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Somaliland Oil minister returns from Petroleum convention in the USA

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Hargeisa(QARAN)- The Somaliland Minister of Water and Natural Resources, Mudane Qassim Sheikh Yusuf Ibrahim accompanied by a delegation from the ministry including the Director-General returned to Hargeisa after attending an international petroleum convention in the United States of America.


Speaking to the media upon his arrival at Egal International airport, Mudane Qassim Sheikh Yusuf gave a brief summary of the delegation's visit to the United States, the United Kingdom and Ethiopia.


The Minister stated that the visit enabled the Somaliland delegation to conduct a presentation to petroleum companies and investors at an international convention in San Antonio, Texas.


The Republic of Somaliland in partnership with TGS-Nopec of Norway recently completed an extensive inshore and offshore seismic surveys. The Somaliland government has announced its intent to conduct an open bid round later in the year after the data becomes available.


A press release on the visit is expected to be issued by the ministry in the coming days.

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