attend the border committee meetings that are held in three months.

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