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Did ICU do damage to the title Shiek?

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What parliament do you have in Ethio mostly handpicked and illitrate bufoons.


The other thing is you seem to be insecure why should i fight for Eritrea?

do you think am interested in the Hamaseen Vs tigray bullshit.

For me the problem is Meles.



whats WSLF?

you mean the organisation that was winded up by Bare.

the bottom line is still there need to be a regime change in Ethio.

Mengistu thought he will reign for ever

So diverting domestic affairs to Somalia will not save the crumbkling regime.


So what do you mean "prosomali"using them as cannon fodder.

Most Ethios hate Somalisknow more than ever as they were drafted into the military to breakdown insurgency in Addis and else where...

No wonder thats why other Etnic ethio soilders are doing in my part of land.

It divide and rule.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

Most Ethios hate Somalisknow more than ever as they were drafted into the military to breakdown insurgency in Addis and else where...

First of all thats a lie. The somali is actually seen as fair minded and one who speaks his mind. Somalis in the federal government are preferred to solve clan or tribal disagreements in other parts of the country, because the general impression is the Somali is a rebel, but one you can accept his proposals.


Isn't the federal system a Somali idea? (1984 its documented)

Isn't State regional Governments a Somali Idea, again documented.


If the Somali comes to Addis Ababa to keep law and order of Mengistu lovers in the Capital, the Somali is defending what he chose for a system.



You cannot have it both ways.


On the one hand you accuse the Somali in defending his country and system of federation of his choice, On the other hand you want to tell me the Somali is being pushed to something he didn't want.

There is nobody that can push around the somali, if the somali himself is not interested in the system.

The Somali was one of the most experienced and organized in 1991, after decades of rebellion against Addis Ababa. There was nobody in ethiopia then that can force the somali to anything.


Afar and Tigray were always on the Somali side and they both supported the federal and regional government system proposed by the Somali.



You may be one of the unhappy ones with it, but untruths doesn't help even the Shieks in Mugadishu.

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Isn't the federal system a Somali idea? (1984 its documented)

Isn't State regional Governments a Somali Idea, again documented

Listen all this is was hijacked and turned into a woyane federal system or regional state.


the other thing is i wish i believed your lies were true but it doesnt sink in.

We were the 1st in Ethio to complain about the injustice of the Meles Govt know it seems that the entire region has embraced this.

you guys imported all the brutality from our region and established it throughout the country.


Yahadig go and convince duke and likes about how beautiful the devil meles is.

But not those that have experienced his ruthlesness.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

quote: Isn't the federal system a Somali idea? (1984 its documented)

Isn't State regional Governments a Somali Idea, again documented

Listen all this is was hijacked and turned into a woyane federal system or regional state.

Why are you going in circles.

Do you agree that ONLF itself insisted the current constitution and federal system be accepted by the Mengistu boys that want to be allies with ONLF from Asmara, AFD?


ONLF knows the Somali likes the new system, afterall its his idea.


Who is hijacking the Somali? Afar or Tigray or both?LOL Please don't make the Somali like a goat herder and the Afar a computer wizard, just to make some untruth to stand.


It doesn't work. It did not work for ICU. Truth wins at the end. Lies wether done covered with religion or nationalism don't work. Truth works and is working.

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I say once again.

I wish i believed in your lies but it doesnt sink in well.


creating colonies then calling them ethnic federalism is a gross mistake.

Know ONLF is from Asmara????

Since when?

When you guys start believing that humans have equal rights thats when we will debate maturely.

As for know you only understand violence.

You guys used tio say their is no ONLF know you admit but how long does it take you to uproot the organisation.


dude we see no difference between Meles and Mengistu.

they are same shit using different strategy.

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What is your opinion on the topic of the thread?


Did ICU Shieks so many Fartaag moments damage the confidence village and town folks have on those whom they title Shiek?


Has your confidence on the title been shaken?

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Yahadig my opinion in the thread is this somalis are making the same mistake we made in the 90's by welcoming a monster they will pay a price for the occupation dearly.

I just pity them.


We welcomed TPLF thinking they were liberators no resistance was made.

Then the regime started showing its true colors and grassroot resistance merged that has fledged into a formidable resistance group.

I can predict how things will turn up in Somalia.


At least know the regime will focus on Somalia.

there will be and the cost sharing occupational forces.

Poor souls.

what a pity its sad that a regime hated & dispised in Addis is being welcomed in Mogadishu.

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