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ONLF: South Somalia is in clan wars, Nothing to do with religion, Don't include us

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After so much discussion, survey of the O provinces population in Somali State Ethiopia, split in the leadership and afraid that the people of the provinces will punish it if ONLF allied with Mugadishu in somalia clan wars to fight against immediate neighbors of the O; ONLF came out with the following statement:



ONLF Statement On Events Unfolding In Somalia



Nov 28, 2006


There has been much written about the events unfolding in Somalia with frequent mention of the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and speculations on our position with regards to the events unfolding in Somalia. Hence, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify to the international community and members of the media our principled position on the Somali civil war and Ethiopia’s involvement in that country’s internal affairs.


First, the ONLF categorically denies assertions by the TPLF led regime in Ethiopia and members of the media that ONLF military personnel are in Somalia. As a matter of principle the ONLF has never been and does not intend to be a party to the conflict in Somalia. We wish to affirm that the scope of our military operations is and will continue to be limited to ****** and Ethiopia. We further wish to make clear that the ****** cause in not a territorial dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia but rather a legitimate

struggle for the self-determination of the Somali people of ******


Secondly, the ONLF strongly cautions the international community against permitting an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia as that would have dire consequences for the entire region. An Ethiopian invasion of Somalia will trigger a catastrophic regional war with massive loss of life and continued instability in the Horn of Africa for years to come.


Thirdly, the ONLF wishes to affirm that we will not allow our territory to be used as a launching pad for an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia without stiff resistance from our armed forces.


Fourthly, the ONLF bears witness to the fact that the TPLF led regime is in continuous breach of the arms embargo placed on Somalia and has been since the inception of the embargo. The current Ethiopian regime has clearly been the primary obstacle to the peaceful settlement of the Somali conflict for over a decade by actively interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia by arming various factions, training their militias and undermining through diplomatic maneuvers nearly all attempts at a peaceful settlement between conflicting parties.


In This time of increasing tensions in the Horn of Africa, the ONLF wishes to confirm that the people of ****** stand in strong solidarity with the people of Somalia to reclaim their sovereignty and achieve a lasting peace free of foreign influence and manipulation.


Despite the Ethiopian regimes policy of deliberately undermining peace in Somalia, the ONLF urges all parties in Somalia to solve their differences through dialogue and recognize that they are at the threshold of a crucial decision that will usher in a period of sovereignty or foreign domination for Somalia depending on the choices they make.


The ONLF will continue to support and encourage every legitimate effort to provide all necessary assistance to the Somali people so that they can fully grasp their political future into their own hands and move toward a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future built by Somalis and for Somalis.



****** National Liberation Front (ONLF)



This statement is a clear indication yet that:


The SSICU is not about religion;

The SSICU is not about somalia unity


Its clan war pure and simple and ONLF is staying out of it. ONLF asks the rest of Somali state ethiopia to do the same.


A warning also to the Mugadishu supreme leader to realize that he has no business talking about the O provinces of somali state ethiopia.

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Thirdly, the ONLF wishes to affirm that we will not allow our territory to be used as a launching pad for an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia without stiff resistance from our armed forces.

^^^what does that mean?

That they will shower Ethio troops with sweets on their way to Somalia?


Listen Editing text to suite your whims is quit obnoxious.

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General are they paying you over time already? and what do you think about the new Xabashi cats helping you out? are they any good? do you know any good temping agencies? I need to hire few of them too.

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There is nothing more that angers the ethiopian moslem, than being considered less, because he doesn't have american petro-dollar or because he never made dirty deals with Israel like the egyptians do at the expense of palestinian suffering by those who accepted Islam under the sword.


There is nothing more that angers an ethiopian christian than being considered less, because he is not white, or he did not hate and persecute other faiths, by those christians who accepted christianity under the sword of the roman church crusades.


Keep these two in mind. They are very important in the moral and cultural strength of people. One need not get paid for stating their views and sometimes inner feelings about a situation.

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ME. I remmebr your prediction that the Clan Courts have won, I warned you then not to be misled, I warn you now this is not as it seems. The TFG is covering all its bases before it moves for the kill.

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Dream on General my money and my gun are with the wadaads. The choice was easy, I rather wear a surwaal gaaban then live in a clannish dictatorship. A Xabash wont tell me how to live in Somalia and if A/Y wins it would mean we would be a Xabash Satalite state and they would rule us by proxy. I rather die then let that happen.

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^^^Ok then by all means do as you please. Though I do like the loss of rational from your former position. There are no wadaads just a bunch of clan courts led by thug IndaCade and spokeperson Sharif.

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I am not fighting for Indhacade or any of those thugs but for my country and for the freedom of my children. If A/Y came up with real plans and became a real Somali leader instead of a Xabash stooge then I might have been convinced of his good intentions, but A/Y's has so far shown us spinelessness and corruption. We have seen his shady dealings now imagine if he was in real power and had total control.


For the most Somali's today this is above clan or any other narrow interest, its for the Resurrection of Somaliweyn. The wadaads have won, whether you realize it or not, they have woken the Giant, Somalia is awake and there is no one that will make it go back to sleep again and we thank the wadaads for their efforts, even though the wadaads tell us that Nationalism is a bad thing, nationalism is the only thing keeping them going now. The wadaads are the voice of the silenced majority and now that silenced majority is choosing its own destiny. We choose to be free from clannism and division and we choose for unity and prosperity, whats A/Y's answer? Send xabash soldiers?


A/Y should step down and save himself the disgrace, he should step down if he doesn't want to be remembered as the man that brought the Ámxaaro to Somalia. He should save us all the bloodshed.


Whatever happens this is the moment of truth for the Horn of Africa, Whoever wins will dismantle the other one. If we win the Prison of Nations called Ethiopia will be demolished and all the slave nations will be sett free. If Ethiopia wins then there will be one more slave nation added to that prison.



Its simple we liberate, they occupy.

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Wow what a misleading title by the threadstarter. Way to edit it to suit your opinion on this issue. We understand you are an Ethiopian Somali but the fact that you have to preface your posts with that info shows that your arguments lack substance. Taking your word as that of all Ethiopian Somalis would be foolish and irrational. The article to the contrary shows that the ONLF opposes the Ethiopian invasion and will engage in armed struggle in ******.

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Before you condemn me, for bringing the ONLF statement, which is a back breaking news to the fakery in Mugadishu, please understand that ONLF is doing its best not to lose the little support it has in the O provinces of Soamli state, ethiopia.

Here is why:


Jijjiga, November 26, 2006 (WIC) – The inhabitants of Somali State firmly stand by the government as the jihad declared against Ethiopia by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) mainly targets the people of the state, Muslim clerics of the state underscored.


Imams,representatives of sharia courts,Islamic affairs offices and mosques as well as elders drawn from the state said the war declared by the UIC against the country would above all victimize the people of Somali State.


Somali State Sharia Courts President, Sherif Mohammed Sherif Abdi-Seid,said the war declared by Hassen Tahir Aweys and his cliques,former communists who fought hard to destroy Islam,is aimed at impeding the development of the inhabitants of the Somali State and undermine their peace.


The declaration of the extremists to seize Somali State and reign on the people of the State whose constitutional rights have been respected is shameful,the President said, further calling on the brotherly people of Somalia to rise up against these forces.


Islamic Affairs Office Head,Sheik Omar Farah Mohammed,said on his part that declaring jihad against Ethiopia,the country that welcomed Islam first and foremost,is illegal and unacceptable by the religion.


Sheirf Abdulahi Sherif Aden Nur said though the extremist group led by Hassen Tahir Aweys failed to inflict serious damages during the past 15 years due to lack of capacity,it has been attacking Ethiopia and the people of Somali State in particular by blowing up hotels,recreation centers and killing civilians.


He also stressed that the group which has declared war against Ethiopia taking advantage of the support of some countries should be contained once and for all before it causes serious damage.


He further urged the state government and the muslim community in the state to stand by the government and repulse the invasion to preserve their unity and dignity.



That is the main reason, plus the split in the leadership, why ONLF is scrumbling to get out of what ever it might have had in Mugadishu.

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Originally posted by me:

A Xabash wont tell me how to live in Somalia


I can tell you that Ethiopia has no intention of anything beyond its borders. Somali is not the only country that borders ethiopia. Sudan has as long a border with ethiopia as Somalia does. Ever heard anything with the new ethiopia? How about kenya, Djibuti, even eritrea (who started the war but ethiopia stopped ones it got them out of its territory).

Why don't you do a little bit of inquiry, before you demonize the Xabash, who doesn't deserve it.

There are thousands of Somali who are not from Somali state ethiopia, Somaliland or Puntland in Addis Ababa. Why don't you find out how they live their lives in Addis Ababa. Until recently there was no government to represent them or assist them with basic travel needs. Ask them if they are forced to live like the Xabash "monster", dress like the Xabash "monster"...etc.

If you want to go further ask the palestinians of their 1967 experience. When every arab and so called moslem country was avoiding them like a plague afraid that it will bring them Israeli followups, it was ethiopia that received 5,000 of them. The man who mentioned this when PLO was opening office in Addis Ababa was non other than Mr. Abbas himself.

Xabash only sin is he is poor. If you want to blame him why he is not rich like the Saudis or Gulf mandarins, thats another story.


Above all else, god help ethiopia thats working hard to feed its people and get out of the bottom of the world and provide peace for its citizens.


I think you have the old ethiopia in mind just like the mugadishu fakery of somalia nationalism or religion. Both ethiopia and somalia have changed dramatically.

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