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Are VOA's Somali programs biased against Puntland

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I was truly surprised at how biased the recent VOA program was by pairing the issues of Sool and Buuhoodle with much of Sanaag. It seems that the VOA program producers and their coordinators are stoking hostility between communities, because knowing the Sool debacle and how it impressed on the agenda of "Somaliland's" resolve to diversify its bargaining options, the VOA alienated a very crucial stakeholder from the regions of Sanag, Haylan, and western Bari in its program and thus the panel was exclusive, their proclamations either uninformed or ignorant, distortive, and utterly biased. Despite a remark made by one of the panelists that a major stakeholder (Ilka-jiir's political base) was not represented in the program discussion, the main clan of Sanaag and western Bari regions was intentionally ignored and their relative position and interests overlooked.


The issue here is how to identify the culprits of Sool debacle without directly implicating the main inhabitants of Sanaag region or playing a deceptive and sleazy game of politics, which can eclipse or dominate others' natural rights to moral and legal ownership of their own territory based on historical(real or myth) and archeological evidence. This is to avoid the ugly reality for a tit for tat accusations between two brotherly communities such as Makhiris are inevitably postured towards "Somaliland"

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