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Mogadishu 12, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Shacabka Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa bilaabay in ay isaga qaxaan guryahooda, iyadoo busteejooyinka baabuurta loo raaco gobolada lagu arkayay dad aad u fara badan oo ku sii jeeda gobolada dalka.


Goobaha laga raaco baabuurta aada gobolada ayaa si weyn u mashquulsaneyd maanta, iyadoo halkaasi ay joogeen dad u badan haween iyo caruur isku diyaarinaya in ay ka baxaan magaalada Muqdisho, oo ay ka bilaabatay madaafiic aan loo meel dayeyn oo ku dhaceysa dadka rayidka ah.


Mid ka mid ah dadkii ka qaxayay magaalada Muqdisho oo Shabelle ay kula kulantay busteejada baabuurta ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dhibaatadan isdaba jooga ah darteed uu uga baxayo magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo sheegay in uu ku sii jeedo magaalada Afgooye.


Sidoo kale Boqolaal qof oo isugu jira caruur iyo haween ayaa isaga baxay magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo beegsanaya magaalooyin ku yaala Puntland, Somaliland iyo dalalka dariska ah.


Dadkaan ayaa maanta soo buuxiyay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoona halkaasi ka raacay diyaarad.


Dadkaan ayaa qaarkood waxa ay ka yimaadeen dalalka Yurub iyo mareykanka, iyagoona sheegay in Muqdisho iminka aanu aheyn meel la joogi karo.

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I don't think you care about them. You support wholeheartedly their misery just like all criminals who support the TFG in here and elsewhere.

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We are not the same, Only criminals we have today are people who support the TFG. There is no "We" but them against "Somalis" whose lives are being shredded to pieces as we speak.

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"Somalis" whose lives are being shredded to pieces as we speak.


True, but that has all always been the case. And it was us that were doing the bidding for others either directly or indirectly.

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It is worse this time saxib. You can't go to Xabashi General and tell to respect the clan tradition and accept cessation of violence, you can't remind them of your ties of blood and culture to them to dissuade him from massacring innocents. With somalis, you could negotiate, there are blood ties, religion and other norms locals could use to put an end to violence. These guys will accept nothing short of somalis accepting their occupation, since that is impossible in Muqdisho, the result is violence against residents.

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It happened before and it continue happening. In 1988 peopple fled from Hargeysa in masses. Running away from air raids conducted by non other than the government meant to protect them. In 1990 Somalis of certain clan were fleeing mogadishu in big numbers running away from their somali brethrens. Today the same thing is happening only that this time the once fled group are back with a name of ligitimate government backed by foreign powers. What next? you never know may be this is a plan to have the city vacated and an influx of new residents will follow.Soon in mogadishu you will hear of xaafadda new garowe, new mekele etc.

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^ People flee from the violence and A/Y is happy with current events, doesn't care what happens to the town and its people for sure, but what is impossible is reer garoowe or bosaso to come to Muqdisho in droves and settle there. Ma waalan yihiin markay sidaas yeelayaan saxib? This violence is temporary and will last as long as A/Y Amxaar sticks around. He is a man of violence and misery has followed wherever he went. Meeluu tagay oo dagaal laga waayay ma jirto. We already saw how clans are on each other's throats in the south. Koonfurtii waa laga wada qeylinaayaa all the way to Kismayo. Odagaan waa irresponsible. His profund bankrupcy reared already its ugly head and there is more to come.

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Xoogsade.....I understand the Amxaar didn't care for the Somali way of doing things, but is the Somali. Otherwise, this conflict wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.


And the truth of the matter is, even with Yeey's departure from Xamar, I doubt anything would change. Someone else will rise in his position blindly supported his Qabiil. As long as we don't understand the concept of "live and let live", Somalis will not never see peace.

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Xoogsade si fiican buu u qiiraysan yahay laakiin can't change a penny on da ground ,,,, easy sxb somalis are killing somalis ,,,,,,, it happened and can happen again ,,,, poor and helpless ppl are suffering ,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:




Anigu dee ilayn inuu ooyo maan rabine waxaan is lahaa warka uun ha ogaadee ,,,,, sowkan inagu cabaaday

It is normal saxib for other somalis to question the sincerity of TFG supporters. Qof qalbi wanaagsan oo hadal fiican ama rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay A/Y and the Organization of corrupt men he leads ma arkin.


You were using these troubled people's saga as a propaganda of your own. A practice common among TFG supporters.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Xoogsade.....I understand the Amxaar didn't care for the Somali way of doing things, but is the Somali. Otherwise, this conflict wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.


And the truth of the matter is, even with Yeey's departure from Xamar, I doubt anything would change. Someone else will rise in his position blindly supported his Qabiil. As long as we don't understand the concept of "live and let live", Somalis will not never see peace.

Ok, nothing will change in Xamar! And nothing has changed during the reign of ICU!


And of course that has to say alot about your unchanged minds, despite the opposite, which is Xamar!


But who knows, eventually the matter will decide!

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Xoogsade.....I understand the Amxaar didn't care for the Somali way of doing things, but is the Somali. Otherwise, this conflict wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.


And the truth of the matter is, even with Yeey's departure from Xamar, I doubt anything would change. Someone else will rise in his position blindly supported his Qabiil. As long as we don't understand the concept of "live and let live", Somalis will not never see peace.

I'm glad you have a point here ,,,,,, even if Yey departs who da hell do u think will replace him ??? ,,, another Yey with his qabiil ,,,,


We will never rest inta aynu inagu isku soo taaganahay ,,,,,,,,

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