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Nur Adde appoints six new ministers

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Sun, 03 Aug 2008 21:41:22

Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde) has appointed six new ministers to fill some of the vacant seats in his cabinet.


The appointment of the new ministers came on Sunday, a day after ten cabinet ministers stepped down from their posts amid a political row between the Premier and President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.


The PM and President are at odds over Yusuf Ahmed's support for Mogadishu Mayor Mohamed Dheere who has been sacked by Nur Adde.


Nur Adde had earlier said that while he was ready to resign to restore peace to the country, he would not be forced out of the office by mass resignation of his ministers.


The Prime Minister, who accuses the Mayor of orchestrating killing of civilians in Mogadishu, hinted that ministers from the President's clan were undermining his government over his differences with Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.

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Ra'iisul Wasaare Nuur cadde oo magacaabay Wasiiro Cusub oo badalaya kuwii shalay xilka iska Casilay qaarkood.


Shebelle: MUQDISHO

Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu magacaabay qaar ka mid ah Wasiiradii shalay iska casilay xilalkii ay u haayeen dowlada KMG.

Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG ayaa waxa uu magacaabay ilaa 5 Wasiir iyo hal Wasiiro ku xigeen.,waxaana xubnihii shalay is casilay ay gaarayeen ilaa 11 Wasiir iyo hal ku xigeen.


Xubnaha Cusub uu Ra’iisul wasaarahu magacaabay waxaa ka mid ah.

1-Xildhibaan Xuseen Maxamed Muuse Baanjuun Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo kaluumeysiga iyo bii’ada.

2-Xildhibaan Cabdalla Xaaji Cali Wasiirka Wasaarada Caafimaadka.

3-Xildhibaan Fahma Axmed Muumin Wasiirka Wasaarada hormarinta haweenka, arimaha qoyska horayna u aheyd Wasiiro ku xigeenka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaraanka.

4-Xildhibaan Cabdalla boys Axmed Wasiirka wax barashada iyo hidaha.

5-Mudane Cabdi Casiis Xasan Maxamed Wasiirka Wasaarada shaqada iyo arimaha bulshada.

6-Xildhibaan Ismaaciil Xasan Maxamuud wasiiru ku xigeenka Wasaarada dib u heshiisiinta , hormarinta gobolada, dastuurka iyo arimaha federaalka.


Inkastoo Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG uu magacaabay qaar ka mid ah Wasiirada ayaa waxa uu sheegay in xubnaha kale ee shalay iscasilay looga baahanyahay in ay istiqaalada ay u soo gudbiyaan Xasfiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG si loo booxiyo boosaska ay baneeyeen.






Xubnahaan uu galabta magacaabay Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmaysaa xil shalay 11 wasiir iyo hal wasiir ku xigeen ay iska Casileen xilalkii ay ka haayeen dowlada KMG,waxaana arinkaan ay ku soo beegmeysaa xil khilaaf xoogan uu u dhaxeeyo Mas’uuliyiinta dowlada KMG,waxaana Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG laga dhowrayaa in uu soo dhameystiro xubnaha ka dhiman xukumadiisa.

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Wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha leen maqlaayay bisinka e, dadkii aay xanaaneyn wayeene xoolaha intey joogaan.


Balaayo xabaal daran idinku rid. :mad:

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Though Nur Ade is very honest guy who want to bring some sort of peace to this troubled land, it seems he is in his last legs in this Administration. Whatever he appoint will not go well AY and TFG parliament for their blessing,so it is a waste of time to appoint new position in a hurry. I wonder if the two eldest person in somali leaders can't agree and sit down to sort out their difference in a civil way, Somalia and its people are doomed again and international communities will not spent more time to reconsile these leaders again.

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Originally posted by Xidigo*:

Wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha leen maqlaayay bisinka e, dadkii aay xanaaneyn wayeene xoolaha intey joogaan.

looooooooooooooooool ,, :D

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