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North Mogadishu Clan rebuke thug IndaCade's comments on TFG leaders...

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Waxgaradka Beesha Mudulood ee ku sugan Dibadda ayaa si weyn u cambaareeyay hadal ka soo yeeray Yuusuf Indha Cadde, kaasoo ay ku tilmaameen mid af lagaado ah oo ka turjumaya qabiil siyaasadeed.


Waxgaradka ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka xun yihiin hadalka ka soo yeeray Mas'uul isku magacaaba inuu ka tirsan yahay Maxkamadaha taasoo ay ku micneeyeen inaysan haboonayn inuu sidaa u hadlo.


Hadalka uu jeediyay Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde ayaa ahaa eedeyn uu ujeediyay Madaxweynaha FKMG Cabdulaahi Yuusuf, Ra'iisul Wasaare Geeddi iyo Wasiir Kuxigeenka Gaashaandhiga Salaad Cali Jeelle, taasoo uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin askar Tigree ah.


"Cali Maxamed Geeddi, Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf waxay ka mid yihiin madaxda sare dowlada Federaalka, huwana xil soomaaliyeed, gefna uma geysan karo Yuusuf Indha Cadde oo aan garaneyno waxa uu yahay, ayey ku sheegeen xuubnahaas soo saaray qoraal cambaareyn ah oo ay uga soo horjeedaan hadalka uu sii daayay Yuusuf Indha Cadde.


Sidoo kale Waxgaradku waxa ay sheegeen in hadalka Indha Cadde uu yahay mid meel ka dhac ah, oo muwaadiniin soomaaliyeed ku tilmaamay jinsi kale oo uusan laheyn taasoo uu ugafay diinteena Islaamka isagoo waliba sheeganaya waxa ay ugu yeereen Midowga Maxkamadaha.

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The ICU could not have picked the wrong name from ethiopia. They have been misled and misinformed by Eritrea and ethiopians(who are menelik and mengistu nostalgic).


Isn't it the Tigray that ethiopian opposition accuse of being on Somali side. This is not just a gossip anymore. It was raised by the leader of an opposition party in the ethiopian parliament.

The opposition leader accused the prime minister and his Tigray organization of being on the Somali side.


I think the Shieks from Mugadishu are repeating the same accusation od Aydeed sr. when lost Baydhoa. He also had eritreans and OLF with him.


The Shieks would have been expected to say truth and face the fact that there are somalis who don't agree with them, rather than calling their fellow somali as foreigners.

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^^^Today they told the world there was heavy fighting 40km of BAIDOA and a second day of fighting around Diinsoor. The locals and TFG have denied any such action, thus proving another lie from the Clan Courts.

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Askar tigrey weyba yihin technically, the big boz is melezenawi. When melezenawi said hand over Baydhabo and Galkayo airport c/yusuf and Gedi said yes sir. When Melezenawi said empty your somali solders from daynuuney c/yusuf and Gedi said yes sir. When melezenawi said hand over puntland telcomunication c/yusuf said yes sir, but Cadde Musse didnt agree on that for once, we can go on and on. A/yusuf and Gedi are national traitors taking orders from Ethiopia.

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^^^Saxib, you are living in fantasy. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. No one controls Baidoa and Galkacyu except for Somali's. But like IndaCade now you have the power to give people their ethnic identity. A joke really.

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There was one person left in ICU that has not been in the mad of untruths. There was one erson which most somalis gave the benefit of doubt. There was one person the ICU brought out when they are in trouble or to show a good face (not physical).


That was Shiek Ahmed.


Now they have overused him and are using him in questionable and some outright untruths.


All one can say is the ICU has hit a wall and has landed in quick sand sinking.

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